A Mighty Return

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It's a bright day on the Denmark Strait, no storms brewing, the waves rocking softly in the ocean. Overall, it was perfect for a nap.

A loooong nap.

In a small section of the Strait, there was a person resting on the water, she was unconscious, but looked peaceful.

Under the effects of the sun, she started to stir.

?: Mmh...uuhhhh...

She opened her eyes, immediately covering them from the harsh light of the sky. She sat up and slowly opened her eyes this time, met with a calm and sunny ocean, a far cry to what she last saw.

?: What...uhh, god

She rubbed her forehead, a headache set in. Soon she stood on the surface, basking in the light.

?: Why am I out here? I can't have fallen asleep out here of all places

Just then, the headache set in once again, but this time, it came with something else, a memory...

Just then, the headache set in once again, but this time, it came with something else, a memory

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?: Oh...right....I sunk here

She looked down and noticed that there was no hole in her body from the impaling, she sighed in relief, then remembered something else.

?: If I'm alive...what's the date?!

She tried to check her ships clock, fortunately, it survived her sinking. Actually, her entire ship was repaired, except for the guns, she was a glorified civilian vessel at this point.

?: At least I'm sea worthy, now the time

She closed her eyes to interact with her systems, soon she felt the ticking of the clock, which gave her the current date.


?: Dear god...

She opened her eyes, she wasn't prepared for what she found out.

?: It's the 24th of May, the same day I sunk...but...

...it's 2001!

She couldn't believe it! It's been 60 years since she sunk, and only now does she come back?

?: I need to get back to the base! I...wait...I can't do that, I sunk

She stood there pondering what to do, eventually, she sucked it up and pondered her choices.

?: I can't go back to the Royal Navy, as they would think it's a trick or I'm some sort of ghost. The other nations most likely won't take to kindly to a warship suddenly appearing at their docks either...

She looked in a direction.

?: That leaves the last option, Denmark

She summoned her riggings, allowing her to move on the water instead of just standing there like a moppet. The hull itself was held in good condition, especially after so many years under the water.

However, on the side of the hull, the name of the girl was plastered there, a reminder of who she was to anybody looking close enough.

HMS Hood
Soon, Hood arrived at a forested section of the shore, as far as she could tell, no one was around to spot her.

Hood: Alright then, I have to hide this then

She called back her ship, simply bringing the cubes into herself instead of changing it into her riggings. After making sure everything was in order, she walked off into the forest, hoping she will come across a road at some point.

Thankfully, she did

Hood: Okay, left or right?


Hood: Decisions...decisions...


Hood: Right it is!

Hood was traveling for hours, thanks to the wisdom cube, her feet weren't killing her. Another bonus was that she was on the track to a town after seeing the sign


Hood: Im just gonna chalk it up as wisdom cube translation or something, I just hope it works when speaking as well
Hood: Is that...

It was nearing night time, and Hood finally saw lights in the distance. She was finally happy to be getting out of the woods.

Hood: Alright, get everything in order first, then worry about the future...and my wardrobe certainly has to change as well

She looked over her clothes, the hem of her skirt was mildly dirty from the travel on the dusty road. Once she has a stable way to live, she'll worry about that more.

She looked to the cape draped over her shoulders, she took a moment of peace before discarding it.

Hood: I can't have that on, it's far too suspicious

Finally approaching the city, she found a sign roughly a kilometer from the city.

Hood: "Flensburg" So this is the city I'm in

She looked towards it and gazed at the beauty of it. The lights littering the city gave it a strange presence, something Hood wasn't use to in a city.

Hood: *sigh* It's a new Era, so I have to adapt

She took a deep breath in, before she continued walking, a smile on her face.

Hood: I'm happy for this second chance at life, so I won't waste it!

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