A Royal Pain in the Arse

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The Canal was in sight, with it being just a few kilometers away. With the path to a new chance close yet again, Hood felt conflicted.

Hood: What is it that I could have done if I stayed?...What, would have became of me?


Hood:*sigh* This isn't the time to get all sentimental, I have to keep going before...what....what is that?

She heard the sound of something traveling through the water, and what she knew was that is was right behind her.

Hood: Wait...that sound is...OH NO!!

She moved to the left just in time to watch a torpedo speed past her. She felt her heart drop as she turned around and found a black submarine shipgirl with pale skin and hair.

Hood: A Siren submarine?!

It scowled at her, as it pressed a button and two more portals opened up, revealing a destroyer and cruiser.

Hood: Oh bollocks...

AirSpark:*radio* Enterprise, what's your current location?

Enterprise:*radio* Traveling over the Canal right now Sir, this plane riding technique is very helpful to travel

AirSpark:*radio* I hear ya, traveling hundreds of miles in a day unlike with your carrier...any eyes on Hood?

Enterprise:*radio* Negative, I haven't found her and the rest of the fleet at the other end haven't seen her either

AirSpark:*radio* Keep an eye out then

Enterprise:*radio* Understood

She put away her radio as she rode on top of her plane, which carried her over the waters of the Canal. She knew she was approaching the other end, so where was Hood?

Enterprise: Maybe she's hiding out near the Canal's mouth until night to travel easier? It would be smart but for now she's a sitting duck

She kept her eyes peeled for any activity along the canal, not finding a single thing.

Enterprise: Better keep an eye out


Enterprise: Wait...is that...

She saw larger masses on the waters, two of them actually. She squinted to try to get a better look, until she saw a flash and a splash of water.

Enterprise: Those are Sirens! But what are they shooting at?

She looked towards the pillar of water, as a person sped along with a grey hull, a mop of midnight black hair gave away the details.

Enterprise: That's Hood's disguise...that's Hood!

She quickly pulled up her radio.

Enterprise:*radio* This is Enterprise, I found Hood! She's under attack by the Sirens, I'm moving in to assist!

She put the radio away and dove down on her plane, summoning her bow and nocking an arrow.

Enterprise: HOOD! GET DOWN!!

Hood: Shit! This is bad!

She narrowly avoided getting blasted by the Cruiser. Not having any weaponry seriously wasn't helping her right now.

Hood: I have to get to some sort of land, I don't think they'll follow me there!

She looked back again and saw the destroyer's cannon charging up, aiming dead center for her. She moved the fastest she could, but still managed to burn her coat a bit.

Hood: Dammit! This is too close for comfort!

The blast landed and superheated the water, making an explosion right in front of her that she sailed straight through.

Hood: Just a bit further, then I should be safe!

Unfortunately, she heard the sound of water hitting a deck, and when she turned, the destroyer was hot on her trail.

Hood: Stay the Hell away!!

It didn't respond, only moving closer and closer to her.


She heard someone yell out, as well as a sharp whistle piercing the air. Following their command, she dove onto the waters surface, shortly after hearing flesh being torn.

When she looked up, the destroyer that was behind her had a yellow arrow stuck in its chest. It fell backwards and sunk into the water.

Hood: A yellow arrow? But that would mean...

She looked up to the sky, spotting the figure standing on a plane and diving down to her position.

Hood: Enterprise?!

Enterprise nodded, as Hood took that moment to continue sailing. As she did, Enterprise kept the cruiser off of her while she sailed.

Hood: Thank God you're here! I thought I wouldn't make it!

Enterprise: Save it for after this is over!

She fired at the cruiser scraping its cheek as it shot back at her.

Enterprise: Just a few more seconds...

The roaring of a plane's engines filled her hearing, as the Siren cruiser looked up to the sky. The planes were far to close for it to do anything about, as they dropped their bombs and shattered its deck.

Enterprise: It's over!

She fired one more arrow that pierced its neck, finally ending the cruiser and sending it to the ocean depths.

Enterprise:*sigh* That's done, now to get Hood ba-

Hood: Get your hands off of me!

Enterprise snapped around as Hood screamed out, seeing her struggling to get out of the grip of one last Siren,

Enterprise: So that's where it was, it wasn't attacking me, it was going for her!

The Siren held Hood by locking her arms to the sides as it tried to drag her underwater.

Hood: Enterprise!!

She took aim with her bow once more nicking the arrow and taking a deep breath.

Enterprise: I have to be careful, if I miss it might hit Hood

She steadied herself as the Siren struggled with Hood, soon the opportunity struck when Hood's thrashing made the Siren turn its back to Enterprise.


She watched as it soared through the air, clearing the water and making a dead shot to the Siren.

Until she saw it smirk, as it turned around as Hood faced the arrow.

Enterprise:*gasp* HOOD, REVERSE HER!!

Hood: I'm trying!

She struggled with the Siren trying to get herself free or to turn them around, but was finding no luck as the girl gave Hood an evil smirk.

Enterprise: HOOD!!

Hood looked forward towards the arrow.

Right before she could see no more.

Enterprise: NOOO!!

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