The Queen and the Ace

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The car ride was quiet as Hood was silently dreading the incoming meeting between her and her Queen. The guards betrayed no emotion at all, and Hood silently congratulated them for that as it must have been pretty tough to no show either admiration or disgust in her presence.

The ride took a little bit, but soon enough they pulled into a compound, where Hood presumed the Queen was waiting, which she found a bit odd.

Hood: I expected to be brought to the court or even go straight to the palace to meet her, but a military compound?

She was obviously confused about it, but she decided to pray for her luck to hold longer so she can survive whatever the Queen wishes to speak to her about.

Slowing to a stop, the car was opened by one of the posted soldiers and Hood was ushered out of the car, meeting yet another group of soldiers in formal dress.

Hood: Guess this is the welcome committee...let's get this done

She took a deep breath and followed after them, soon entering the building and making and going through the surprisingly empty halls that should have had more personnel.

Guard: Just in here Miss Hood

He opened a door that went into a more spacious and well kept room, but they didn't follow her in and instead closed the door behind her.

Hood: This room is definitely too good for an interrogation...what is going on?

The door behind her opened, and when she turned around she went stiff just as she was taught to do all those years ago.

Hood: G-good evening your Majesty...

In front of her was the ever so youthful Queen Elizabeth II, who was smiling at the (technically) older woman.

Elizabeth II: Good evening Hood, I'm sure life has been quite exciting for you these last few years?

She was making her way to the chair, while Hood still stood rigid and was sweating ever so lightly.

Hood: It has your Majesty, and I'm happy it has been smooth

The Queen sat down and picked up the cup of tea that was definitely not there a minute ago.

Elizabeth II: Please Hood, do sit down and tell me about your time hm?

Hood was still staring at the tea, which the Queen simply smiled at.

Elizabeth II: I've been practicing for a while now

Hood: On what?

Elizabeth II: Oh it's something you shouldn't worry about

Hood was still stuck there, but she shook her head and sat down across from the Queen and just went with it.

Elizabeth II: So then Hood, how have you been?

Hood: Well your Majes-

Elizabeth II: No need for that Hood, just speak to me like you would anyone else

Hood: B-but your Majesty, I can't do that

The Queen smiled and put down the cup.

Elizabeth II: You were there and helped raise me alongside the others, I'm fine with you speaking to me like an old friend


Hood just sighed and put down her own cup.

Hood: Then...what would you like to know you-...Elizabeth?

Elizabeth II: Well, the first thing is how you have been absent from the world for 60 years

Hood: know of that?

Elizabeth II: Of course, Commander AirSpark made sure to let us know about your situation

Hood slumped back and just laid against the couch, suddenly seeming to be much more her age than before.

Hood: It's so strange seeing everything I knew back then now either being completely different or just gone from my life entirely. It's surreal being in what's practically a new world while the ones I knew are either growing old or...are gone already


Hood: How were you able to hold up through all of this? The new millennia was a year ago and yet you look and sound as if you were back in your young days

Elizabeth II: Hood, the years haven't been kind at all. In the time you were gone, the world was plagued with a Cold War between the United States and Russia, and that was a time where we were almost all killed from nuclear war

Hood looked over to her, completely engrossed in the story.

Elizabeth II: I watched as both sides nearly killed each other over and over again...but now? Now the war is over, life is going strong, people are reconnecting, and despite the Sirens and the threat they provide people are happy

She smiled and took a sip of the tea.

Elizabeth II: You coming back is another sign that God truly is on our side Hood, and he wishes for everyone to be happy during this war on humanity

Hood: That reminds me, you-...Elizabeth, are you at all worried about me working with Ironblood?

Elizabeth II: Truthfully? I am not, if anything I'm happy you're with them

Hood just looked down  at the tea in front of her, not sure what to respond to that with.

Elizabeth II: I know you want an answer, so I'll give one. You deserve happiness more than many alive Hood, so I was truly happy to see you so close to the many girls there, and I've heard many things about how much they trust you

A knock at the door caught both of their attention. Which also made both stand up as a soldier opened the door.

Soldier: Your Majesty, it's nearly time to leave

Elizabeth II: Very well, but I have a few more words for Hood

She turned to her and held out her hand, which Hood gave to her.

Elizabeth II: Please old friend, don't think that you betrayed your country. You never truly left us all these years, and I'm happy you found a place in this "new world"

Hood smiled as the Queen waved her good bye and left the room with the soldier, leaving her in there until her own escort came for her.

Hood: Old friend...I guess that works

She heard the door open behind her, so she left the room and walked with the soldiers waiting for her.

Hood: Well, I'm happy that the Isles are still my home, even after all this time


Hood: many descendants of hers are there that I need to meet?

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