Welcome to the world Dustin Kenneth Lopez

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Seven weeks later
Becky's pov
I'm officially full term and baby boy Dustin is supposed to be born sometime next week but call it Mother's intuition I think he's going to be here within the next two days
I wake up and have to pee but I need help getting up so I have to wake Colby up "Colby love?" "Whatcha need lovebug?" "Can you help me get up I need to pee?" "Yeah I'll help you" Colby gets up and he grabs my hands and pulls me up and then I turn and wrap my arms around his neck and he puts his arms under my armpits and he pulls me up "Thanks honey" I walk to the bathroom and I feel an all too familiar sensation "Colby!!" "Yeah?" "It's happening my water broke" "let's get you to the hospital" "we need to call your mom to watch Roux" "Okay I'll call her right now" "Okay"
C-Colby H-Holly
C-Hey mom I know it's the middle of the night but Rebecca is in labor so we need to go to the hospital
H-I'll be at your house in 5 minutes is Roux asleep
C- yeah Roux's asleep I'm going to write her a little note just in case she wakes up and she wants me or Rebecca
H- Okay I'm pulling into the driveway right now
Colby opens the door and Holly walks in and gives him a hug and then he comes upstairs and helps me down the stairs and then I give Holly a hug and walk out to the car and get in after I'm in the car Colby runs back inside and grabs the hospital bag and puts it in the car and we drive to the hospital and get signed in while we were driving to the hospital I started having contractions every 3 minutes and let me tell you those hurt like hell we were only waiting for about ten minutes when we got called back and then when the nurse called us back they brought us right to the labor and delivery floor and got me hooked up to the monitors and in the hospital gown every time a contraction hits Colby let's me hang on to him I decide that I want to walk around in the room so that's what I do I get out of the bed and turn and bend over because I'm having a contraction Colby comes up behind me and pushes my pelvic bones which helps the pain a lot after that contraction I stand up straight and turn around to hug Colby and he wraps his left arm around my waist and he holds my other hand with his hand that has a cast on it and he starts dancing with me I put my head on Colby's chest and he rubs my back and I start having a contraction "owwwwww" "breath love you're doing so good" "it hurts" "I know my Queen but it'll be worth it" "I know" a nurse comes in "my name is Allie I'm gonna be your nurse today I'm here to check how dilated you are" "Okay" Allie sits on the side of the bed and checks my cervix "well you're doing really good you're at 5 centimeters dilated" Allie leaves the room and I look up at Colby "I don't think I can do this" "are you hearing yourself you literally fought Ronda Rousey and Ashley at the same time and you beat both of them and you don't think you can go through contractions to have our son?" "It just hurts so bad" "I know my Queen but I know you can do this you've done it before" "you're the best husband in the world " "because I have the best wife in the world" "Colby" "Yes my love?" "Can you cuddle with me?" "Of course lovebug" Colby gets in the bed with me and I snuggle my back into him and he puts his hand on my belly and then a few minutes later I have a really really strong contraction and apparently Colby could feel it "oh my god honey I wish I could take the pain from you" after the contraction passes I look at him "did you feel that contraction?" "Yeah that was a huge contraction" "I know" Allie comes back in to check me so Colby gets out of the bed "well Rebecca your baby will be here soon you're currently at a 9 so I'm guessing within the hour or so you'll have your baby in your arms" I look up at Colby "he's almost here lovebug" Allie leaves the room "today is gonna be Dustins' birthday my Queen" "Yeah July 12th, 2023(if you know you know😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁) I start having another contraction and this is the strongest contraction I've had yet "Colby" I say almost in tears from the level of excruciating pain "I've gotcha my Queen you're gonna be okay I know it hurts but you can do this" "it hurts so much" "I know it does but he's gonna be here soon" Allie comes in "let me check you really quick I have a feeling that you're going to have your baby boy sooner than I thought" she checks me "I was right you're ready to push I'm going to go get the doctor" she leaves the room for a few minutes then comes back with the doctor "I heard someone is ready to have a baby" the doctor sits down on the stool and changes the bed setup Colby looks down at me "it's time to meet our son my Queen" "I'm scared" "you have nothing to be scared of you've done this before" "Rebecca it's time to push" one of the nurses puts one of my legs in a stirrup and Colby holds the other one with his good arm "on your next contraction bring your head to your chest and push" the next contraction hits and I do what the doctor says "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" "good job Rebecca push again" "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" "Okay wait until the next contraction and push again" a minute later another contraction hits so I push again and I feel our sons head come out and holy hell it burns "it burns!!!" "That's normal it's called the ring of fire" I have three more contractions and push twice for each contraction each push lasting 10 seconds until finally the doctor says "look down Rebecca and meet your baby boy" I open my eyes and see my baby boy the doctor puts him on my chest and I look at him and then I look at Colby and Colby is in tears "he's beautiful babe" I wrap my arms around him and hold him on my chest until the nurse says that she has to take him to measure and weigh him so I give him to her and she puts him on the scale and when she says how much he weighs my jaw dropped "well he's a big boy he weighs 9 pounds and 15 ounces and he's 28 inches long" "no wonder it hurt so damn bad he's huge" "honey that just proves that you can do anything" then the doctor says something I hoped she wouldn't say "well we have some tearing so we'll need to give you some stitches" "Colby is he okay?" "He's absolutely perfect Becca" Colby cuts his cord and carries Dustin over to Rebecca and gives him to her "hi baby boy I'm your mumma and this is your daddy" I take Colby's hand and pull him closer to me and Dustin opens his eyes and sees both of us "hi baby boy" he starts crying Colby sits by me on the bed once the doctor is done stitching me up I put my head on Colby's chest and he wraps his arm around me "so I'm going to ask a doctor if they have something that I could put over my cast so I can hold Dustin" "Okay but not yet" "Okay" the nurse comes in "so what is your sons name for his birth certificate" "his name is Dustin Kenneth Lopez" "that's a good name" Thanks" Dustin starts crying so I adjust my hospital gown and let him latch onto my boob and eat and just like I did with Roux I sing to Dustin instead of singing Taylor Swift I start singing Finley's lullaby by Bryan lanning Oh, these little hands They don't know what hurt is
And these little eyes
They see the world in different colors And all I can think about
Is how I can't live without
You Time is but a loom
In this hospital room
Where I see you for the very first time And if you ever see me go
I hope you'll always know
You're mine Yeah these little lips
They don't know how heart break tastes And this little heart
It sees the good in everybody And all I can think about
Is how I can't live without
You Time is but a loom
In this nursery room
Where I rock you for the very first time And if you ever see me go
I hope you'll always know
Oh, you're mine, all mine Oh, these little hands
They don't know what hurt is
And these little eyes
They see the world in different colors And all I can think about
Is how I can't live without
You Time is but a loom
In this hospital room
Where I see you for the very first time Though you'll never see me go
I hope you'll always know
You're mine after I finish singing to him I started texting everyone
The first people I call are my mom and brother A-Annette Ri-Richie R-Rebecca C-Colby
R-Hey mom hey Richie
A&Ri-Hey Rebecca Hey Colby what's up?
R&C-well we want to introduce you to your grandson and nephew
A&Ri-awe he's so adorable
R- Of course he is after all he is my son
R&C-do you want to know what we named him?
A&Ri-what's his name?
R&C-his name is Dustin Kenneth Lopez
My mom immediately starts crying
A-that's the most perfect name for him
C-we wanted to name him after the two most important men besides you Richie in Rebecca's life which were Dusty Rhodes the American Dream who actually saved Rebecca from getting fired before she even debuted on nxt which is where Dustin came from and his middle name Kenneth after her dad who wanted her to do what she loved which is wrestling which led her to me
A&Ri-that's great
R&C-we have to go just wanted to let you see your grandson/nephew
A&Ri- Okay we love ya
C&R-we love you too we'll talk to you later
"So my King are you ready to announce that our little prince Dustin is finally here?" "I'm so ready do you wanna announce it or do you want me to do it?" "Let's both announce it" "Okay"
"Welcome to the world my little prince we love you so much" "Dustin Kenneth Lopez 7/12/23 6:25pm 9 pounds 15 ounces 28 inches long

10" "Okay wait until the next contraction and push again" a minute later another contraction hits so I push again and I feel our sons head come out and holy hell it burns "it burns!!!" "That's normal it's called the ring of fire" I have three more...

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BAYLEYWWE: I'm definitely going to be the cool aunt
SonyaDevillewwe:bayley Sasha chill out you can both be the cool aunt
Wwerollins:my little prince already started a fight and he's not even a day old yet

Wwerollins:welcome to the world my little prince your mommy and I love you more than words can describe

Likes:9,198,922Your name means so much to your mommy and I your name is Dustin Kenneth Lopez after two of the most important people in your mommy and I's lives Dustin after our mentor and wwe hall of famer the American Dream the late great Dusty R...

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Your name means so much to your mommy and I your name is Dustin Kenneth Lopez after two of the most important people in your mommy and I's lives Dustin after our mentor and wwe hall of famer the American Dream the late great Dusty Rhodes and your middle name Kenneth after your grandpa Ken who was your mommy's dad
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Hi everyone I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter I've been working on it for a few days and I feel like it's really good right now so I'm posting it I'm not sure when I'll post another chapter because I'm starting my second semester of college in 4 days so I'm gonna be extra busy so please be patient with me but just so y'all know I didn't just make up the date in the story I used my brother Lees' birthday because he's preserved through so much 💩 and he's always so positive and if you're reading this Lee wee I love you and you're my favorite brother

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