05| orphanage

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she gave yaomomo an apologetic smile as she used her 'quirk', trying to sense if jirou and kaminari were close. she pushed her hair back, showcasing her neck which yaomomo noticed had symbols written on it.

she decided to ask about it later, as they prepared for any incoming attacks. then, momo came up with the idea to barricade the room, so she quickly let mineta back in, to which the boy was still slightly trembling from the humming from earlier.

in the monitoring room, iida was praising y/n for perfectly acting out her role as the villain by scaring mineta like how they did in movies where the boss orders his minions around.

"y/n-san truly is amazing! that was such believable acting!" he exclaimed as he did his iconic air chop. (heh iida go chopchop)

others sweatdrop as he continued praising her, clearly having a bias towards her while mina and kirishima did the same, over-exaggerating what the girl does. some classmates agreed, while the other's just deadpan watching iida proudly make an entire monologue about the girl he's barely even spoken with.

of course, despite barely having a conversation with her, he already saw her as a role model, which earned his respect. maybe sticking around midoriya made him a bit of a fanboy too, but that didn't really matter.

it felt nice having someone close to your age to look up to, it gave him motivation to work harder. 

they chuckled as they watch kaminari fry his brains out (that sounds so wrong lmao) as y/n easily uses the capture tape on him.

after that, she immediately jumped on jirou who was running towards the weapon where momo stood guard. jirou, not expecting the sudden attack, didn't have enough reaction time as the h/c-ette captured her with the tape.


she smiled at the girl with earphone jacks before helping her up and removing the tape, doing the same for the guy with fried brains (it feels so weird writing that)

she gave mineta a side eye to which he shivered at before walking over to yaoyorozu, wanting to continue their discussion about tea from the other day.

they returned to the viewing room with the flowery aura surrounding them like it had back then, it was adorable yet scary at the same time seeing as they watch the girl take two of the 'heroes' from the opposing team down only a few minutes ago.

"you we're so cool, y/n-san!"

"yeah! you and yaoyorozu made a great team!"

"mineta looks traumatized lol"

ah, here we go again with the pretty privilege. they barely even did anything, kaminari was just dumb to pull a big move early on.

it seemed like momo was thinking the same thing as she too had a dissatisfied look on her face. to rid of the bad mood, y/n opened up the tea conversation again, continuing from where they left off before they've entered the viewing room.

"by the way, y/n-san, what do the numbers on your neck mean?" the ravenette asked, unknowingly giving the girl traumatizing flashbacks, though it had failed to show in her eyes, still having the small smile she wore.

their classmates seemed to have overheard, glancing at her neck only now noticing the digits tattooed on.

"hmm.. its something we did in my family. i'm not really sure why, all i know is that it had become tradition"

another half lie.

the bi-colored teen pondered about the newly acquired information, it was first he's heard of about that tradition. same with the ash blond, who still wasn't convinced with her reasoning about why she didn't attend the first few days of school.

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now