One week old

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Becky's pov
Today Roux is one week old and I love her more and more every single day. As per usual I wake up because Roux is crying so I get out of bed trying not to wake Colby up and I go over to the bassinet where Roux is and I pick her up and I almost instantly knew that she was hungry so I quietly walk to the nursery and unclip my nursing bra and she latches instantly over the week that she's been here I almost instinctively started to sing to her but I don't always sing the same song every time so this time I start to sing a song that my mom would play for me when I was little and that song is I think I'm in love
Time's been ticking, hearts are running
Think that Cupid's up to something
You ask me how I feel, I say nothing
But lately colors seems so bright
And the stars light up the night
My feet, they feel so light
I'm ignoring all the signs
I keep on frontin'
Yeah, I stay bluffin'
I keep you wondering
Keep you hunting for my lovin'
But I crave us hugging
Yeah, I stay stubborn
'Cause I can't admit that you got all the strings
And know just how tug 'em
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)
My heart's pacing
I'm confused, I'm dazing
I saw something I never seen in you, it's got me shaking
I must be hallucinating
I hear it happens, I'm just saying
Babe, I'm just saying
Someone give me some paper
Someone give me some crayons
I'm feeling like a child
I need something to play on
I'm trying hard to trust you
When you say give me your hand
Baby, I'm falling
I hope you catch me when I land
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh, yeah, yeah
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)
In my dreams, you're the Dutch and I'm the Dutchess
And your blunts are always loose
So I'm in charge of rolling Dutches
And we gettin' so high
We always get the munchies
And we go for early brunches
That turn into late lunches
And we ain't got a label
We're just rolling with the punches
I make fun of your belly
And tell you to do some crunches
And you say "yeah, well your butt jiggles
Go and do some lunges"
I say "f you"
While I'm thinking of you as my husband, hmm
I think I'm in love
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head)
Baby, I think I'm in love again
I think I'm in love again
(In my head, yeah, you're in my head) Oh
I didn't think it could be true
Let alone that it would be you
I think I'm in love again
(I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love)
I think I'm in love again
After I finish singing the song I look up at the door and I see Pearl and Kevin sleeping in the doorway and Darrel sitting in between them staring at me almost as if he was trying to ask me if Roux and I are okay. I pick my phone up and take a picture of Darrel Kevin and Pearl so I can show Colby when he wakes up but after I finish feeding Roux she starts to cry again so I smell her diaper and it smells clean so I just guess that she needs to be burped so I put the burp rag over my shoulder and I burp her and she burps but she doesn't stop crying which is stressing me out because I don't know what's wrong. In an attempt to get her to stop crying I go into the bedroom and lay down in the bed and lay her on my chest and wrap my arms around her. While Roux was laying on my chest I guess Colby heard her crying because he woke up, turned over to face me, then he asked me "is there anything I can do to help you honey?" "No I just don't know why Roux is still crying I just fed her and burped her I even checked her diaper and it's clean" "Rebecca maybe she needs to fart" "how do I get her to fart Colby?" "It's hard to explain do you want me to do it?" "Yeah I guess" *Colby takes Roux from me and walks into the bathroom (there's a changing mat on the counter in the bathroom) lays her down on the mat and lifts up her legs so that she looks almost like she's doing crunches and then I hear the loudest fart I've ever heard in my entire life and then by the grace of god Roux finally stops crying and Colby picks her up and carries her back over to the bassinet and lays her down* "Thank you babe I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't stop crying and it was starting to stress me out" "it's okay love I'm just glad that it worked" "me too have you gotten much sleep tonight?" "Not really but it's fine" "do you want to see something really cute?" "Yeah" *i pull my phone out and get the picture up and show Colby* "awe that's adorable" "Yeah I know right it was so cute and I almost felt like they were trying to protect me and Roux" "I think they were too because they can tell that Roux is super little and can't protect herself" "Colby what time is it?" "It's 4:28 in the morning" "Well I guess we should try to get some sleep before you know who wakes up again" "Yeah but if she starts to cry again I'll get up and take care of her and let you sleep" "Thanks babe you're the best I love you" "I love you too Becca"
A few hours later
Colby's pov
I wake up because my alarm on my phone is going off so I get up and to my surprise Rebecca is still asleep and so is Roux so I decide to go downstairs feed the dogs and make breakfast for Rebecca and I. Right after I finish making breakfast I hear Roux start to cry so I go upstairs and pick Roux up and carry her to her nursery and I have a feeling that she needs a diaper change so I take off the onesie that she's wearing and I change her diaper and put her in a clean onesie that says "Daddy's girl Mommy's world" after I change her clothes I carry her downstairs and grab my breakfast and carry my food and Roux to the couch and sit down and I put my feet up on the couch and lay Roux on my chest and eat my breakfast* right after I finish my breakfast I hear Rebecca coming down the stairs "good morning my love" "good morning coco good morning my little leprechaun" *i chuckle a little* "leprechaun???" "What she's half Irish it's a cute nickname for her" "true, I made you breakfast" "Thanks love I'm super hungry" *she grabs her food and brings it over to the couch and sits next to me and gives me a kiss and gives Roux a kiss and eats her breakfast* "Thanks for making me breakfast babe I really appreciate it" "it's okay love" we just sit on the couch for most of the morning and then Rebecca's phone starts to ring so she answers her phone
S-Stephanie R-Rebecca
R-Hey Stephanie
S- Hey Rebecca
R- what's up??
S- I really wish I didn't have to tell you this but Colby needs to come back soon
R- how soon??
S-2 weeks
R- oof
S- sorry but smack downs ratings have went downhill since he left
R-I understand it's what's best for business do you think that I can go with him and bring our daughter because our daughter is a big time daddy's girl?
S- Yeah you can totally come and bring your daughter
R-did we tell you what we named her?
S-no you didn't tell us what did you name her?
R-we named her Roux Ashley
S-awe that's a really cute name
R-thanks well I gotta go I'll tell him right now
S-Okay Thanks bye
"What was that about?" "They need you to come back to smack down in 2 weeks because the ratings are going down since you left" "damn it I'm really sorry lovebug" "it's okay I asked Stephanie if Roux and I can go with you and she said yeah" "awesome that's a relief because I hate being away from you two" "I know coco" "I have an idea of what we can do today" "what's your idea?" "Would you want to go to the zoo because I know you love the zoo and I think it would be a good outing for our first time going out as parents" "I really like that idea let's do it" "Okay do you want me to get Roux dressed while you get ready?" "Yeah that would help a lot thanks Coco" "no problem lovebug" *Rebecca goes to get ready and starts to feel a really bizarre pain in her right side and the pain is to the point that she can't help but scream from the pain "COLBY COME HERE" *the pain is so bad that she has to sit down on the floor of the closet and Colby runs into the closet* "babe are you okay?" "My right side hurts really bad right now I can't move it hurts so bad" "Do you think you need to go to the hospital?" *she just nods her head yes* "I'm gonna get Roux in the car and then I'll come back to get you and I'll carry you to the car" "Okay just please hurry it hurts insanely bad" "I know honey I'll go as fast as I can" *Colby runs into the bedroom and picks Roux up and carries her downstairs and puts her in her car seat and then puts her in the car and then runs back into the house and goes upstairs and into the closet and picks Rebecca up and carries her to the car and puts her in the car and then gets in the drivers seat and drives to the hospital and once they get to the hospital Colby runs into the hospital and tells a nurse that Rebecca is in excruciating pain and can barely move and that she needs a wheelchair then Colby and the nurse run out to the car and Colby helps Rebecca out of the car and into the wheelchair and then he gets Roux out of the car and then the nurse pushes Rebecca in the wheelchair into the hospital and Colby follows them* "Sir, you just follow me and I'll get y'all into a room and get her vitals taken and get her into a hospital gown" "Okay" *the nurse pushes Rebecca into a room and I helped her out of the wheelchair and onto the hospital bed and the nurse takes her vitals.*
Her vitals
Blood pressure:132/79
"I have a feeling I know what's wrong. I think her appendix burst but I'll let the doctor confirm that"
A few minutes later the doctor walks into the room and says that Rebecca needs to have blood work done and Rebecca looks up at Colby with tears in her eyes and says "baby I'm scared" "I'm right here you're okay I know you're scared of needles but you'll be fine I'm going to stay with you when they do the blood work" "promise?" "I promise" the doctor leaves the room and a nurse comes into the room with the stuff that she needs to do the blood work and Colby grabs Rebecca's left hand while the nurse is going to do the blood work on her right arm and Colby holds Rebecca's face and with his thumbs he rubs Rebecca's cheeks while the nurse does the blood work and then once the nurse is done she leaves and takes the blood to the lab where they confirm that Rebecca's appendix did burst then the doctor walks back into the room and says "just as I suspected your appendix burst you have to have surgery to remove your appendix." "Will that cause me to not be able to breastfeed my daughter?" "No you'll still be able to breastfeed your daughter but you have to have the surgery asap so if you haven't fed her super recently you probably should before the surgery because the surgery might take 2-3 hours" "Okay I'll try to get her to eat" "Okay I'm gonna go prepare the operating room for the surgery" "Okay" *the doctor leaves the room* "Colby?" "Yes lovebug?" "Can you get the empty bottle out of the diaper bag?" "Yeah why?" "My boobs are super full of milk so I was thinking that I could just squeeze some milk into the bottle just in case Roux gets hungry while I'm in surgery" "Okay do you need any help or are you Okay?" "I know what I'm about to say is really weird but my boobs are so full that milk won't come out unless someone sucks on my boobs just for the first little bit of milk, so I can't believe I'm going to ask you this but could you suck on my boobs just for a minute and then I'll do the rest?" "Uhhhhhh I guess but I just hope that nobody sees me do that?" "The door is closed and the curtain is closed so nobody can see." *Rebecca adjusts the hospital gown and exposes one of her boobs and Colby sucks on her boob for a minute and then he stops and Rebecca starts to massage her boob and Colby holds the bottle while Rebecca is squeezing milk out of her boob to feed their daughter she has so much milk in her boobs that she filled the bottle to the top and then Colby puts the lid on the bottle and Rebecca covers herself up and a few minutes later the doctor comes back into the room and says "let's get this show on the road are you ready?" *Rebecca just nods her head and Colby gets up and gives Rebecca a kiss and the doctor wheels her out of the room to the operating room and puts a oxygen mask on Rebecca and Rebecca falls asleep
Colby's pov
Rebecca just went into surgery and as soon as I sit down in the waiting room with Roux she starts to cry and it kinda breaks my heart because I feel like she knows that Rebecca isn't there with them so I take her out of her car seat and I lay her on my chest (he didn't have a shirt on he just had a jacket that was oversized and he unzipped his jacket laid Roux on his chest and then zipped it back up and just held Roux under his jacket) Then I start thinking about how Rebecca gets Roux to calm down and I remember that she always sings to her so I decide that I'm going to sing to her too so I decide to sing a song by Taylor Swift called The best day
I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on
I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
But I know you're not scared of anything at all
Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
But I know I had the best day with you today
I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names
I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
But I know I had the best day with you today
I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
And I had the best days with you
There is a video I found from back when I was three
You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
And I love you for giving me your eyes
For staying back and watching me shine
And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say
That I had the best day with you today
After I finished singing the song to Roux I look down at her and she's asleep and she has the biggest smile on her face it melted my heart and after a little while I end up falling asleep and then after about an hour a nurse comes over to me and wakes me up and I wrap my arm around the bottom of Roux and I stand up and the nurse says that the surgery went perfectly and I'm so relieved and she says that Rebecca is still asleep but I can go see her so I pick up Roux's car seat and walk with the nurse to the recovery room and I go into the room and then Roux starts to cry again so I grab the bottle of Rebecca's breast milk and I feed Roux. As I'm feeding Roux I realize that this is the first time that I've been the one to feed my daughter and I almost get emotional because I love my girls with all my heart. A few minutes later Rebecca starts to wake up so I get up with Roux still in my jacket and I walk over to Rebecca laying in the hospital bed and grab her hand and kiss her hand
"Baby"Rebecca whispers
"Hey Becca"
"What happened?" Rebecca asked
"You're appendix burst and you had to have surgery to have your appendix removed"
"What about Roux where is she??"
"She was fussy so I unzipped my jacket and laid her on my chest and zipped my jacket up with her in my jacket but my jacket is oversized so it's not hurting her but she just had her bottle I also sang to her for the first time and she fell asleep while I was singing to her"
"Awe she's a real daddy's girl huh?" "Yeah she's definitely a daddy's girl and I love it."
"I know you do I mean she's absolutely adorable." "She's adorable just like her mommy." "How did it feel to feed her for the first time?" "It was magical because when I started to feed her she opened her gorgeous brown eyes and looked up at me and she smiled. It made me want to cry." "Awe she definitely loves her daddy."
"Yeah but Rebecca I need to tell you something and you're definitely not going to like it." "What's wrong are you okay did I do something?" "No my love you didn't do anything wrong and I'm fine but while you were in surgery your mom called your phone crying hysterically and she said that your dad is in hospice care and they don't think he's going to be here much longer. I'm so so so sorry Becca." "You're messing with me right please tell me that you're messing with me." "I really wish I was lovebug but I'm not messing with you." Rebecca starts crying hysterically so Colby gets up takes Roux out of his jacket lays Roux on Becky's chest and gets in the bed next to Rebecca and picks Rebecca up and sits her on his lap and Rebecca burries her head in Colby's neck and just cries until she fell asleep. "I know lovey I know" "he never met his granddaughter. Colby can we go see him?" "Becca I don't think that's possible because of the current global pandemic but we could just FaceTime your mom and brother. I think it would be a lot safer for all three of us." "You're right I would never be able to forgive myself if our little leprechaun princess got sick." "That's a really cute nickname for her." "Thanks she is our princess and she's half Irish so she's a little leprechaun princess." "We've had a really long day so let's go to sleep I'm exhausted." "Me too babe but where is Roux gonna sleep?" "Well I was thinking that she could sleep on your chest since she is the most calm when she can hear your heartbeat or my heartbeat." "Good point" *Colby lays Roux on my chest and she immediately falls asleep and so do Colby and I.*

Hello again everyone I know it's been a long time but I've been extremely busy with school. I'm graduating from high school this year and I'm starting college in August. I also found my biological mom today and I found out some really crazy news but I'm going to keep that private. I'm going to try to post more but I can't promise anything because you know how chaotic life can be but I hope this extremely long chapter makes up for the length of time I was M.I.A. ❤️❤️❤️~Allie

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