Chapter 57

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I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own two eyes. My body shook, I bawled on Romulus. I wanted my eyes to be lying, but they weren't.

"Bayne wouldn't do that. It has to be a mistake." Romulus defended as he let me cry on him.

"It's not a mistake. The spell is never wrong. It doesn't just make stuff up. We saw Bayne transform and kill her in cold blood." Tears streamed down Raven's face.

I couldn't bare to hear them anymore. My chest felt tight. I felt like my lungs were caving in like An unsteady rock formation. Without speaking, I got up and rushed out of the coven house. I could hear them calling my name and attempting them to stop me.

I pushed out the door and went into the woods. My heart felt like someone was squeezing the life out of it. My head had felt like a tornado. It spun and spun and it got stronger as it picked up debris. The debris being my awful thoughts.

Bayne killed her. Bayne killed her. I repeated it in my head until I believed it. Bayne killed her.

I couldn't figure out why. Maybe their relationship was nastier than any of us believed. Maybe she really did make him angry enough to want her dead. I couldn't believe how effortlessly he killed her. He had no remorse in his eyes when he sliced her face into pieces. He diced her up like a dead fish.

I fell to the ground and continued to sob. My eyes stung with tears. The tornado felt like it had turned into a hurricane.

My boyfriend was a cold blooded killer.

It was Bayne. I reminded myself. He was kind. He cared for me and the others in the pack. He put others first. He put Finn first. There had to be an explanation. There had to be something. I couldn't doubt him again. I needed to believe in him. He needed me to.

I wiped my tears and cleared my stuffy nose the best I could. I used all my mental strength to turn the tornado into a gust of wind. I began to head back down towards the lodge. I needed to find him and speak with him before night. He had to tell me the truth.

I walked down the muddy path, anxious and distressed. I had no idea what he would say. He denied it before and was upset I didn't trust him, how could I possibly bring it up now? I thought.

I heard a twig snap from behind me. Slowly, I turned my head back.

It was a wolf. Not just any wolf. It was Bayne. His dark fur and green eyes soaked up the day light. He snarled his teeth and growled at me. I slowly backed up.

"Bayne? What are you doing? It's me, Erin!" I extended my hand out in front of me.

I didn't hear the voice in my head that he usually talked to me through. Something felt blocked. There was a disconnect between me and Bayne. He continue to push out a low growl.

"Bayne, please. Whatever is happening to you, please. Let's try to work this out." My hand were shaking.

Without taking any regard of my words, he pounced at me. I tried to run, but he landed on top of me. We tumbled down the hill, scraping up my body on the way down. Sticks stabbed my legs as we tumbled down the muddy hill. He latched onto me with his claws. At the bottom of the hill, I got tossed off him and landed on my back. I heard something snap.

"Bayne! Please!" I pleaded with him.

My words didn't phase him. He crept closer to me, flashing his monstrous teeth.

"No! NO! PLEASE STOP! IT'S ME!" I yelled.

He attempted to latch onto my leg with his mouth. I kicked and rushed away from him as fast as I can. But he had caught me once more. He stood over the top of me. I was on my back on the soggy ground. It gave me flashbacks of Remus, when he had first turned me. Bayne had gone dark like him, there was no going back.

I closed my eyes and waited for the love of my life to rip my head off. I felt his claw dig into my chest as he worked his way to my face. He growled in it, spit fell out of his mouth onto my face. I knew what was about to happen. He was going to kill me.

A massive blur pounced onto Bayne from the side and pinned him down. Bayne flipped over and bit it's neck. I pushed myself up to see the other wolf. It was my father in wolf form. They scuffled, exchanging  deep cuts and harsh bites.

"Erin!" Hunter, one of the other pack members called. They were in human form. Hunter, Dakota, Sirius, and a few others came running out by me.

The tall blur was Ulrich. My father managed to pin Bayne down hard, pounding his head into the ground. There was another snap. Bayne fell unconscious.

Romulus, Raven, and Nadine rushed from over the hill. Romulus came over to me immediately and examined my wounds.

"What happened?" He reached for my bloody arm. I didn't feel the blood. My entire body felt numb, like a static radio station. My brain became an ice storm. Not even their familiar voices seemed to break through my frozen panic.

"Bayne. He tried to kill me. He killed Adolpha too." I forced out the words. My throat closed, as if it were a sin to say the truth out loud.

They gasped. Everyone began to talk. My dad remained in wolf form, studying Bayne's body. He was frozen too. Waiting for his guardian to move.

"Alright, everyone. This is what we're going to do. Boys, haul Bayne into the cage, keep him locked up. I want someone watching him. Sirius, go get Helio and tell him what has happened. Romulus, tend to Erin and Ulrich's injuries, Bayne isn't the gentle type." Dakota instructed everyone on what to do.

I watched four men carry away Bayne's droopy wolf body. They grunted and tossed him to the cage as if his hefty animal body was a frail rag doll.

Romulus grabbed my hand and helped me up. My body was wobbly and unsteady. I collapsed onto him. He caught me with his strong arms.

I couldn't wrap my head around what hat happened. Bayne, my one love. My soul mate. He tried to kill me, just like he did Adolpha. I wanted to believe he was better. I wanted to believe there was an explanation. But there wasn't. Bayne was a monster. A monster that was to be executed.

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