The Return to Ironblood

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Hood: did you two end up like this?

We stumble upon Hood and Bismarck, who are both already standing at the docks and ready to set sail, if it wasn't for their current predicament.


Wales: U-uhh...

Hood sighed and got to work untangling the two of them, who were caught in a fishing net trap.

Eugen: Who the hell even set this thing up?!

Hood: Not sure, but I'm gonna have a word with them

She finally cut the last wire free, letting the two fall to the floor in a pile of limbs.

Wales: Ow...

Eugen: of me!

She pushed Wales off of her and laid there recovering from being crushed.

Bismarck: So...should we leave and just hope Wales gets this settled?

Hood: No, I'm gonna find who did this

Wales: might not have to wait long...

Hood: And why's that?

Standing up while holding her back, Wales pointed towards the docks, where someone was running near full speed towards them.

Hood: Oh...quick, hide!

Hood and Bismarck hid behind some boxes, while Wales dragged Eugen behind the stairs of the dock.

Soon, the woman's footsteps could be heard as she ran towards the net, her cheers of triumph soon turned to despair as she saw the state of the net.

?: What?! How did they escape?!

Hood poked her head out, and nearly groaned at who she saw standing there.

Bismarck: Who is it?

Hood: A certain woman with Swordfish planes

Bismarck was confused for a second, but soon caught on as her expression grew darker.

Bismarck: Oh...her...

They both walked out and stood behind the woman, who was still fumbling about with the net.


Hood: Ahem!

She froze, knowing she was caught. The woman slowly turned around and nearly squeaked under the cold gaze of both Hood and Bismarck.

Hood: Ark...what's this net about?

Ark: I-it's nothing! Just a fishing net I had set up for use! Heheheh...

Hood: Really? Because it looked pretty much like a trap meant to catch someone

Ark: A coincidence!

Hood: And how it caught both Wales and Eugen in it's snare


Hood: Don't forget about the words you said when you saw the net's ruined condition



Hood:*sigh* Though I will admit, it was a well made trap. You have a knack for these kind of things

She put out her hand for Ark to grab onto, and the woman gladly took it to stand up with.

Ark:'re not mad?

Hood: Oh I'm furious. In fact, I want to throw you to the sharks I now have on my riggings and make sure they tear you apart slowly and painfully. Plucking you like a chicken piece by piece...

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