Comeback Countdown

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Hey y'all it's Allie. I'm well aware that it's been a long time since I've posted a new chapter of this book there are multiple reasons why I haven't updated for this long. The biggest reason is because since June of last year my mom developed extreme dementia which made her hard to be around for both my dad and I at first she would just scream at us and then she started getting physically violent towards my dad and then myself. Which definitely caused some trauma for me because there were multiple times that she threatened to unalive my dad and me. She even said she was going to unalive my five dogs. And she had to be knocked out by police and paramedics because she was threatening to unalive them. (I'm trying not to go into detail because I don't want to trigger myself right now). Near the end of October is when it got really really bad her doctors said that one of the valves in her heart had a tear or was weakened (I don't remember which but frankly I don't care) and her health was too bad to do surgery and because of her age (she was 85) surgery was not an option because she wouldn't have made it through the surgery so my dad had to put her into hospice care which was at home so I basically had to just allow her to be verbally and physically abusive which caused me to (I know this is going to sound really bad but I'm nothing if not brutally honest) I stopped caring about/ loving her because of how abusive she was. She even told me that she hated me and hoped I would burn in hell. I'm not proud of what I said but I don't regret it I told her flat out that she was a bitch because quite frankly I couldn't just let her say shit like that and not say anything. The abuse from her lasted from around October until my dad had her placed into a nursing home sometime in either late November or VERY early December and then she finally died December 9th at 7:15pm and when my dad told me that she passed I felt like I could finally breathe again because I had been walking on eggshells for months on end and when you have to basically just take the level of abuse and trauma that I had to deal with you stop caring about that person. And please don't say that she didn't know what she was doing or saying because my heart knows that but my brain just won't let that sink in. I'm pretty sure she caused me to develop ptsd because now if my dad starts getting angry I have to try not to laugh. I know I sound insane but I've been through a lot in my life. Anyway now I'm in a better place than I have been in a very long time and im going to try to start posting more updates now that im not dealing with my mom anymore I feel like im so much happier. I've always been more attached to my dad than I was my mom and now that it's just me dad and the dogs we(my dad and I) are definitely so much happier than we have been since June of 2023. There's a lot of stuff I'm not going to go into detail about because I don't want to trigger anyone or myself. Oh and by the way my 22nd birthday is this coming Sunday

Rebecca's pov
I've been training a lot over the past few months Rouxs foot is finally healed up not before a minor setback a couple weeks after I started training her brother decided to soak her from head to toe in water when she was sitting in the bathroom while I had to go turn off the oven. I had to bring her to the doctor to get a new cast thankfully Colby was able to watch Dustin since my mom had to go back home to Ireland but my brother decided to stay so he could help with the kids and the dogs. But back to present day Richie Colby Roux Dustin Kevin Artemis and Athena are still staying with Stephanie and Hunter for the time being since Shayna is still free the F.B.I. Is even looking for her because she's considered armed and highly dangerous but in a few weeks I'll finally be making my very long awaited return to the ring and I am so excited because I'll be returning at Wrestlemania nobody except me Colby Hunter and Stephanie know and I'm not just going to make my return I'm returning during Colby's match against Cody Rhodes and I'm going to bring Dustin out to the ring with me as a distraction because Cody gets distracted by little kids and I talked to Dustin about it and he wants to help his daddy win the match and then we're going to celebrate his win. And before anyone asks Roux is going to be backstage with auntie Rhea (Roux's favorite wrestler) and Damian along with Finn and Dominik (who all love Roux and always make sure that she's safe and happy and her uncle Finn always spoils her giving her candy which she absolutely loves) and I've already told Erik Ivar and Sarah Logan that Roux gets scared pretty easily by face paint so they promised that they wouldn't put the face paint on while she's around. And Rhea even told Roux that she can be an honorary member of the Judgment Day and Roux gave all of them hugs even JD McDonagh got a hug and Damian is going to give her a bracelet since every member of Judgment Day was given a steel bracelet when they joined they want Roux to have one too. "MOMMY" "yes my love?" "I hungry" "do you want chicken nuggets or something else?" "Nuggies please with ranch dressing" "sounds good Roux Roux" then I remember something that we should have done before Dustin was born but it's not too late so I grab my phone and call Rhea
Rebecca- hey Rhea it's Becky
Rhea- hey Bex what's up?
Rebecca- is Damian there with you I have a question for the two of you
Rhea- yeah I'll put you on speaker okay you're on speaker Damian come here Bex wants to ask us something. Okay he's here
Rebecca- I have a question for the two of y'all it's kind of important
Rhea and Damian- What's the question
Rebecca- do y'all want to be Dustin's godparents
Rebecca- y'all are the best oh and Roux says hi and that she wants to play with Luna and Barry
Rhea- are y'all in Florida?
Rebecca- No we're in Connecticut
Rhea- why are y'all in Connecticut
Rebecca- do you not know what Shayna did?
Rhea- no what did she do?
Rebecca- she threatened to kill me Roux Colby and Dustin
Damian&Rhea- SHE DID WHAT
Rebecca- yeah she threatened to kill Roux Dustin Colby and me
Rhea- well she's not going to be alive for much longer I was actually supposed to go have lunch with her today but now I'm gonna fuck her shit all the way up I already know what I'm going to do. And no I'm not going to risk going to jail but as soon as I see that bitch I'm going to call the cops and give them the address because I'm going to say hi to her and then immediately go to the bathroom and call then as soon as the cops get there I'm going to cuss her ass out and make that bitch wish she was dead
Rebecca- sounds good to me and would you mind telling her that I talked to her parents and they told me that they disown her and that they wished that she was never born and that she's a fucking disappointment oh and tell her that I said that I called every single wrestling promotion and combat sports company that exists and told them everything that she told me and that they said that they would never hire her
Rebecca- thanks Rhea oh and Roux says that she can't wait to hang out with you and the rest of Judgment Day I just have one request
Rhea- What's that?
Rebecca- please don't give Roux a lot of candy she can have a few pieces but no more than ten I don't need her bouncing around the bus for hours on end keeping her brother up all night especially right now because Dustin is just starting to sleep through the night
Rhea- I'll make sure that roux doesn't have more than ten pieces of candy but you might want to make sure Dominik Finn and Jd are aware because they get carried away with candy sometimes
Rebecca- I'll text them and tell them oh and try to limit the cussing because recently Roux has started to pick up on cussing and she started to repeat it
Rhea- deal I'll be sure to make sure the guys know not to swear in front of Roux
Rebecca- thanks Rhea I just have one more question
Rhea- What's your question?
Rebecca- how did you get Shayna to agree to go get lunch with you?
Rhea- she wanted to give me my vacuum back that I let her borrow
Rebecca- where are y'all having lunch
Rhea- a fish taco place called Rubio's they have really good Mexican fish tacos that are absolutely incredible
Rebecca- I've been there before and I agree with you the fish tacos are killer
Rhea- do you want to send you a video of her getting arrested
Rebecca- yes please now don't be late
Rhea I'm not don't worry in fact I'm at Rubio's right now sitting in my car
Rebecca- call me after everything happens and thank you for doing this for us
Rhea- no problem I gotta go bye
Rebecca- bye
Rhea's pov
I get off the phone with Rebecca and see that Shayna is pulling up right now so I quickly get up and go to the bathroom and call the cops
Dispatcher-911 whats your emergency
Rhea- I have eyes on Shayna baszler shes wanted for death threats against a very good friend of mine get police to Rubios fish taco restaurant on ambassador road I'll keep her here for as long as possible
Dispatcher- police are on the way is she armed
Rhea- I don't know but I do know that she has pepper spray on her person
Dispatcher- thanks for letting me know I'll notify the police
Rhea- the police are here
Dispatcher-good bye
I leave the bathroom and see that shayna is sitting back to the window across the restaurant and she hasn't seen me yet so I walk out towards the police officers
Rhea- Are y'all here for Shayna baszler?
Police- yes mam do you know where she is?
Rhea yes sir follow me
Police- lead the way
I walk over to the table with the cops right behind me
Rhea- hey Shayna
Shayna- hey Rhea—-what the fuck why are the cops here
Rhea- because you threatened to kill my goddaughter and godson and their mom and dad
Shayna-What are you talking about
Rhea- Becky called me and told me everything you said and tried to do WHILE THEY WERE AT HOME TRYING TO ADJUST TO HAVING A BABY
Shayna- she's a fucking liar
Rhea- I probably would believe that if it weren't for the fact that she recorded the call and she sent it to me along with the security camera footage of you vandalizing a newborn baby's nursery like the monster you are thank god for that safe room they had installed
Police-shayna baszler you're under arrest for breaking and entering making threats against four people 2 counts of felony child endangerment and five counts of endangering animals
Rhea- officers the mother of the children want me to tell Shayna something is that okay
Officers- go ahead just make it quick
Rhea-Shayna Rebecca called your parents and told them everything you did and said and they disowned you and said that they wish you were never born and that they should've gotten an abortion because you're the biggest disappointment and Rebecca also contacted every combat sports company that exists and told them everything you did and said and they said they would never hire you again. Okay officers you can take her away" once the cops take her away I grab my phone and call Rebecca
Rhea- hey Becky it's me you can go back home now Shayna's officially locked up and I told her everything you wanted me to
Rebecca- thank you so so much for helping to catch her and put her in prison
Rhea-no problem I'm just glad that y'all are safe finally
Rebecca- yeah I was really stressed out because Roux was asking me why we weren't at home and when we were going to go home because she misses her stuffed animals toys because we had to pack and leave so fast we didn't have time to pack many of her teddy bears and toys
Rhea- I don't mean to cut you off but I have to go I have to get home before Matt thinks I'm hurt and come looking for me because he knew that I was meeting up with Shayna
Rebecca- go ahead I'll talk to you soon
Rhea- sounds good give Roux and Dustin a hug for me and tell them that auntie Rhea misses them
Rebecca- I will when they wake up from their naps
Rhea- sounds good bye Rebecca
Rebecca- bye Rhea

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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