08| after class

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"wait for me"

"you know you don't have to wait for me, kid" aizawa muttered through his bandages, knowing she could hear him regardless given her sharper hearing

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"you know you don't have to wait for me, kid" aizawa muttered through his bandages, knowing she could hear him regardless given her sharper hearing. they were in aizawa's hospital room, the sleepy man being there for a few hours before the girl came in, claiming she'd stay with him 'till he gets discharged.

"i know" she replied, attention going back to the book she was reading. 

"let the girl stay, 'zawa" nezu, who was also in the room said with a smile as he poured her a cup of tea. turns out, they had similar preference when it comes to beverage. the mouse-bear liking tea and the girl liking warm drinks in general, the latter bringing good memories to her.

when they were still residing in grace field, they had always had warm drinks during the winter while their mom dries them up, then afterwards she'd read them a story. that small tradition her 'mother' had started continued up until the winter before the escape.

she kept glanced at aizawa before continuing reading her book in the comfort of the chair she was sitting on whilst nezu did the same, of course, she knew she could always go back to aizawa's apartment, his absence wouldn't make that much of a difference given how he often worked late nights at the school which probably explains the eye bags- but still she wanted to stay with her guardian.

why? she didn't really know, just felt the need to.

maybe it was because of a certain ginger.

emma always made her stay with herself and the others in the small clinic they had in grace field whenever one of the four top scorers were injured.

she sighed, she had let her mind wander back to them again. she missed them terribly, and though she had not yet stopped on looking for ways to go back, she was slowly loosing hope. her pessimism starting to get to her.

suddenly, the room seemed a lot smaller. the walls felt like they were caving in on her, she took a few deep breaths as quietly and discreetly as she could, knowing aizawa could have been a sleep by now. but to her surprise, he suddenly spoke up,

"you'd make a good hero"

nezu listened amusedly with the smile still present on his face, he agreed to that. despite the cold outlook, they knew she had the potential. 

she scowled at that. her? a hero? not a chance. she disapproved so much she didn't even realize it had stopped her from possibly going into hyperventilation.

i mean, it wasn't like she'd stay here long enough for that to happen anyway, she needed to go back home. she didn't care if the demons killed her the moment she did, she just wanted to go back.

she knew how pathetic that sounded, yet it's what she genuinely felt about the whole thing.

"don't make that face, kid. i'm not saying i'm forcing you to stay, we're still looking for the person who's responsible for bringing you here. just letting you know you have the choice to stay, i trust your judgement" he said, somehow knowing about the look of distaste on her face. 

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now