04| battle training

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(ifk my timelines are messed up but bear with it for ✨plot purposes✨)

"all might?" she muttered questioningly, having heard the name a few times now. she was playing with her hands, seeing as she wasn't really interested in what her peers were talking about.

they were currently in the classroom waiting for their next teacher, to which she could only guess was this 'all might' person as her classmates wouldn't shut up about him.

you'd think she'd already know who he his, given he was all over the news and his merch was literally everywhere, plus the 'number 1' title would sure give him some recognition from the girl but somehow she only disregarded it, i mean she grew up having celebrities being her favorite authors and the characters they write, which weren't that many since their library was mostly composed of textbooks and such.

she glanced to her left, feeling someone tap her shoulder to which she was met with heterochromatic eyes piercing through her own. her seatmate, todoroki, had never really initiated conversation between them ever since she arrived at that school, so this was a first.

"where are you from" he immediately asked, getting straight to the point. luckily, everyone was too busy talking about the number 1 to notice them talking to each other.

"well, my hometown is a few train rides from here, but im currently staying with my guardian since its more convenient, why do you ask?" she gave him a blank smile as she responded, lying right through her teeth. i mean, it was only half a lie given that the later statement was kinda true.

she looked into his eyes hoping to find a clue, still unsure whether he was asking out of innocent curiosity or if he was catching on to her lie.

it was definitely the latter.

she thought back to the times she caught him stealing glances at her and how his attention went undivided whenever someone asked about her personal life.

okay when you say it like that it kinda makes him sound like a stalker— which he is not, by the way. just a classmate who was curious.

but like the saying goes, "curiosity killed the cat". she'd have to be more guarded if she didn't want him to find out she came from a different universe. who knows what could happen if he did, it could spread quickly if he snitched, given he's the son of the number 2 and all.

"no reason. you seem to be a very private person, y/n-san. i'm quite intrigued."

"oho ho, interested in the new girl i see, todoroki-kun" looks like they weren't as distracted as she thought they were

"not in the way you think, denki-kun" she sighed as she muttered to herself, which didn't went unheard by a half 'n half, as denki kept poking fun at said male

"at least he didn't get rejected yet. unlike you" 

the h/c-ette smiled as jirou approached them, bluntly making a jab at kaminari's ego in the process while the latter sulked. he had asked the girl a concerning amount of times to be his 'girlfriend', to which she came to decline time and time again.

not like that would stop him

"uahhh! i'm sure she'll say yes soon, you will, right y/n-chan?! you're just testing my love for you, aren't you?? well don't worry, our love will over come all obstacles that come our way! i'll wait for your answer, angel"

jirou only snickered at the blond's cheesy way of trying to 'woo' y/n, said girl only getting concerned not really knowing what to say. she didn't know if he was kidding or not, i mean he seems like the type to flirt with anything that breathes, but this was a bit much

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