15| childish

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"how uncharacteristic of you"

"uah! y/n-chan got so many offers!"

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"uah! y/n-chan got so many offers!"

"she was great out there, she totally deserves it!"

"but aren't their rankings backwards?"

"the gap is huge!"

"i didn't get a lot of offers.."

chatter surrounded the classroom as the students compared their offers, some praising each other while others sulked for the gap between them and their top three.

todoroki shoto, third place and got 4,123 offers and blamed it on his father.

bakugou katsuki, 3,556 offers, got first place yet somehow got less offers than todoroki. currently yelling how pros are wimps for being too scared of a first year.

y/n, second place and 2,999 offers. highest ranking female among their grade, currently the only person able to make bakugou calm down and make it out alive somehow.

speaking of the h/c-ette, she was being uncharacteristically grouchy today. maybe it was because of the scruffy train ride, where it just so happens that people who 'admired' her performance from the festival were riding as well. you could imagine the unnecessary attention she received, both the good kind and the bad kind.

she wasn't sure why it bothered her so much, but she didn't wanna be logical at the moment so she just let her annoyance get to her for once. 

it showed in her face, where a sour expression resided and how she was slouched against the desk, seemingly becoming a ball of hate in the span of a few hours.

or maybe she just woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

nevertheless, this was one of the rare moments where she didn't act like the level-headed y/n you normally saw, no, it was almost childish of her to hold a grudge over something so minor.

though it rarely happened in this world, her being petty was something that always did amuse the trio whenever it happened in theirs. they'd all laugh it off of course, and it became sort of like an inside joke of theirs. good times, good times.

she raised her head and faced the front where aizawa stood, who was hushing the rowdy students, to which they all listened as he made announcements regarding what comes next.

"we have a special lesson planned for today" he started in his usual deadpan tone. his bandages were gone too, so you could clearly see the tired/dead expression on his face.

"you'll be choosing hero names today"

y/n wanted nothing more that to just walk out the room when her classmates began cheering and making remarks, adding on to her sour mood. it was one of those times where she resented their loud personalities.

everyone cheering whilst the more aggressive bunch (bakugou) yelled at them to shut up, which wasn't really helping but she appreciated he tried.

of course, they all shut up once aizawa's hair shot up and his piercing glare bored in their skulls, to which she silently thanked him for.

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now