The beginning of Rebecca's comeback

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Rebecca's pov

A few weeks after Ashley surprised us at Hunter and Stephanies' house I decide that I'm ready to start training for my comeback. I've missed being in the ring every week but it has been so worth it because I have two amazing kids. Roux is already wanting to be like me and I'm not going to stop her. Right now I'm getting ready to talk to Hunter and Stephanie about my comeback. I walk to Hunter and Stephanie's office and knock on the open door just to get their attention " Hey can I talk to you guys for a few minutes?" "sure Rebecca what's up?" "I think I'm ready to start training for my comeback I already talked to Colby about it and he said that he's going to help me get back in ring shape I just wanted to talk to you guys about it." "Well as long as your doctors said it's okay for you to start training we aren't going to stop you. And just so you know we fired Shayna and we contacted every other company and told them what happened so Shayna won't be going to any other company either so she's done for." "Wow you guys really are the best" "Do you know if you want to make your comeback as a heel or babyface?" "I'm thinking that I want to stay a babyface but if the crowd wants me to be a heel then I'll be a heel" "Sounds good is there anything else you want to talk about?" "Not that I can think of right now but if I think of something I'll let you know" "Rebecca hang on before you go I just want to know if you still want the bus so you can use it for the kids while you and Colby are on the road?" "Yeah we definitely still want the bus" "Okay sounds good to us." "Okay that's really all I wanted to talk to you about I'm going to go back to Roux I think I can hear her calling for me" "Okay" I walk back to the living room where Roux is sitting "What's up Roux bear?" "I need to go potty but I can't walk" "okay pumpkin come here" I pick Roux up and carry her to the bathroom and help her with her bottoms and get her seated on the toilet "go ahead and go potty sweet girl I'm not going to leave you" Roux goes potty and I help her wipe and get her clothes fixed and then I pick her up again "where do you want me to bring you sweet girl?" "the couch mumma" "Okay" "Mumma where's daddy?" "He's at work sweet girl but don't worry he's going to come back soon right now he's helping some new guys who want to be like daddy and me" "Can I call him I miss him?" "Not right now sweet girl daddy told me that he would call as soon as he gets finished and is on his way back" "But I miss him" "I know you miss him sweet girl but daddy needs to focus on helping the people. How about the two of us watch old matches of daddy before you were here? Would that make you feel better?" "Yeah I fink (think) so" "okay which one do you want to watch?" "The one wif you and daddy fighting cobin(Baron Corbin) and Efans (Lacey Evans)" "Are you sure because at the end Brock comes out and I know you're scared of him" "I'm sure I'll just cover my eyes when he comes out" "Okay sweet girl" I turn on the match with me and Colby against Lacey Evans and Baron Corbin and Roux immediately is distracted so I take a quick picture of Roux watching the match and I text it to Colby and tell him "Someone was missing her daddy and wanted to FaceTime you but I got her distracted"a few minutes later Colby texts back and says "I miss her too but I'll be back in about an hour if she gets upset again you can call me so I can talk to her" "Okay sounds good babe" After about fifteen minutes I hear Brock's music hit so I pick her up and hold her close "Mumma why is Brock so mean?" "it's pretend sweet girl Brock isn't that mean in real life it's just the character he plays is mean but he has to be mean on tv because that's what Uncle Vince tells him to do" "So he's just pretending to be a big meanie?" "Yeah" "So Brock won't hurt daddy in real life?" "Nope in fact your daddy is actually friends with Brock in real life" "Does Brock like doggies?" "Yeah he likes doggies" "Mumma does Brock know me?" "Yeah in fact he told me that you can call him uncle brock if you want to" "Mumma when are you gonna wessle again?" "I'm not totally sure but I want to go back soon because I miss it a lot" "Why did you stop?" "Because I found out that you were in my tummy and it was dangerous for me to wrestle with you in my tummy and then after you were born I found out that your baby brother was in my tummy" "So it's my fault that you had to stop?" "No honey I was so happy when I found out that you and your brother were in my tummy" "But you had to stop" "Yeah but I did it how I wanted to" "And because I was Champion I made a lot of history that your daddy and I will tell you about when you grow up a little and become a big girl." "So you wanted to stop cuz you waned(wanted) me and Dustin?" "Yeah but when you first were in my belly I didn't know and had to fight Shayna before I knew you were in my tummy and once I found out that you were in my tummy I was super worried because I didn't know if you were okay or not" "Mumma I okay" "I know sweet girl" "mumma I wanna be like you and daddy" "you want to be a wrestler?" "Yeah and I wanna beat auntie Bianca and be a champion just like you" "Roux bear you know it took me a really long time to get to where I am right now but if you're sure then Mumma and daddy will help you and I'm sure daddy will want you to learn how to wrestle at his wrestling school" "You mean Back(Black)and Bave(Brave)?" Yeah Black and Brave" after I tell Roux about training at Black and Brave I get a text from Colby here's what the text says "Hey babe I'm wrapping up right now I should be back soon how are Roux and Dustin?" I text him back "We're doing good but I think Roux's pain meds are starting to wear off so in a few minutes I'm going to give her some more medicine Dustin is doing good he's just taking a nap right now Andre is laying next to him I have him just laying in the bouncer so he won't fall and if he starts crying I'll hear " "Okay I'll see you soon babe" "okay" I get up and get Roux's pain medicine and I bring it to her "Here's your pain medicine sweet girl it should help you soon" "Okay mumma" Roux opens her mouth and i squirt the liquid medicine into her mouth "Here's some water for you to get rid of the nasty taste of the medicine" I hand Roux her sippy cup full of water and she drinks some of the water "Daddy told me that he should be home in a little while" "okay mumma" "do you want me to snuggle with you until daddy gets home?" "Yeah mumma" "Okay sweet girl" I sit down next to Roux and pick her up and set her in my lap and hold her she seems really tired because of the medication so I gently rock her from side to side and I start singing the song Rescue by Lauren Daigle
You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you
I hear the whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you
Oh, I will rescue you You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor
I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you
I hear the whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left
I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you
Oh, I will rescue you
As I finish singing to Roux she falls asleep so I carefully lay her down on the couch and I get up to go check on Dustin when I get to him I see that my brother is holding him and that Dustin is asleep "crazy to think that you're an uncle of two amazing kids huh?" "Yeah it's amazing. How's Roux doing?" "She's okay she's taking a nap right now I gave her some of her pain medicine because she was complaining about her foot hurting" "you are such a good mom it's crazy to think that my little sister is a mom I still remember when we were home alone and you got your first period and you thought that you were dying thank god mom got home when she did" "Yeah I try to lock that memory away because every time I think about it I want to disappear from the level of awkwardness we both felt" "Yeah it was pretty damn awkward I still cringe when I think about it" "Richie are you okay watching Roux and Dustin while I go take a shower?" "Yeah go ahead I'll watch the kids for you" "thanks Richie" "No problem when is Colby going to be back" right after he says that Colby walks through the front door "right now and there he is" Colby walks into the living room and to Rebecca "hey honey how was it" "it was awesome I got to see Nathan and he told me that he's going to be debuting on NXT tv on Tuesday" "that's amazing I'm gonna go take a shower and Richie might need some help watching the kids" "Okay" "I love you honey" "I love you too gorgeous"

I'm not sure what else to add to this chapter so for now I'm publishing it and if I think of anything else I'll add it

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