A Game to Win

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The day had already began. The girls were moving around and preparing themselves for any sudden mission, as the Manjuus were working maintenance and manning the many stores.

Hood stood outside the office, leaning against the wall with a coffee in hand. She watched as the girls and birds passed by, saluting her too which she returned with a nod.

Hood: It's surprisingly calm here, the Royal base would always have us follow procedures to the dot...I like the freedom here

She sipped her coffee and continued her ship watching.

?: Guten morgen Kommandantin!

Hood looked to her right and found the owner of the voice.

Hood: Guten morgen, may I know your name miss?

?: Of course! My name is Z35, it's an honor to meet you Kommandantin

Hood: It's a pleasure

The young destroyer sat down on the wall next to Hood, both of them basking in the sunlight.

Z35: Kommandantin?

Hood: Yes?

Z35: Are you going to introduce yourself to the rest of the fleet?

Hood: Hm? What do you mean?

Z35: Every Kommandant that came here always put aside a few days to interact with us, mostly to meet new people and also have relaxing days

Hood: Hmm...I think I'll go ahead and socialize tonight if that's the case

Z35: Really?! Danke Kommandantin!

The young girl sprung to her feet

Z35: I'll get ready for that later today!

She ran off, leaving Hood alone again.

Hood:*sigh* The energy of youth, oh how I miss you

It was 4 pm, the sun was bright in the sky and the base was active with movement and excitement.

The reason?

Well, let's head inside the bar...




In the bar, a competition was set up to pass the time. It was a drinking competition that favored those with an iron gullet.

The two competitors had just finished their game, Scharnhorst had taken the victory while Nürnburg collapsed unconscious on the table.

Scharnhorst:*blushed* Alright then...who's next?

No one else wanted to step to the plate, especially because of the 7 shots taken by Scharnhorst will have to be reciprocated.

Scharnhorst: No one? No one at all?

?: I'll go

The crowd cleared and Scharnhorst's new opponent revealed themself.

Scharnhorst: K-Kommandantin?!

Hood stood at the door with a teasing smile on her face.

Hood: What? I'm finished with work now, so I decided to join this little game of yours

She walked over to the table, gently picking up Nürnburg.

Hood: Take her to her room will you?

Leipzig grabbed her sister from Hood, and walked out to take her to their room.

Hood: Now then...

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