Home Sweet Heartbreak

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I'm aware that some of you have already read this chapter but my best friend told me that I should put a warning to grab some tissues because you might start crying like I did while I was writing this chapter
Becky's pov
I wake up and realize that Colby and Roux are in the bed with me. I try to get up but Roux's head is on my shoulder so I can't really get up because she has become a very light sleeper so I just decide that I'm going to stay in the bed until she wakes up because she gets super grumpy when she gets woken up which she gets from me. After a few minutes I hear Colby wake up so I tap him on his shoulder and he turns to look at me and I point to Roux and he knows that I want him to move her so I can get up so he very carefully picks her up thankfully she doesn't wake up now that she isn't on me I can get up so I get up and go to the front of the bus and I realize that we're home so I carefully open the door and get out and go into the house and see Pearl, Kevin, and Darrel but when I see Kevin I can tell something is definitely wrong so I run back to the bus and to the bedroom and see that Roux is awake now Colby looks at me confused "Colby something is wrong with Kevin" I see his eyes get huge "we need to get him to the vet asap" "is my mom in the house?" Colby asks me "I don't know because as soon as I saw Kevin I came back out here" "he looked that bad?" "Yeah" "I'm gonna text my mom to see if she can watch Roux Darrel and Pearl" he grabs his phone and calls his mom "Hey mom I know this is very last minute but I need you to watch Roux Darrel and Pearl. Rebecca went into the house and saw Kevin and she said that Kevin looks really sick so we need to rush him to the vet" "Thanks mom I really appreciate it see you soon I love you too" "she's on her way here right now she said that she'll be here in 5 minutes" 5 minuets later Holly(Colby's mom) gets to the house and comes into the bus "if Roux gets hungry there is a mini fridge by the bed with milk that Rebecca pumped for Roux" I give Roux to Holly and give her a kiss then we get out of the bus and Colby gets in the car and I go back into the house and pick Kevin up and carry him out to the car and put him in his doggy car seat and I drive to the vet. On the way to the vet I could tell that Colby was worried and I can't blame him he's had Kevin since before we met. When we get to the vet I park the car and get Kevin out of the car and Colby and I walk into the vet while Colby sits down I sign Kevin in and wait to be called back to see the doctor while we're waiting I can tell that Colby is freaking out "Colby honey look at me" he looks at me "I know you're worried trust me I am too but you have to stay calm Kevin can sense that you're worried" after a few more minutes we get called back so Colby and I go back to the room I carry Kevin and when we get into the exam room I lay Kevin down on the table and the vet tech asks us some questions and then the vet comes into the room and he says that he is going to do some x-rays and blood work so he takes Kevin to the back after 20 minutes he comes back with the X-rays that he took of Kevin and puts them on the light box and shows us what's wrong with Kevin he says what Colby and I were really hoping he wouldn't say he said that Kevin has a tumor and it's in a place that they can't do anything about it and it's making Kevin not be able to eat or drink anything so we really only have 2 options the first one is to let Kevin suffer and die of starvation or the second option and definitely the hardest one to put Kevin to sleep the doctor says that he'll give us a few minutes to talk about it and decide but Colby and I both know what we have to do as soon as the doctor leaves the room Colby breaks down and cries so I sit down with him and pull him into me and let him cry on me "Colby you know what we have to do I know it's hard but I'm right here with you" "I don't want to let my boy go he's been with me through everything" "honey I know but do you really want him to be in pain when he goes or do you want him to be comfortable because if we bring him home and let him live the way he is right now and die in pain and probably alone or do you want him to go comfortably and surrounded by us loving him? I know this is one of the hardest things for you but I'm going to say this because I love you and you need to hear this Colby stop being selfish because we both know what we have to do" "what about Roux she loves him" "do you want me to call your mom and ask her to come down here with Roux?" "Yeah I do I know that I'm a grown man but I need my momma" "Okay I'll call her right now"
On the phone H-Holly R-Rebecca
H-Hey Rebecca what's up
R-Holly we have to put Kevin to sleep and Colby wants Roux here and he needs you here
H-I'm on my way but how is Colby holding up?
R-he's a complete mess and he said that he needs his momma
H-damn he really is a mess I'll be there in 10 minutes
R-see you soon bye
After the phone call
"Honey your mom is on her way right now she'll be here in 10 minutes" "I can't believe my baby boy is leaving me" "I know Colby but just try to think of this from Kevin's perspective he's super sick and he can't eat he has to be miserable and he is probably ready to go anyway I mean he's 14 years old that's old for a dog" "I'm just scared that he'll think that I don't love him anymore" "Colby we both know that that's not true I know this hurts it hurts me too I love Kevin just the same as Pearl and Darrel" there's a knock on the door and Holly walks in carrying Roux "Hey I heard someone needs his momma and this little girl needs to say bye to her best friend" Colby goes over to Holly and hugs her and she hugs him back and holds his head in her neck and he breaks down even more at this point he is absolutely sobbing "son I know this is really hard but it has to be done you can't let Kevin be in pain anymore you need to let him go" "I know momma" while Colby and Holly are having their moment I take Roux and I talk to her "Roux I know you probably won't understand this but Kevin isn't going to be at home anymore he's super sick and he needs to go up to heaven with grandpa because grandpa is lonely up in heaven all by himself" after about 20 minutes the doctor comes in and I tell him that we're letting Kevin go so Colby myself Roux and Holly all walk to the room that Kevin is in and when we see Kevin he's barely breathing and he looks miserable so I pass Roux to Holly and walk with Colby over to the table Kevin is laying on "Hey baby boy it's daddy I'm so sorry that you got sick and there isn't anything that we can do to fix it so we have to say see you later I'll never forget you neither will your best friend and momma" "Hey buddy it's momma you most likely don't know what's going on or why we're so sad right now it's because we're letting you go up to heaven to be with my dad and so you won't be in anymore pain before you go I'll let your best friend say her goodbyes" I go over to Holly and take Roux and bring Roux over to Kevin she almost immediately grabbed his paw and kissed it and babbled what I could only assume was her saying goodbye and Colby Holly and l (while holding Roux were petting him when the doctor asked us if we were ready I nodded and we were all loving on him as the doctor sent him up to heaven when the doctor said that he was gone I don't think I've ever seen Colby that heartbroken it was like watching his heart get ripped out of his chest and stomped on and not being able to do anything about it and not be able to help that's what was the worst for me because I love Colby so much and to see him that upset and heartbroken was awful "Holly I think you should take Colby out to the car because it's already hard enough for him I don't want him to be even more heartbroken" "Yeah Colby let's go out to the car" Colby walks out to the car with Holly and Roux after I'm done signing paperwork and paying the bills I walk out to the car Holly is sitting in the back seat Roux is in her car seat and Holly is sitting next to her with Colby next to Holly and Holly is just holding Colby while he cries "Colby I know that you're devastated trust me I know as your mom it hurts me to see you so sad but trust me you did the right thing and even though it hurts you'll be okay but there's one positive that came out of this Rebecca's dad won't be so lonely up in heaven now he has Kevin to keep him company" after a few more minutes of Colby crying and Holly holding him and comforting him she gets out of the car and we drive home and I grab Roux in her car seat and Colby's hand in the other and walk into the house when we get to the living room I put the car seat down and Colby and I sit on the couch for a little bit "Colby are you hungry do you need anything honey bunny?" "No I just want Kevin back" "I know you do but we know that isn't going to happen" "do you want me to call Hunter and Stephanie and ask them for a few days off?" "Yeah" "Okay"
R-Rebecca H-Hunter S-Stephanie
R-Hey Hunter Hey Stephanie I know this is last minute but do you think that you could give Colby a couple weeks off because we just had to put his dog Kevin down and honestly Colby is an absolute wreck right now I mean I had to call his mom to try to get him to calm down a little bit
H&S-Yeah we'll give him a few weeks off in fact when he first started in the company he would bring Kevin with him everywhere hell one time he even had a match with Kevin at the commentary desk because I think Kevin had just gotten neutered and he didn't want to leave Kevin alone
R-I didn't know that wow
H-get this during the match Kevin barked once and scared his opponent so bad the opponent peed himself
R-what who was his opponent who peed himself I need to know?
H-I can't believe I'm admitting this but it was me
R-really Hunter you peed yourself because Kevin barked once
H-in my defense I had just gotten thrown over the commentary table and Beth Phoenix was the one holding Kevin and when I stood up Kevin's mouth was super close to my ear so his bark was really loud and I had forgotten to use the bathroom before going to gorilla
R-damn well I have to go because Colby needs me
H&S-Okay sorry about Kevin tell Colby that he can have the next month off and if he needs more time just let us know
R-thank you so much he'll really appreciate it bye
"I just got off the phone with Hunter and Stephanie and I told them what happened and they gave you the next month off and they said that if you need more time off to just let them know" "Okay" "so do you want to do anything or go anywhere to get your mind off everything?" "Can we go to Dairy Queen and get blizzards?" "Colby look outside it's snowing" Colby literally gets up and runs to the window I decide to follow him so I get up and make my way over to Colby as fast as I can while being pregnant when I get to Colby he has his head against the window and his hands on the window too after a minute or two he looks at me with a half smile "right before the vet gave him the shot I asked him to make it snow when he got to the rainbow bridge and to your dad so he's with your dad now" "that's so sweet Colby" after a little while I hear Roux just babbling and I realize that Roux is still in the car seat so I get up and go over to the car seat and get Roux out "Hey Roux bear do you want to see if you can cheer your daddy up he's super sad" "Yeah I make daddy feel better" as we walk over to Colby Roux starts talking "daddy don't be sad" "oh my little Roux bear I love you so much I'm just sad that Kevin is not here anymore" "but Kevin is here he's right here" Roux points to Colby's heart "Yeah I know Roux bear I just miss being able to play with him and him begging me to feed him people food" "I do that all the time when mommy gives me veggies because veggies are yucky" Colby's jaw drops along with mine "so that's why Kevin has been pooping green for a month" "Roux why didn't you tell me that you don't like broccoli?" "Because I didn't want to hurt your feelings" "Roux that's sweet but next time you don't like something just tell me and I'll see if I can fix whatever you don't like like the broccoli I've been giving it to you plain so let's try it with ranch dressing what do you think about that?" "Yeah wanch dwessing" "Okay Roux bear I'll get you a piece of broccoli with ranch so you can see if you like it" I get up and go to the kitchen and open the fridge and grab the broccoli and cut a piece off for Roux to try with ranch and I put some ranch in the tiny bowl and bring the broccoli and ranch over to Roux and I dip the broccoli in the ranch and give it to Roux when she bites into the broccoli I can tell that she actually likes it "so Roux bear do you like the broccoli with ranch?" "Yeah mommy that's yummy" she smiles and I notice that she has a tooth growing in "Roux bear does your mouth hurt at all?" "Yeah my mouth hurts a lot and I sleepy" I pick Roux up "Colby I'm gonna bring Roux up to her room and take care of her for a little while if you need me just come get me" Colby gets up and comes over to me and puts his hand on Roux's back and gives her a kiss on the top of her head and then kisses me on the lips "Okay Becca I love you" "I love you too" I walk upstairs to the nursery and I sit down in the rocking chair and grab the nursing pillow from the floor and put it in my lap and lay Roux on it and I take my shirt off and Roux already knows what to do so I just let her latch "Roux bear just don't bite me okay?" She looks up at me and nods while I'm feeding Roux I can tell that she's super tired because she curled into me and is trying to keep her eyes open "it's okay baby girl you can go to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" while I'm talking to her I run my hand through her strawberry blonde hair and rub her back with my other hand a couple minutes later Roux lifts up her hand and does baby sign language and says that she wants to listen to music so I grab my phone and open the music app "what song do you want to listen to sweet girl?" She signs the song mirrorball by Taylor Swift so I pull it up and press play during the song Colby comes upstairs and into the nursery and sits on the floor next to me and puts his head on my knees I reach down and run my hand through his hair like I do when he's upset and I can tell that it's helping "Colby why don't you go lay down in bed and I'll be there soon" "Okay my Queen I'll be waiting" "Okay my handsome King once I lay our princess down I'll be there" Colby gets up and walks out of the nursery and to our bedroom a few minutes later Roux is completely asleep so I gently get up and lay her down in her crib turn her noise machine and princess night light on and leave the room closing the door behind me and I go to the bedroom and see Colby laying in bed holding something and I take a closer look and my heart breaks again he's holding Kevin's collar I walk over to the bed and get in the bed and Colby turns over to face me and I pull him towards me and he nuzzles his head in my neck while I rub his back "Colby are you okay?" "Not really I mean my best friend and partner in crime is gone and I'm never going to see him again" "Colby it'll be okay I promise I know it hurts but you aren't alone you always have me, Roux, and baby #2 so you are not alone we're in this together" "Thanks Becca I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you" "Colby guess what we get to do tomorrow" "what do we get to do tomorrow?" "It's our first doctor appointment tomorrow and we might be able to see baby #2" "I hope so because I can't wait I'm so excited for Roux to have a sibling to spend time with and play together and if baby number two is a girl then Roux can teach her how to do her makeup when they're teenagers and they can fight boys together because I'm not letting either one of them date until they're 30" "Colby be reasonable I started dating when I was 16 so I'll let them start dating at 16" "but Becca teenage boys are idiots and only care about one thing and that's what made Roux and baby bear 2" "Colby we have to trust Roux" "I do trust Roux it's the teenage boys I don't trust not to hurt my baby girl" "Colby can we save this conversation for when we actually have to worry about it I mean seriously Roux isn't even a year old yet and you're already freaking out over her dating" "Colby I have a question for you what are you going to do if the baby I'm pregnant with is a boy are you going to have those same rules for him that you have for Roux dating?" "I don't know maybe" "Colby it's getting late we should go to sleep" "Okay my Queen let's go to sleep"

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