Winds on the Sea

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The days flew by, and the two ships sailed through the seas that parted in their wake. The cool breeze on Eugen's deck was a nice welcome for Hood, especially when these same waters were where she once fled from the very people she's with now.

Hood: Fate can play a cruel joke at times...

She heard footsteps behind her, as a pair of arms grabbed the railing next to her.

Eugen: Beautiful day is it not?

Hood: Yeah, it is quite nice

She leaned further on the railing, with a small amount of sea spray hitting her face.

Eugen: Say, Hood?

She looked over to the cruiser

Eugen: How did you and Bismarck even become a thing in the first place?


She looked back to the sea, a small smile graced her lips.

Hood: Well, that goes back to before the War...back when we were all still ships. Back then, life was a lot simpler with just a war against each other and not inter dimensional entities

Eugen: You...met her that long ago?

Hood: Yes, actually a little before we went to war. Her plans were put down, and her hull was beginning to be constructed when she came to life


Hood: During that, she roamed around, where she interacted and learned about the world around her...and she found about all of our exploits, Ironblood's and the Royal Navy's

Eugen: She did all that? I remember going through that too, but I stayed in Ironblood and learned only of our own culture

Hood:*smiles* She was adventurous then, without a doubt...and that's when she found me

Eugen: How did that go?

Eugen was leaning on the rail, completely enthralled in the conversation.

Hood: At first, I didn't notice her, and simply roamed around my own ship and relaxed. Soon enough I noticed a woman that looked out of place, turns out I just met a foreign shipgirl by the name of Bismarck

Eugen: Anything else?

Hood: I was getting there...She asked about me, wanting to know more about the Pride of the Navy, and so I obliged and told her of some of my exploits. She would come back every now and then to speak of her own experiences in Ironblood and share them with me-

?: Including about my ship finally being built

They turned around and saw Bismarck leaning against the doorframe. She stood straight and walked over to the two and joined in.

Bismarck: When my ship was built, you were so happy for me finally coming to the world...even when you and I knew we were going to possibly fight one another

Hood: You were the King of the Kriegsmarine, all the way from your power to your capabilities

Bismarck: Right, that's...because I learned from you

Hood: Huh?

Bismarck looked out to the waves, letting out a shaky breath.

Bismarck: Every time you went on a mission, I would watch both you and the others fire their cannons, taking notes on how you shot them, the angles, and...and the weak points in your armor


Bismarck: When my crew manned the guns, they found them to be shockingly accurate, even for a battleship. That's all thanks to me watching you fight, learning from your battles...

Hood saw her eyes glisten as tears slowly built up.

Bismarck: In the end...I used that knowledge against you. Even when you didn't know it...I-I learned everything from you...

She turned to Hood, as the tears started to slowly fall down her cheeks.

Bismarck: S-so I can say taught me well...


In all that, Hood responded back with a smile.

Hood: That's good, I'm glad I taught you well then

She wrapped an arm around Bismarck's shoulder, giving her a comforting smile.

Hood: I get that you're down because of that, using what you learned from me against me. But at the time we were at war, we had no choice but too fight, if you didn't kill me, I might have killed you

Bismarck wipes her tears and looked at Hood.

Bismarck: But...there had to be another way, right?

Hood:...No, war is ever going, besides, we were just spectators then, not in control of what we were doing. Our soldiers are to blame, and even then we can't do that either


She offered a smile, patting her shoulder.

Hood: Nowadays, we can do as we want, no person controls our actions anymore other than ourselves. You and I don't need to fight again, and the same could be said to everyone else...we just need to remind everyone who our real enemy is

Bismarck:*smiles* The Sirens, right?

Hood: Exactly, the Sirens

She pulled away, only now noticing that Eugen wasn't there anymore, leaving the two of them in silence.


Hood/Bismarck: This is awkward...

Hood coughed into her hand.

Hood: So, how was everything since I've been gone?

Bismarck: Well, we got the help of the Royals, and the hunt for you practically brought us together again

Hood: Really? I thought it was one and done

Bismarck: No, everyone wanted to stick together afterwards, so a treaty is underway

Hood:...I guess I did reunite the two sides, just like the Queen said

As she looked out to the ocean, she saw Bismarck ever so slowly shuffle closer to her.


Hood: What are you doing?

Bismarck: Uhh...nothing

Hood: Really? Nothing?



Hood just walked up next to Bismarck, leaning down right next to her.

Hood: Better?

Bismarck was lightly blushing, but nodded to her.

Hood:*smiles* Even after all this time, you're still the shy soul I first met

Bismarck:*mutters* I got better...

Hood: You learned how to put an act, you didn't get better

Bismarck squirmed a bit, while Hood watched her act like a school kid with their crush.


Hood: Oh you're shitting me...

Hood: Bismarck

Bismarck: Y-yes?

Hood leaned over and kissed her cheek, smiling softly at her.

Hood: I'm proud you came this far just for me


Bismarck slowly grew more and more red, soon hitting the point where she covered her face and looked away from Hood.

Hood: Hmm...this'll be a nice change of pace compared to usual

Eugen: Oh hohoo...this is golden~

She had a camera in her hands, which she just used to take a picture of Hood kissing Bismarck.

Eugen: I'll definitely be holding this over Bismarck's head for a long time too come

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