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The one eyed Battlecruiser was pacing the ship, ever so slowly calming herself down as she gets closer to the Royal Isles. Bismarck was outside on her own ship, and she knew that Hood wasn't in the best of moods with the situation at hand.

Bismarck: Meeting the Queen...God save you Hood

She looked over to the other two ships in the transport, which was Eugen and Nürnburg. Nürnburg was relaxing and seemed content to go to the Isles, where she apparently had some friends. Eugen...

Bismarck: What the hell are you doing Eugen?

Eugen: I'm readying my lines

She saw her reading from a script, which was full of cheesy pickup lines.

Bismarck: You're trying to woo someone?

Eugen: I am, and you're little fun night with Hood gave me the confidence to try myself

Bismarck battled down the blush and just looked at Eugen's paper.

Bismarck: You realize none of these will work right?

Eugen: It's worth a shot if I want to get her!

Bismarck: Her Hmm?


Eugen:*sigh* Fine, it's Wales

Bismarck:*smiles* I knew it, and I know she like you too

Eugen: That's exactly what George said, so I'm riding on that hope

They both heard a thud behind them, which meant someone got on the ship.

?: That hope will take you for quite the ride...then you'll be riding something else~

Eugen started turning red as the person wrapped their arm around her shoulder, revealing Hood with a sly smile.

Hood: Maybe I should buy you some wine to spice up the night?

Eugen: Hood...

Hood looked at Bismarck and winked. Which made Bismarck smile.

Bismarck: She's right Eugen, the first night needs to be proper, otherwise the rest of your
relationship might be ruined

Eugen sat upright immediately, which sent Hood into a giggling fit at how serious she became.

Eugen: YOU-

Bismarck: That wasn't teasing Eugen, the first night can sometimes make or break it for people...make sure you know what to do


Eugen nodded, already having a plan in mind on what she should do.

Hood: Alright, while you get your plan all cooked up and ready so you can pop her cherry, we got some of my people to meet

Bismarck: You're right, we should...did...did you say what I think you did?

Hood: Yep

She wrapped an arm around the pure red Eugen.

Hood: Looks like the teaser is the teased now. Just to make sure, her favorite flavor of candle is cinnamon

Eugen: W-what?

Hood: Come on, I'm telling you how to set the mood! Get some lights, a trail of rose petals, the candles, and of course present yourself as the grand prize!


Eugen: HUH?!

Hood: Well...we're here

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