What NOBODY knew about Rebecca

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Rebecca's pov
The next morning I wake up around 4:30 because Dustin is crying so I get up and get Dustin and I immediately know that he's hungry so I get my clothes situated and I let Dustin latch on and start eating but halfway through Dustin eating I hear a very faint knock on the door so I carefully get up and go to the door and open it and I see Aurora holding a crying Roux "Hey Aurora what's up?" "Roux had a bad dream" "Okay just give me a second" "Okay" I have to unlatch Dustin before he is done I wake Colby up "what's wrong Becca?" "Roux had a bad dream and I know she wants me so can you hold Dustin for a little bit?" "Yeah" I take Dustin off and hand him to Colby and fix my clothes and go to the door and open it and Aurora is holding Roux so I take Roux from her "I'm sorry that Roux woke you up Aurora" "it's okay I understand why she told me what the dream was going about and it honestly kinda freaked me out too so I figured that she would want you" "do you want to tell me what the bad dream was about?" "From what Roux told me she said that she was at a live event and a bad lady tried to hurt you and then she tried to hurt her" "did she happen to say a name?" "No but I'm assuming that she had a nightmare about Shayna" "that's not surprising because we're actually here because I got a call from Shayna saying that she was going to try to kill me Roux Dustin and my husband Colby" "Yeah that's what the nightmare was" "Thanks for bringing Roux back to me" "no problem" "Well Aurora you should go back to bed" I take Roux from Aurora and Aurora walks away and I close the door and carry Roux back to our bed and Colby looks at us "oh love bug did you have a bad dream" Roux just nods her head while clinging onto me for dear life "it's okay Roux bear mumma's got you and we're not gonna let anyone hurt you" "Hey Roux honey come cuddle with daddy while mumma feeds Mr. Dustin" "daddy I had a bad dweam" "I know princess but mommy and I won't let anyone hurt you and your brother now go back to sleep love bug" "Okay daddy I wove you" "I love you too Roux bear" Roux goes back to sleep and I finish feeding Dustin and burp him and lay him down in the bassinet and decide that it's time to get some stuff off of my chest to Colby" "babe can we talk please" "sure honey what's up?" "First can you promise you won't get mad at me?" "I promise you I won't be mad" "I didn't tell you everything that I went through before I started wrestling and I think it's about time you know everything but I'm nervous because I don't want you to think different of me" "Rebecca no matter what you tell me I'm always going to love you and care about you nothing you say will ever change that" "Okay now when I was in elementary school all the way until my senior year of high school I was extremely bullied but that's just the tip of the iceberg six months before I moved to the United States I dated a guy named Luke Sanders you probably know him because he's a UFC  fighter anyway he was really really really abusive to me it was so bad that he raped me and tried to kill me" "oh honey I'm so sorry" "that's not all when he raped me he got me pregnant and when he found out he got even worse he locked me in a closet and went out and bought I don't know exactly what kind but he bought some type of drug and he came back tied me up in a chair after he ripped all of my clothes off and injected whatever he bought into my uterus and forced me to have a miscarriage and after I had the miscarriage I was still tied to the chair which had a hole in the actual seat part and after I had the miscarriage he moved the chair and stomped on the baby and he said that I don't deserve to be happy or have kids because I'm a no good bitch who shouldn't have been born" at this point both Colby and I are in tears "but that's not all when I finally managed to escape he told me that if he ever sees me again he would find a way to kill me and he was pretty freaking close to successfully killing me because when Shayna called me it wasn't only Shayna it was also Luke" "what exactly did Luke say?" "He said that he knows where we live and he's going to make me regret leaving him and that he is going to make my life a living hell" "oh my god honey" "that's not all Colby he knows where my brother lives and he said that he's going to kill my brother because he knows how much I love him and he wants me to suffer and that he's going to do anything he can to make my life a living hell and then he told me that him and Shayna are getting married" at this point I can tell that Colby's head is spinning so I get up and sit in his lap and he wraps his arms around me protectively and I rest my head on his shoulder because whenever I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack hearing his heartbeat and feeling his warmth always calms me down "Rebecca look at me please" I look up at him "you never have to worry about Luke or Shayna hurting you, Roux, Dustin, Richie, your mom, and me. Because I'm going to tell Stephanie and Hunter about it and they'll handle it but right now let's just try to relax and get some sleep Dustin will be asleep for at least another hour or two and when he wakes up I'll give him a bottle of the milk that you pumped so you can get some sleep" "I love you so much Colby I don't know what I would do without you" "I love you too Rebecca in the morning I'll tell Stephanie and Hunter about what you told me so you won't have to" "thank you Colby" "for what??" "Being the best husband I could've ever asked for and being the best father to our kids and being the best wrestler I've ever met" "I couldn't do it without you. Becca you are the best wife, mother, and wrestler and I can't imagine my life without you" "I love you Colby" "I love you too Rebecca" we give each other a good night kiss and go to sleep
The next morning
Colby's pov
I wake up first and get up and head to the kitchen and I see Hunter and Stephanie "good morning guys" "good morning Colby how'd you sleep?" "I slept really good but last night Rebecca told me something that you should know" "what'd she say?" "She told me that her crazy ex-boyfriend Luke Sanders and Shayna are going to try to kill her brother Richie and she also said that Shayna and Luke are getting married and they will do whatever it takes to make our lives a living hell" when I tell them what Becca told me their faces drop and Hunter gets the most serious expression on his face I've ever seen " We'll handle Shayna and Luke but I highly suggest that you call Richie and get him and Annette to fly over here so we can guarantee that they are safe" "Okay I'll give Annette and Richie a call right now" "Okay sounds good"
On the phone
C-Colby R-Richie A-Annette
C-hello Annette it's Colby
A-Hey Colby how are you and Rebecca?
C-well that's actually why I called you
A-what happened?
C-last night Rebecca told me that her ex-boyfriend Luke Sanders knows where you and Richie live and he and Shayna Baszler are going to try to kill you and Richie I know you're probably stunned but you and Richie need to pack your stuff and come to Connecticut for your safety and if you have any pets bring them with you our bosses are sending the wwe cooperate private jet to Dublin to pick up you and Richie
A- I'm speechless but I'm gonna pack my bags now thank you for letting me know
C-of course Annette can you please tell Richie
A-I actually had you on speakerphone and Richie is right next to me so he heard everything
C-Richie I know your mom is probably freaking out
R-you got that right she's freaking out but I'm gonna pack everything we will need but could you ask your boss if it's okay if we bring our dogs?
C-they told me before I even called that you can bring your dogs and to let you know that you don't have to keep them in the crate if they get anxious
R-what time will the jet be here?
C- around noon your time so you should really start packing and I suggest packing for a month because I'm not sure exactly how long it'll take to get Luke and Shayna in prison
R-Okay I know this is gonna sound crazy but I was going through our dads stuff yesterday and I found a journal that he wrote for Rebecca do you think I should bring it to give to her?
C-I think she would love that she's been missing him a lot recently and I know that if she had the journal she would be happier
R-sounds good I'll pack it
C-Okay well we'll see y'all when you get here 
A&R- sounds good bye
"Well they're starting to pack up I'm sure when Rebecca finds out that her mom and brother are coming she will be so excited" "good morning Stephanie good morning Hunter good morning bubby" "well Ashley was right when you first wake up your accent is thick" "I didn't just wake up because Dustin started crying because he was hungry so I fed him changed his diaper and burped him and then I decided to get up" " Okay are either of you hungry?" "Yeah" "Okay what do y'all want for breakfast?" As soon as Hunter asked us what we want for breakfast all of us hear a blood curdling scream so all of us drop what we're doing and run upstairs to see what's wrong when we get upstairs we see Aurora standing in the hall with blood on her pants so Hunter and I go back downstairs and let the girls handle it
Back upstairs with the girls and Aurora 

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