16| dumbass

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"tell us about yourself!"

"y/n-chan, i really don't mind spending time with you

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"y/n-chan, i really don't mind spending time with you. infact, i enjoy it..." the dark haired girl started, "but did he really have to tag along?" she asked with a scowl, pointing at the blond male who was goofing around.

the h/c-ette only gave a sheepish smile, afraid that she might offend one or the other if she spoke.

she had initially invited jirou to go to the music store together, wanting to spend some time with one of her close friends before their internships, maybe even get a few cd recommendations from her since the purple-head seemed well versed in terms of this worlds music...

the only problem was denki decided to tag along.

now don't get me wrong, denki was a fun character to be around. yes, he was flirty, but he was better than the grape at least. his antics made the h/c-ette laugh, and occasionally, she even go far as to say she enjoyed the rare times when he gave sincere compliments instead of his slightly pathetic pick up lines.

the problem? jirou didn't think the same.

the purple-head genuinely just wanted to spend some alone time with her friend, take a break from heroics and just have fun in general. she liked y/n's presence and was hoping on getting to know her more..

though it looked like the short moment of peace she oh so wanted wasn't going to be granted just like that, seeing as they had to stop kaminari from flirting with literally every girl he sees. 

though surprisingly, he was being quite tame. he wasn't asking for anyone's phone numbers and giving trashy pick up lines type of tame. which was odd, but hey, they weren't complaining. 

his reason? simple, he may or may not have a crush on the h/c-ette.

yes, after giving it much thought and trying (and failing) to ignore the butterflies in his stomach for weeks, he finally admitted it to himself.

he had a serious crush on y/n.

though it really isn't saying much considering its denki, she'd already rejected him on multiple accounts- which is understandable given how everyone that knew him saw him as a playboy, but if he actually asked her out on a real date..

would she still reject him?

he brushed off the thought and laughed at the exasperated stare jirou was giving him, already used to the girl making jabs at him.

"oh c'mon jirou, i just wanted to spend some time with my classmates is all" he replied in a cheerful tone, putting himself in between the two girls and grabbing each of their hands, childishly swinging them as they walked.

but for now,

"but if i do this, we'll look more like a couple rather than classmates!" he cheered, a blush on his cheeks as he walked with a skip on his step.

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now