'Graf'ted to Memory

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Infiltrator was on her knees, taking deep breaths after having the life near choked out of her. Purifier was next to her, lightly panting out of fear and from her accelerated pulse from the rush of the moment.


"I am not going to forgive you now dammit! You didn't even try to find her!"

Purifier shrunk down a bit as Infiltrator yelled at her, the Siren clearly livid after what happened. She picked herself from the ground and coughed a few times, righting herself as she left the room.

Purifier sulked, watching in silence as Infiltrator walked away and took to her room. The Siren sighed, opting to take the report and data of the mission to Observer before anything else.

That day was a Hellfest, but now that it was over, the real challenge could begin. What kind of challenge can surpass that physical confrontation with Bismarck though?


Only Infiltrator would know.

Back in her room, she was laying in her bed, looking up to the ceiling as her mind caught up to the events of the last few hours.

'I nearly died out there...all because of Bismarck going Yandere on me.'

She groaned and rubbed her eyes. "God, I fucked up big time with her..."

She decided to just sleep off the day's exhaustion, rather than think it over and cause herself even more stress than she was already under. It wasn't hard at all to fall out once you get so tired from running for your life after all.


She opened her eyes, feeling a bit off as she laid in bed. The ceiling looked a more rustic color scheme than before, a color that she knew far too well.

'Great, now I'm dreaming of my times as Kommandantin.'

She pulled the covers off of her, standing quickly as she looked around her dreamscape, seeing how each and every part of her dream seemed the exact same as back when she was actually there. The view outside looked the same too, and there was even bustling activity down in the base.

'Hmph, relive the glory days huh?'


'Actually...this room seems a bit different now that I realized.'

In the light from the window, she saw the dust on the floor, dresser, bed frame, and generally anything within. It was a thin layer, meaning it hasn't been long, but it was still there.

'Is this suppose to be a sort of dream of what could have been or something?'

Without thinking further, she went to the door and tried to leave, but found her hand going through the doorknob. Confused, she tried grasping it again, only to fail as her hand still went though the object.

'Fuck...do I float through it or something?'

She decided to test that theory, and put her hand through to the other side of the door, seeing her body slowly go through it and out to the hallway. 'I'm a ghost?! This is an incredible dream!'

Deciding to test her theory more, she tried to float by jumping into the air.



She got up from the ground, dusting her ghostly self off. Turns out she can't fly, but that's fine. She also realized something else, she was wearing her uniform, her actual one.

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