The chaos of being a wrestler

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Becky's pov
I wake up and as always as soon as I get out of bed I have to run to the bathroom to throw up and as I'm throwing up Ashley comes into the bathroom and holds my hair back while I was throwing up and as soon as I finish throwing up I say thanks to Ashley for holding my hair back. "Hey Ash can you show me the video of Shayna's reaction to my pregnancy announcement? Because as soon as I get back into the ring after I have the baby I wanna be able to have some pent up anger so I can beat the living shit out of her" "Are you sure you wanna watch that video because I know how you get when you're pissed off because I know if you watch the video you'll be extremely pissed off" "I'm sure" "Okay" Ashley pulls out her phone and pulls up the video and Ashley was right because the video pissed me off a lot. Shayna had the nerve to say " how stupid do you have to be to get knocked up when you're a champion here's a fact 10 out of 10 Mulberry will try to convince you that pregnancy didn't ruin their career you try to tell me Becky Lynch become the longest reigning raw are women's champion and throws that all away just to house some miserable parasite imagine the man barefoot fat on the couch eating bonbons that kid's gonna suck you know who the father is? I rest my case" I just look over at Ashley and I burst into tears because she stooped so low and attacked my unborn baby "I wanna kill that bitch" "Bex I know you do I do too but you can't stress out because it's not good for the baby" as soon as she said stress isn't good for the baby I calm down "Thanks for telling me that stress isn't good for the baby because that calmed me down instantly" "of course Bex" I start to get hungry so I go downstairs with Ashley and we eat breakfast and I FaceTime Colby because I miss him
C-Colby R-Rebecca
R- Hey honey
C-Hey my love what's up?
R-Not much but I just miss you a lot and can you do me a favor?
C-what do you need me to do babe?
R-Warn Shayna that as soon as I can get back in the ring that I'm gonna kick her ass so bad she'll quit wrestling faster than Ronda Rousey did and that she is dead meat because she called our baby a miserable parasite. I'm going to kill her!!!
C- She's not worth it baby besides the entire locker room ripped her a new ass hole for saying that
R-I think it's my momma bear instincts coming out
C- I can tell but I have a surprise for you
R-what's the surprise?
C-you'll find out tomorrow
R-are you coming home tomorrow?
C- Yes but that's not the surprise
R- I miss you so much baby I can't wait to see you tomorrow I love you
C-I love you too lovey but I have to go
R-okay I'll see you tomorrow bye
I get off the phone with Colby and Ashley is sitting right next to me
"I know you miss him but you'll see him tomorrow" "I know but I just can't wait to see him and hug and kiss him" "I know Bex" "Do you wanna watch a Disney movie with me?" "What Disney movie?" "Descendants" "sure" I turn on the tv and put on Descendants and Ashley and I watch it and then I tell her that there's two more descendants movies and she agreed to watch them with me. After the second movie went off I take a quick bathroom break and get some food for Ashley and I and then I put on Descendants 3 and we watch it after the movie ended Ashley looks over at me "I see why you wanted to watch those three movies" "Yeah" "I'm pretty tired right now so I'm gonna go lay down but could you do me a favor please?" "Yeah sure what do you need?" "Could you take the dogs for a walk I would do it but sometimes Kevin gets crazy and pulls and because I'm pregnant if I were to fall it could hurt the baby" "Of course Bex did you give the dogs their dinner yet?" "I totally forgot damn pregnancy brain!!" "It's okay Bex I'll feed them their dinner" "Thanks Ash I really appreciate it" "no problem" Ashley takes the dogs for a walk and then feeds them and comes upstairs and tells me that she's going to go to bed and then I go to sleep.
Colby's pov
I got home right before Ashley closed the door from taking the dogs out for a walk. "Hey Ashley wait up" "oh hey Colby" "is Bex sleeping?" "She went upstairs to bed right before I took the dogs out for her because she said that Kevin gets crazy sometimes" "Yeah he does" "I witnessed that first hand because a couple minutes after we walked out of the house he started barking a lot and pulling on the leash. I didn't know such a small dog could be so damn strong he nearly made me fall, I'm glad I took the dogs out instead of Bex because she most likely would've fallen and that could be bad" "Yeah and by the way thanks for sending me that video of the ultrasound and the heartbeat of the baby I saw it right after I won my match against Rey Mysterio and I cried in the middle of gorilla and Vince, Stephanie and triple h were staring at me so I told them that you sent me the video of the ultrasound where I could hear the baby's heartbeat and they just said awe and Stephanie hugged me and triple h and Vince patted me on the back and Hunter whispered in my ear that I'm gonna be the best father of all time. He even gave me some advice about being a dad he told me that sometimes I'm gonna feel like I'm doing something wrong but it's okay to fuck up" and then triple h gave me a heads up on the whole birth he said that I'm going to feel helpless because Becca is going to be in excruciating pain but it'll be okay" "Yeah but trust me Becca knows that you'll do everything you can" "How was Becca while I was gone?" "She missed you so much besides when we went to the doctor appointment we stayed home and watched Disney movies and ate a lot of junk food and I'm pretty sure that I gained like 10 pounds from all of the junk food that Rebecca and I ate and since you left she has had insane morning sickness and has been throwing up every morning" "I wish I could've been here to help her but I'm thankful that she had you here to help her" "I'd do anything for y'all you and Rebecca are my best friends" "Well I should get to bed because I've had a really long week and I miss my girl" "Yeah I'm gonna go to bed to but I don't think you should wake her up because I made that mistake one time and she nearly took my head off with a pillow even pregnant she has a strong ass arm" "Thanks for the warning I'll sleep in the other guest room" "Okay have a good night" "you too". Ashley and I walk into the house and go upstairs and she goes to her room and I go to the other guest room and go to bed.
————————————————— The next morning
Colby's pov
I wake up at home and I hear Becca throwing up so I get up and go into the bathroom where Rebecca is and I hold Becca's hair back while she was throwing up after she finished throwing up she looked over at me and curled up in my arms "I missed you so much honey I'm so happy that you're home" "I missed you too sweetie" Becca got up and brushed her teeth and then she gave me a huge kiss which led into a make out session until Ashley interrupted us but she realized it and then she left and then Becca and I decided to go downstairs to eat breakfast. "Becca I told Shayna what you said and she literally laughed in my face but little did she know that Mercedes and Pam were standing right behind her and they looked at me and held up a sticky note that said "do you want us to put her in her place and I winked and then they beat the holy hell out of her" "Next time you see her just saying payback is a bitch and that she has a shit load of payback coming for her." "Okay baby" "what do you wanna do today?" "I just wanna chill out here with you" "Okay Bex we can do that" "When is your next doctor appointment?" "Tomorrow morning at 11:00" I look down at Becca's stomach and I realize that she has a little baby bump "Bex you have a baby bump" "Oh yeah that's cute" "when do we find out the gender?" "I'm not sure but Brie and Nikki told me that there's a blood test that I could get that can tell us the gender earlier then the ultrasound can." "Do you wanna do the blood test?" "Yeah but I wanna have a gender reveal party with Ashley, Pam, Mercedes, Nattie, Roman, Hunter, Stephanie, Dean, and Renee." "I really like that idea I have an idea where we can have it, what do you think about having it at the Amway center?" "I like that idea I'll ask Ashley if she could help us set up the gender reveal" "Okay" "Hey Ashley?" "Yeah what's up?" "I was wondering if you could help us with our gender reveal?" "OMG Yeah when do you wanna have the gender reveal?" "We aren't sure yet" "Okay do you want me to go with you to the doctor when you find out the gender?" "I'll just ask the doctor to email you the results of the blood test that I'm gonna get done to find out the gender" "Okay"

Sorry I'm leaving this chapter on a cliffhanger but I'm actually writing this while I'm doing my English class on my computer and I have to focus because my class is live right now

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