09| strong bonds

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"y/n-san, lets go that shop next!"

thankfully, jirou managed to help the girl out of trying any more clothes for mina and toru

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thankfully, jirou managed to help the girl out of trying any more clothes for mina and toru. though momo wasn't sparred as the duo made her accompany them in their hunt for new clothing.

"hn. is there a particular shop you'd like to visit, jirou-san? asui-san and uraraka-chan?" the h/c-ette asked, silently hoping the three wouldn't make her go clothes shopping like the previous duo had.

"you can drop the honorifics with me, y/n-san. i think we're close enough for that." jirou said as she nudged the girl, a faint smile on her lips.

"i told you to call me tsu, kero" tsu added, making the girl slightly flustered at her mistake. she had mistaken tsu's bluntness for the frog-girl not really liking her, and to be frank the girl didn't really think about it too much, though it was nice knowing the froggy saw her as a friend.

"in that case, call me by first name too, y/n-chan!" ochaco said, a bit flustered afraid of what the h/c-ette would say.

it was silent for a minute, the h/c-haired girl not really knowing what to go about the situation. finally, she exhaled softly as a smile made its way to her face. liking the odd, foreign feeling in her stomach from making new friends.

"then you can drop the honorifics with me too. its only fair, after all."

ochaco beamed at her, all her nervousness leaving her be as she cheered with sparkles surrounding her despite her already dropping formalities when mentioning the girl's name. the other two gave close-eyed smiles, quite pleased at getting just a bit closer to the h/c-ette.

they ended up going to a music store, it was connected to a cd shop, the reason being how more convenient it would be for people interested in both making and listening to music. one of those people being jirou.

ochaco looked around the cd's for a bit before settling on a patch from a band she liked while tsu kinda just followed them around, not really seeing anything she's interested in.

"do you play any intruments, y/n?" jirou asked looking at the guitars. the girl in question hummed as she recalled a few she used to play, feeling nostalgia hit her as she looked back at her once-perfect-life once more.

"i learned a song on the mandolin, and the same song on the guitar, though i'm quite interested in learning the piano too."

this piqued the purple haired girl's interest. 'mandolin?' she thought, not really knowing anyone who plays that particular instrument. she was delighted that the girl seemed to like music, though she'd kinda already expected it, given how the girl seemed to be more into indoor activities such as reading.

if only she knew.

"you should play for us some time, kero" tsu inquired, relatively eager on seeing the girl play.

𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢𝙨, 𝙗𝙣𝙝𝙖/𝙩𝙥𝙣Where stories live. Discover now