Social media insanity

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Becky's pov
So it's the day after Colby surprised me with Pearl and I haven't been on social media at all since I announced that I'm pregnant so I decide to check my Instagram and Twitter as soon as I open my Instagram I see that I've pretty much broken the internet and I see comments from Ashley, Pam, Mercedes, Nattie, Mandy, Sonya, Trish, Trinity, Stephanie, Hunter, Vince, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Kana, Lina, Zelina, Charly, Liv Morgan, Cedric Alexander, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose, Rhea Ripley, Carmella, I Alexa Bliss, Nikki cross, Montez Ford, Bianca Belair, Angelo Dawkins, Ray Mysterio, R truth, Kairi sane, Dean Ambrose, Renee young, Maryse, Billie Kay, Peyton Royce, Mia Yim, Paige, no way Jose, Jordan Devlin, Mustafa Ali, Chelsea green, Kathy Kelly, Kayla Braxton, Eva Marie, Trish stratus, Mojo Raleigh, McKenzie Mitchell, Sarah Schreiber, Lillian Garcia, Stephanie McMahon, Vince McMahon, Triple H, Akira Tozawa, Finn Bálor, and so many more people. But when I read the comments from Ashley, Pam, and Mercedes I started to feel like I was going to cry because Ashley said "Congrats Bex beyond happy for both of you" Pam kept it short and sweet and just said "Proud" and Mercedes just commented ❤️❤️❤️ after I finished looking at the comments from my Instagram I look at Colby's Instagram and I realized that he posted a picture of me holding the positive pregnancy test and he captioned the picture "I took this a few moments after we got the best news of our lives and I don't think I could've captured anything more beautiful. I can't put into words how much it means to me. Thank you all for your support over the last couple of days. December can't come soon enough!" As soon as I finish reading the caption I start to cry "what's wrong Bex?" "Nothing I just read the caption you wrote on your Instagram post about the pregnancy. It's so sweet" "I love you babe" "I love you too honey" "Well what do you wanna do today?" "I just wanna hang out at home with you and watch some tv." "Sounds like a good idea to me" a few minutes later I hear Pearl whining from her crate so I get up and open her crate and she comes out and I pick her up and Kevin comes over to me and I sit back down on the couch and Kevin jumps up onto the couch and starts to sniff Pearl and then he gives me a hug and a kiss and picks me up and puts me on his lap so I'm basically straddling him but not in a sexual way he just likes it when I sit on his lap "Babe when do you have to go back to the performance center?" "A couple of days and I'll be there for a little over a week. I'm going to miss you so much" "Can I come with you because I don't like being alone." "I really wish you could but it's not safe for you to travel while you're pregnant especially because of covid but you could always hang out at my moms house so you won't be lonely" "Okay but please be careful" "I will lovey I just got an idea" "what's your idea?" "What if I get Ashley to come stay with you while I'm gone?" "That would be awesome honey but I could just text her and ask her" "Yeah that's true and I highly doubt that she would say no to you because you are her best friend and she can't say no to a pregnant woman who is also her best friend." I grab my phone and text Ashley
R-Rebecca A-Ashley
R- Hey Ash
A- Hey Bex how are you
R-I'm good but I was wondering if you could come visit me for a few days because Colby is going to the performance center and I don't like being home alone because it makes me feel lonely??
A-I'll be there first thing tomorrow morning I can't wait to see you again I miss you like crazy
R- thanks Ashley you're the best
A-anything for my bestie love you Bex
R-love you too Ash I'm gonna go to bed because I'm exhausted
A-Okay sleep good I'll see you tomorrow morning
R-Okay bye
"Colby I'm super tired can we go to bed Ashley said that she's going to be here tomorrow morning" "Okay I'll FaceTime you every day I'm in Florida" "Okay I'll miss you" "I'll miss you too" Colby gives me a kiss and we go up to bed and go to sleep
The next morning
Becky's pov
I wake up and Colby isn't in the bed so I get up and I immediately feel sick so I run to the bathroom and throw up and while I was throwing up someone came into the bathroom and held my hair so I don't throw up in my hair once I finish throwing up I look over and see both Ashley and Colby "Hey Ashley how long have you been here?" "Maybe 20 minutes" "Okay well now you know what I've been doing since I got pregnant and it sucks" "I'm really sorry that you have been throwing up but it'll be worth it once the baby is born" "I know I miss my coffee because I can't have coffee while I'm pregnant which sucks because I love my coffee" "Yeah I know but once the baby is born you can have as much coffee as you want I think" "Actually I won't because I'm gonna breastfeed and when you breastfeed you can only have one cup of coffee a day" "damn that sucks" "Yeah but honestly right now the smell of coffee makes me sick to my stomach" "oh okay" "did you meet Pearl yet?" "Yeah she's so freaking adorable" "I know right she's so sweet I mean the lady at the rescue said that she was the most hyper puppy but when Colby and I sat down in the kennel she literally jumped into my lap and fell asleep" "awe that's so sweet"
The next day
Colby's pov
I wake up to my alarm going off I quickly turn it off and get up and change my clothes and then I look over at Rebecca and she's still sleeping so I quietly grab my bags and go downstairs and I make breakfast for me Rebecca and Ashley and then I write Rebecca a note and I go into the guest bedroom and Ashley is awake already so I tell her that I made breakfast for her and Rebecca and that I have to go and she says bye and I leave.
Becky's pov
I wake up and Colby isn't in the bed so as usual I get up and feel sick so I go to the bathroom and start to throw up and while I was throwing up I felt someone grab my hair and rub my back once I finish throwing up I look over and I see Ashley "Hey Bex Colby had to leave early this morning he didn't want to wake you up so he told me that he made breakfast for us" "Okay thanks for coming in here" "of course Bex I'd do anything for you and the baby" "you're the best let's go eat breakfast" "Okay oh by the way I fed the dogs for you and gave them clean water" "Thanks Ash I really appreciate you but I think Colby forgot that I have a doctor appointment today and since he's not here can you come with me?" "Of course Bex I'll go with you" "Thanks Ash I'm gonna go get ready for the appointment" "Okay what time is the appointments?" "The appointment is at 12:30" "Okay do you need help with anything?" "No I'm good but if I need your help I'll ask you." "Okay Bex I forgot to ask you how did your parents react when you told them that you're pregnant?" "Gasps" I face palm 🤦🏻‍♀️  "I'm an idiot I forgot to tell them" "you forgot to tell your parents that you're pregnant??!!" "Yeah I guess pregnancy brain is a real thing" "I guess so you should call them and tell them right now" "Yeah I'm going to" I grab my phone and call my parents
A-Annette K-Ken R-Richie B-Rebecca
B-Hey Mom Hey dad
A&K- Hey Rebecca how are you doing?
B-I'm doing really good but I have a surprise for you
A&K- We watched raw and we watched your announcement
B- Sorry I didn't call you to tell you I was just so distracted and Colby and I have just been trying to process everything but you're going to be grandparents. I'm due in December and Colby and I couldn't be happier
A&K- we really wish that we could be there with you but you know that we can't because of the pandemic
B- I know but as soon as it's safe for me to travel I'll come visit y'all probably with your grandchild anyway I have to go I have a doctors appointment I love you bye
A&K-love you too bye
I go upstairs and change my clothes and do my hair and then I go back downstairs and grabs her purse "Ashley it's time to go to the doctor appointment" Ashley and I get in the car and drive to the doctor office and we walk into the office and get signed in and then we sit down in the waiting room until the nurse calls my name Ashley and I get up and walk up the nurse with Ashley and we walk to the exam room and then the nurse said that Rebecca needs to get blood work done. "Ashley could you distract me from the needle because I'm terrified of needles and whenever Colby is with me and I have to get some blood work here always distracts me" the nurse asks me and Ashley to come with her to the blood draw room and we do and I sit in the chair and Ashley stands next to me and the nurse wraps the rubber band thing around my arm and wipes my arm with an alcohol wipe and wipes my arm and then Ashley tells me that her fiancé Manny got her a horse for her birthday and that she named it Becky because she wanted to name it after me and as Ashley was talking about the horse the nurse put the needle in my arm and honestly I didn't even feel it and when the nurse took the needle out she said that that was the most calm I've been getting my blood drawn. "Thanks for distracting me Ash" "no problem Bex I have a question" "what's your question?" "When are you gonna find out the gender of the baby?" "In a few weeks but as soon as we find out I'll call you and tell you" "what do you think the baby is?" "I hope it's a girl" "what does Colby think the baby is?" "He really wants a boy but he said either way he's happy" then the doctor comes in and starts the ultrasound "wow Bex that's your baby" "Yeah that's my baby" the doctor turned on the volume so Ashley and I can hear the baby's heartbeat and I start to feel like I'm gonna cry "Ashley could you record the baby's heartbeat so I can send it to Colby??" "Yeah" Ashley pulled out my phone and takes a video of the baby and the heartbeat "Thanks for recording the heartbeat that was the first time that I heard the baby's heartbeat" "really? I wish Colby could've been here." "Yeah I do too but at least you recorded it" "Yeah" after the doctor finished the ultrasound Ashley and I went home and I texted the video of the ultrasound to him and he almost immediately called me on FaceTime and told me that he almost cried watching the video and that he wishes that he was there but I told him that it's okay as long as he's home when I give birth and he said that he's going to try to get some time off close to when the baby is born. After we got off the phone I went downstairs and got some strawberries and put whipped cream on them and ate them and then Ashley walked downstairs and came and sat next to me and she looked like she was pissed off "what's wrong Ash?" "I just watched the video of Shayna reacting to your pregnancy announcement and she said some absolutely horrible things and as your best friend I wanna kick her ass so bad that she'll never even think about talking about you like that ever again" "What did she say?" "She called the baby a parasite and said that you were gonna get fat and eat bonbons all day and that you're parents should be disappointed in you she said a lot more but I don't even wanna repeat what she said because it's disgusting that she would even think like that" "Thanks for telling me but you don't have to worry because as soon as I can get back wrestling payback is going to bite her in the ass and she'll regret ever signing with wwe I'm completely exhausted so I'm going to go lay down in my bed with my body pillow that I cuddle with while Colby is gone" "Okay sleep good" "Thanks" I go upstairs to bed and I fall asleep.

I know that this was a really long chapter I got a little carried away with writing sorry

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