Ready to Sail

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The day had passed, Warspite was staying for a few days before heading back to the Navy, so she was given a room with Hood to sleep.

Just as now, both of them are sleeping, soon to wake as the sun peaks over the ocean. It slowly hovered over Hood's eyes as she stirred in her sleep.

Hood: mmmm...

She slowly opened her eyes as the sunlight cast through the room. She sat up and rubbed her eyes to clear her vision before stretching.

Hood: 'Nother day...another headache...

She sat on the edge of the bed, stretching one last time before standing up and going to the bathroom to freshen up.

This tags in her early day schedule.

In her office, Hood was looking through the many papers that she had to evaluate and if they were requests, approve or deny them.

Fortunately, the day was made better with the assistance of Warspite, otherwise Hood might have blew a magazine...again.

Hood: Morbid jokes to pass the time always works, just can't tell anyone or I'm fucked


Both Royals looked to the door and saw Köln peaking through the door.

Köln: Kommandantin? Are you feeling well?

Hood: Yes...what's with the question?

Köln: As you know, I'm the acting medical worker at the base-

Hood: No I didn't!

Köln: -and I know about how injured you're eye is. I wish to see it just in case I need to tend to it

Hood: Well, I don't see why you can't

Köln came in with a clipboard and a pencil, all to record her eye's condition. Hood stood and sat down on the couch near the center of the room, making sure Köln was comfortable as well.

Hood: Before I forget, Warspite

Warspite: Yes?

Hood: If you don't want to see what's left of my eye, turn away now

Despite knowing how graphic it could be, Warspite steeled herself and hardened her gaze.

Hood: So be it...Köln, here you go

She took a hold of her patch and lifted it. Warspite visibly recoiled and looked away for a second, while Köln briefly flinched before returning to normal.

She looked at the wound and checked the hole that dug into her head slightly, thankfully not deep enough to touch her brain.


Köln: It seems everything is alright. Thank you for cooperating with me Kommandantin

Hood: It's of no trouble, thank you for doing this Köln

She saluted and left the room, leaving Warspite and Hood alone again.

Hood: Well, are you regretting your choice?

Warspite: A...a little

Hood: Curiosity did kill the cat after al-


Köln: I nearly forgot! You're getting your ship repaired Kommandantin. You should be fully fitted with weapons and gear by today's end



Hood: WHAT?!

Hood:*weary* I can't believe I'm actually getting repaired...

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