First Leg in the Waves

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Hood: It's been a few days, and getting through some of these countries was a pain in the rear, but I made it! It feels great to be at the ocean again!

Hood was at the southern tip of Albania, practically on the border to Greece. What she was going to do next was both risky and dangerous, but with what could await her if she stayed...she'd prefer this.

After looking around to make sure no one was there, then she summoned her rigging and stepped onto the water.

Hood: Wo-woaaah...wo-AHHH!!

She fell backwards, getting her clothes slightly wet.

Hood: Ugh...have to break in rigging movement again before I set off, thankfully this shouldn't take long

She was right, it took only 15 minutes before she felt sea-worthy again, so with that, she took off.

Hood: Ok...first things first, I have to use a map and hope I head in the right direction. Radar can get me spotted easily, and my noise is sure to attract attention from Sonar, so best I could do is book it through the Canal and straight through the Indian Ocean

She thought about what was to come, and what stood between her as well.


Hood:*sigh* My life is just a whole barrel of bullshit...

She set sail towards the Suez Canal, readying her self for anything important.

Hood: The only thing I can hope for is safe travel, but I'm guessing my luck has run out, hasn't it Lady Luck?

Bismarck: They did WHAT?!

Eugen: Yes, they called for the Americans' help in this

Bismarck sighed for what felt like the seventeenth time in the last half an hour.

Bismarck: The problems just keep piling up don't they?...God I need a break

Eugen: Well it's midday, you've been hard at work on this for days and you deserve a break more than anyone right now

Eugen gently grabbed Bismarck's hand, raising her out of the seat.

Eugen:*smiles* Let's go grab a drink or two, sound good?

Bismarck looked over to her desk, looking over the clutter of devices and measuring tools that she tried to use to find anyway of cutting Hood off.

Bismarck:*tired smile* Ah what the hell? Let's go

The two of them made it to the bar, where they took an open booth and waited for someone to come over.

Eugen: So, hows the search going on your end?

Bismarck: So far? Not good at all. We expected her to stop in Warsaw for a bit and possibly make a trip to Russia since that's both close and out of our reach

Eugen: But she slipped away again didn't she?

Bismarck:*sigh* Unfortunately


Bismarck: So how is it for you?

Eugen: We scoured most of Berlin and found nothing, but U-73 was the closest to finding her apparently

Bismarck: How so?

Eugen: Hood's craftier than I gave her credit for. I expected her to try and run off as fast as possible, but she waited and changed her looks and threw us all off because of it

Bismarck: Changed her looks?

Eugen: Yep, she's got midnight black hair and wears a moderately large coat, and she wore glasses to cover her eyes

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