Going on our Honeymoon

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Rebecca's pov
Well it's the day after the wedding reception and Colby and I are going on our honeymoon to Hawaii tomorrow but unfortunately we aren't bringing Roux but it's okay because Ashley is gonna babysit while we're gone. Since I breastfeed Roux I have to pump as much breast milk as I possibly can because Colby and I are going to be gone for a week and I'm definitely going to miss her a lot but Colby says that I deserve a break from being a mom for a few days and Ashley told me that she will call every night so we can still see and talk to our baby girl. I finish packing and Roux starts crying as I go over to pick up Roux Colby beats me to it and he picks her up and he asks me "babe do you think I could feed her a bottle so you can have a break?" "Yeah I guess so" "what's wrong love?" "I'm just nervous about Roux not being with us because we haven't left her without one of us being with her and it's freaking me out" "I know it's scary to leave her but she's going to be perfectly fine it's not like we're l her home alone without anyone to take care of her she's with her godmother and I promise you that if anything happens we'll come back home" "I know it's just she's our baby bear and I love her so much I know I'm being dramatic but it's hard not to be away from her I mean she has never been away from us for more than five minutes I mean she literally went to our wedding reception with us." "I know love bug it's okay to be scared but she won't be alone she'll have Ashley and Manny to take care of her"
"You're right thanks Coco" Colby gives me a hug and kiss and then he grabs a bag that has my breast milk in it and puts the milk into a bottle and then he carries Roux downstairs to the living room and sits down on the couch and starts to feed Roux and he sings the song butterfly kisses by Bob Carlisle
There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes
And I thank god for all of the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning And butterfly kisses at night.
Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.
But I remember...
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy
But if you don't mind I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."
Oh with all that I've done wrong I must have done something right
To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses at night.
All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.
She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said
"I'm not sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over
Gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk me down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry"
Oh, with all that I've done wrong I must have done something right.
To deserve her love every morning and butterfly kisses
I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.
I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
Every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses... by the time he finished singing the song I was crying and Roux was fast asleep curled up in Colby's chest holding his shirt and Colby was just smiling and holding Roux on his chest with the biggest smile on his face then Colby looked up and I could tell that something was off "what's wrong Coco?" "Nothing's wrong I just love Roux so much" "I know right it's like as soon as she was born it feels like she is is the main person on earth that you want to protect and you would do absolutely anything to protect her and keep her safe along with me" " Yeah it's like I didn't know I could love someone so much and feel like a bear protecting his cub from the world and if anyone tries to hurt her it's like my brain goes to if you even think about hurting my baby I'll rip your face off" "Yeah I had one of those moments when we were at the doctor appointment when Roux got her shots it was like as soon as the nurse poked Roux with that needle I wanted to kick her ass" "I could tell that's why I sent you out to the car" "I'm glad you did because I don't know what I would've done if I saw her poke Roux again it was like as soon as Roux started crying I saw red and I wanted to rip the nurse's head off" "I just heard the doorbell I'll go let Ashley in" "Okay I love you" "I love you too" I walk downstairs and open the front door and I see Ashley and I let her in "Hey Ash Colby is just in the bedroom feeding Roux soaking up all the love he can" "she's a daddy's girl huh?" "Yeah she totally is" Colby came downstairs holding Roux "Hey Ash we can't thank you enough for babysitting Roux Becca it's almost time to go I got your suitcase closed so it's ready to go" "Okay Coco Ash do you want me to show you where everything is?" "Yeah sure" "Okay well all of the breast milk that I pumped are in clear baggies in the refrigerator and you'll be able to tell that it's my breast milk because it's yellowish color and to feed Roux just open one of the bags and pour it into a bottle and then put the bottle into the bottle warmer then when you get ready to burp Roux you should put a burp rag over your shoulder because she will most likely will spit up a little bit then when she needs a diaper change there are diapers in the master bedroom under her bassinet and when you change her she likes it when Colby or I play with her feet and she also likes it when she needs to fart if you hold her feet and lift up her legs and bring them to her chest like she's doing crunches and I have to warn you her farts are insanely nasty and whenever you want her to go to sleep you have to lay down and have her on your chest and for some reason she always falls asleep watching our last woman standing match don't ask because I don't know why she just won't go to sleep if we don't play it so you'll be watching it a lot" "Becca it's time to go" "Okay coco is Roux sleeping?" "Yeah I just laid her down in the bassinet" "Okay well Ash is here so let's go first I'm gonna go say bye to baby Roux" "Okay just please hurry" "I will" I go upstairs and to the bedroom and I see Roux sleeping soundly in her bassinet so I walk over to the bassinet and bend down and give her a kiss and whisper that I love her in her ear then I go back downstairs and Colby and I leave and go to the airport and go through security and then we go to a shop and get some snacks and gum because it helps with our ears popping. "Babe it's almost time to get on the plane I'm going to call Ashley to see how Roux is doing" "Okay lovebug"
"Hey Ashley"
"Hey Becca what's up?"
"We're about to get on the plane so I just wanted to call and see how Roux is doing"
"She's Okay when you first left the house she cried for a few minutes but as soon as I put on a video of us wrestling she stopped crying and actually reached out for the tv and she started babbling and before you ask yes I got it on video" "awe I miss my little leprechaun princess tell her that I love her" "I will hang on a second someone just knocked I'll be right back" "Okay"
Ashley's pov
I'm on the phone with Rebecca when I hear someone knock on the door so I tell Rebecca to hang on for a minute and I go over to the door and I see the people Becca and I like to call bitch 1, bitch 2, bitch 3, and bitch 4 aka Shayna, Nia, Lacey, and Ronda I immediately run upstairs and go put Roux in the safe room and I have the baby monitor in there with Roux and then I go back downstairs and I open the front door and the idiots see me "what are you doing here?" "It's none of your business what I'm doing here" thankfully before Becca called me I texted my fiancé Manny to come over and hang out with me and he said yes and thankfully he didn't get stuck in traffic because the bitches tried to get into the house but Manny pulled up right before they could get in the house so Manny and I were able to fight them and win as I was about to close the door I screamed at them " if you even think about coming back here and fucking with a baby Manny Rebecca Colby and I will kick your assed to a fucking pulp" and I slammed the door in their faces after that I ran upstairs and got Roux out of the safe room and then I carried her downstairs and I got my phone "Hey Becca sorry about that Manny and I just had to fight Shayna Ronda Nia and Lacey" "is Roux okay?" Yeah she's fine because before I opened the door I looked out the peep hole and saw them and ran and put Roux in the safe room so the idiots didn't see her at all" "Okay good I'm glad y'all are okay by the way I totally forgot to tell you that if something really bad happens that puts you Manny or Roux in danger I have a taser in the kitchen it's in the cabinet above the microwave and it's bright orange like my hair was before I got pregnant and it looks like a gun but it's not but it gets to the point that you have to shoot someone Colby's gun is in the safe room on the shelf above the door but be careful because it's loaded because of the last time the idiots broke into the house" "Okay thanks for letting me know do you have noise canceling headphones for Roux if it gets to that point?" Yeah in the safe room and if you can Colby forgot to put diapers in the safe room so I would really appreciate it if you put some diapers in the safe room" "no problem" "we have to board the plane now so I'll call you when we get to the hotel" "Okay hope you have a good flight love you" "love you too and tell Roux I love her too" "I will bye" "bye" I put my phone away and Colby and I get on the plane and we take off Colby and I are flying first class when we got on the plane a flight attendant stopped Colby and asked him something but I'm not sure what then he came and sat next to me then about an hour into the flight a flight attendant came up to him and told him something and then he told me that he is going to be right back and he got up and followed her and then a few minutes later he came back holding something behind his back and when I asked him he pulled a bouquet of roses out from behind his back then he told me "I'm friends with the captain and I asked him if he could help me surprise you with flowers and he said yeah" "awe you're so sweet I hope you know I have the best husband on the planet and he's also the hottest man ever, the best father ever, and the most romantic hubby and I love him more and more every single day" "I love you too my firey Irish Queen" I lean over and give Colby a kiss and rest my head on his shoulder and he lays his head on my head and we fall asleep holding hands

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