The reception

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The next morning
Colby's pov
I wake up and I feel something on my chest so I look down and I see Rebecca cuddled up on my chest and Roux is asleep in my other arm so I have both of my loves in my arms and I look at the clock and it's 9:45 and Roux's doctor appointment is at 11:30 so I have to wake Rebecca up. "Hey Becca love it's time to wake up?" "What time is it?" "It's 9:45 and Roux's doctor appointment is at 11:30 so we should go eat breakfast feed the dogs and Darrel and get ready to go" "Okay love do you want me to make breakfast or do you want to make breakfast?" "I'll make breakfast for you what do you want for breakfast today?" "Can you please make me chocolate chip pancakes with maple syrup whipped cream and powdered sugar?" "Yeah sure beautiful" "do you mind watching Roux while I go take a shower?" "Yeah sure no problem but what if she starts crying?" "Just bring her upstairs to me and give her to me even if I'm in the shower" "Okay love I'm going to start on the chocolate chip pancakes" "Okay" Rebecca goes into the bathroom and turns on the shower and gets in and about ten minutes later Colby comes in with a crying Roux in his arms and opens the shower door and steps in and hands Roux to Rebecca "she wanted her mommy" Rebecca takes Roux from Colby and then she holds Roux up to her boobs to see if Roux's hungry and she latched on almost immediately so Rebecca sits down in the shower on the bench where the water can't reach and she grabs a baby carrier that is made out of fabric and she puts it on and puts Roux in it and then she starts to shave her legs because her legs were getting hairy and then she decides to wash Roux's hair so she grabs the baby shampoo and conditioner and carefully wets Roux's hair and puts the shampoo in her hair and gently brushed her hair using her fingers and then she grabs a cup and fills it up and rinses out the shampoo and repeats the same steps for the conditioner and then Rebecca turns the water off and gets out of the shower with Roux and she grabs a big towel and wraps it around her and Roux then she goes out to the bedroom and grabs a diaper and puts it on Roux and then she grabs a swaddle and swaddles Roux and lays her in her bassinet and then she goes to the closet and grabs a shirt that says mama bear and then she grabs a pair of high rise jeans and a pair of platform tennis shoes and then she grabs a onesie for Roux that says baby bear and then she puts the onesie on Roux and picks her up and carries her downstairs to the kitchen and she sees the chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and powdered sugar and a cup of coffee on the table and then she sees Colby sitting on the couch eating his breakfast so she grabs the plate and walks over to the couch and puts the plate down and grabs her coffee cup. "Thanks for the amazing breakfast love. Of course honey do you want me to hold Roux while you eat?" "Yes please" Rebecca hands Roux to Colby and Roux cuddles her face into Colby's neck Rebecca eats her breakfast and then she realized that Roux's diaper bag was in the nursery "Colby Roux's diaper bag is in the nursery can you go get it for me please? Yeah sure" Colby gets up goes upstairs to the nursery and grabs the diaper bag and brings it back downstairs and hands it to Rebecca "Becca I'm gonna go change my clothes" "Okay we'll wait for you down here" Colby goes upstairs to the closet and grabs the shirt that matches Rebecca's shirt and Roux's onesie except his shirt said Papa bear and he picked out dark blue jeans and a black and brave hat with black Air Force one shoes and then he comes back downstairs and says "I'm ready to go Becca" Colby and I walk out to the car I'm carrying Roux in her car seat Colby unlocks the door and I open the back passenger side door and put Roux's car seat in the middle seat and I sit next to her and Colby starts driving after I have my seat belt on and so does he. Colby starts driving to the doctors office and we get there get out of the car with our masks on because of covid and we walk into the doctors office and check in then we wait for around 15 minutes until the nurse calls us back and then she asks me to take Roux out of her car seat and lay her down on the scale and the nurse says that she weighs 19.8 pounds and then she measures how long Roux is and the nurse says that she's 38 inches long then she tells me to carry Roux to the exam room which I do and Colby is carrying the car seat and then we walk into the room and I sit on the bed with Roux on my chest and then we wait around 10 minutes until there's a knock on the door then the doctor opens the door and comes in and she introduces herself to Colby and I as Dr.Fliehr then I ask her "by any chance are you Charlotte Flair's sister?" "Actually yes I am how did you know?" "Because she is my best friend and our daughters godmother and I'm a wrestler too" "wow that's crazy but let's just get to the check up for your daughter has she been eating okay?" "Yeah she eats like a champ" "how many times a night does she wake you up to feed her?" "Anywhere from 3-5 times a night" "do you have any concerns about anything?" "Actually I do" "what are you concerned about?" "Is it normal for babies to have farts that stink so bad that you want to physically be sick?" "That's actually completely normal and it's a sign that she's getting enough milk" "Oh okay how many shots does she have to get today?" "Unfortunately she has to get 6 shots today" "oh god that might make me break" "I understand it's really hard to see your daughter in pain but I can assure you that she will be fine" "I know she's going to be fine it's just I get super protective over her because she's my baby" "Becca if you don't want to be in the room I'll be in here with her" "it's okay Colby I can handle it" the doctor leaves and then a nurse comes in with the shots and asks me to take Roux's onesie off so I do and then she asked me to hold Roux's legs down so I pick Roux up hold her facing forward in my lap and I gently hold her legs still as soon as the first needle went into her leg I have never had to hold back my mama bear instincts so much because Roux started to scream at the top of her lungs which Colby could tell that I couldn't handle it so after the first shot Colby took Roux from me handed me the car keys and told me "babe go sit in the car you need to remove yourself from the situation because I don't want to have to bail you out of jail" so I gave Roux to Colby and went and sat in the car trying not to think about how much pain my leprechaun baby is in right now
Colby's pov
As soon as the nurse gave Roux her first shot and I saw Rebecca's face just change I knew that she wouldn't be able to hold herself back for much longer so I sent Rebecca to the car and I held Roux on my lap while the nurse gave her the five remaining shots and then she puts bandages over where she did the shots and she told me that Roux is probably going to be sleeping a lot of the day so after that I carried Roux in her car seat out to the car and Rebecca instantly got in the back with Roux and took her out of the car seat and held her to her chest I was going to say something but I decided not to because I didn't want Rebecca to rip my head off because she is in full blown mama bear mode which for Rebecca is when she doesn't give a shit about anything or anybody else except for Roux so I just let her hold her while I drove us home. Later on that night was our wedding reception and it was at Disneyland in Anaheim California it's a super laid back chill wedding reception because we rented Disneyland completely both Disneyland and California adventure and we had free food at every snack stand and restaurant which was absolutely awesome since we had Roux with us the only rides that Colby and I went on were it's a small world, the swings in a bugs life and a few others because we couldn't go on any of the big roller coasters because we had Roux but it was still really awesome when Roux got tired I put her in the carrier that I can wear instead of pushing around a stroller then after Roux fell asleep I let the boys go ride any of the roller coasters that they wanted while the girls Roux and I rode on the carousel which helped Roux stay asleep and then the girls and I went to the gift shops and we splurged and I bought Roux a bunch of Disney clothes and toys after a while exploring Disneyland Colby and I decide to go to our room which is in Cinderellas castle and it's absolutely magical thankfully the room has a bassinet for Roux so when we got into the room I changed into my pajamas and so did Colby and I put Roux's pajamas on her and she started to cry so I picked her up and carried her over to the rocking chair and I started to feed her and I decided to sing her the song by Bryan Lanning called Idaho Blue skies not clouds tower over us,
Faces whipped with summer air,
A small town held us in but it held us,
Together hands held tight we didn't care,
Looking back now I realized we were on top of the world,
Running wild and dirty we were
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
We have no where else to go (whoa, whoa)
This life is all we know (whoa, whoa)
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
That defense with lights and sirens around us,
Faces filled with adrenaline,
Bodies close under a blanket of stars,
We hid from the wolves that held us in,
Looking back now I realized we were on top of the world,
Running wild and dirty we were
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
We have no where else to go (whoa, whoa)
This life is all we know (whoa, whoa)
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
Bow to the royals,
Bow to the royals
This small town held us in,
But it held us,
We run far from our sins,
And we landed
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
This small town held us in, (bow to the royals)
But it held us,
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
We have no where else to go (whoa, whoa)
This life is all we know (whoa, whoa)
Kings and queens of Idaho (whoa, whoa)
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
Bow to the royals
By the time I finished singing to Roux she was fast asleep so I gently took her off of my boob and laid her down in the bassinet and thankfully she can sleep through almost anything because a few minutes after I laid her down the fireworks started to go off and Colby and I were able to watch them from the window from the castle a few hours later Roux started to cry which woke me up so I got up out of bed and went over to the bassinet and picked Roux up and I could feel something wet on her butt so I take her to the bathroom that just so happens to have a changing table in there so I lay her on it and take off her onesie and I get a clean diaper ready and I undo  the dirty diaper and I take it off and I grab some wipes and clean her up and then I put the clean diaper on her and I get a clean onesie out and put it on her then I pick her up and carry her to the rocking chair and I sit down with her in my arms and she opens her beautiful chocolate brown eyes and gives me the cutest smile I've ever seen while melted my heart and I could tell that she was hungry so I adjust my top and I gently put her on my boob and she starts eating so I start to think about what song I should sing to her so I decide to sing the song called Oliver's lullaby by Bryan Lanning
We're rocking back and forth in a rocking chair.
So you can relax so you can take a nap.
So you can get the rest you need to go about the day.
Oh little one you just need to behave.

We're rocking back and forth in a rocking chair.
Just don't make a peep you need to fall asleep
So you can get the rest you need to start a brand new day.
Oh little one you just need to, need to be brave.
Oh oh, need to be brave, oh oh.

Oh dreaming it's calling you and birds will blue

With the bluest of blues and destiny it longs for you
With wings I fly cross a brown buttersky.
But first we're going to be.

Rocking back and forth in a rocking chair.
So you can relax so you can take a nap.
So you can get the rest you need to go about that day.
Oh little one you just need to behave.

Yeah we're rocking back and forth in the rocking chair.
Just don't make a peep you need to fall asleep
So you can get the rest you need to start a brand new day.
Oh little one you just need to need to be brave
Oh oh, need to be brave, oh oh, need to be brave.
Once I finish singing the song to Roux she is fast asleep and I get up and I decide that I'll let her sleep on my chest for the night because I don't want to wake her up by moving her so I get back in bed and I lay her down on my chest once I get in bed.
Fast forward a few days
Rebecca's pov
I can't believe that my baby girl is a month old already she's growing so fast "babe can you believe that our baby girl is already a month old?" "No I swear it seems like you she was just born yesterday" "I know right I want her to slow down growing" "me too but we have to just take one day at a time" "I think it's time that we introduce her to everyone at work. What do you think?" "Yeah everyone has been asking when you're going to come back and bring Roux" "I miss everyone so much I think it's time we introduce her to everyone." "Cool and I know almost everyone is vaccinated so she'd be safe to be around everyone" "that's great when do you wanna bring her to the show?" "I was thinking Friday for smack down. What do you think?" "I think that's a perfect day I just hope that she behaves on the flight from here to Florida." "Yeah I hope so too. Colby called Sonya Deville this is how the conversation happened
C-Colby S-Sonya
C-Hey Sonya
S-Hey Colby what's up?
C-Rebecca and I were wondering if it would be okay if her and our daughter Roux come to the show together and introduce Roux to everyone backstage?
S-that's great I would love to see y'all Friday do you need me to have the private jet come pick you up since covid is still a thing?
C- Yeah because Roux is only a month old and we would hate it if she got sick
S-it's no problem Colby in fact I'll give y'all a private locker room to just in case Rebecca needs to take Roux to a quiet area away from everyone to feed her I can't wait to see Rebecca and Roux
C-I really appreciate that Sonya Rebecca is going to be so happy she has missed everyone so much I just hope that if there's a brawl backstage that she doesn't get caught up in the middle of it especially if she has Roux in her arms
S- I'll have some of the guys watch out for them so if something does pop off then the guys can get Rebecca and Roux out of danger immediately
C-I really can't thank you enough I think I have an idea of who could protect Rebecca and Roux
S-who are you thinking of to protect Roux and Rebecca?
C-Roman Jimmy and Jey
S-I'll call Roman and ask him but I'm sure he'll say yes because he still thinks of you as a brother
C-that's why I was thinking about him but Sonya there's one thing
S- what is it?
C-tell Paul Heyman that he can't be loud anywhere around Roux especially when Roux is sleeping because if he wakes Roux up Rebecca could literally rip him a new asshole and I'm not kidding
S- okay I'll tell him
C-thanks Sonya
S-no problem I'll see y'all Friday
C-will do bye
They hang up
"Hey Rebecca guess what" "what?" "Sonya said that you and Roux could come to smack down on Friday in fact she's going to send the private jet to pick us up" "really Colby that's awesome" "Yeah and she's getting us our own private locker room so if you need to feed Roux or anything you'll have the privacy" "awesome babe you're the best" "Thanks babe once we get home I'm going to paint Roux's nursery since they ruined it" "Okay but babe can I just see the nursery before you paint because I wanna have that chip on my shoulder for when I make my comeback to in ring action" "babe I really don't think that's a good idea because Lacey and Ronda are pregnant and Shayna is in a tag team with Nia Jax and I don't even know if Jessamyn still wrestles or not" "I still owe Nia a receipt for breaking my nose and giving me a concussion right before survivor series so it would be a two for one for me" "I really don't think it's a good idea because Roux can since if you're stressed or not" "Okay you have a valid point there I guess I shouldn't see it because I don't want to stress out Roux but I swear to god if I see baron I'll give him the ass beating of the century so much so that he'll be trying to bend backwards and kiss his own ass goodbye" "babe we need to relax and get some sleep while Roux is asleep"

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