Auntie Ashley comes to visit

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Becky's pov
I hear someone talking to Hunter and then I see my best friend appear so I get up and run over to her "oh my god Ashley what are you doing here" "I heard that Roux got hurt and I never got to meet Dustin so I figured I could come visit besides I've missed my best friend so much" "I've missed you too and I know Roux has missed you too she has been asking me to FaceTime you" "Okay where's my adorable goddaughter" "she's napping on my brother which is a miracle because she barely slept last night because she was in so much pain" "poor girl how bad did she get hurt?" "She broke all five metatarsals in her right foot and she'll be in a cast for between 3-6 months" "oh my god that's gonna be hard" "I know it's gonna be a nightmare for Roux but Colby and I will help her through it right now we're just keeping her in as little pain as possible and my mom and brother are here so that's a huge help because if Dustin needs me there are four adults and a really responsible 16 year old that can help with Roux hell I even showed her exactly how much pain medication she could give Roux if there wasn't an adult around and she knows that Roux loves chocolate milk." "So how are you doing Bex?" "I'm doing okay it's just the fact that Shayna had the nerve to threaten my family's lives and  thought that there wouldn't be any punishment" "Bex trust me Shayna is already regretting that because every single person on both Raw and Smackdown has been ripping her a new one and on top of that Vince suspended her indefinitely without pay and he's making her pay you $10,000,000 in cash" "well damn that's savage but did I tell you that Connor McGregor sent me a message  and told me  "I heard what that bitch Shayna and asshole Luke did and I just want you to know that I've got your six and if you or any of your family need a place to stay they can stay with me and I just thought I should let you know that the guy that runs the UFC heard about what Luke did and he fired Luke and Luke is going to prison and not just any prison he's going to the most famous prison of all time Alcatraz and he's going to be the only inmate in the entire prison because Alcatraz was shut down decades ago but the United States government agrees that he needs to go to Alcatraz so he'll be completely alone except for the staff that work there and even then he will barely have any interaction with them and if you don't know anything about Alcatraz it's the most inescapable prison of all time and it's in the middle of the San Francisco Bay and it's surrounded by water that's shark infested also the state of California is shutting down the Golden Gate Bridge until Luke dies because the Golden Gate Bridge connects to San Francisco so he will never escape and even if he does he won't live more than a few minutes and as for Shayna I'm not sure but I'm sure that they'll do something anyway I hope that I get to meet your kids soon and see you again" so I know that Shayna doesn't stand a chance at hurting anyone" right when I finish telling Ashley what Connor told me I hear Roux call out for me so I go over to her and Ashley follows me "what's up Roux bear are you okay?" " Yeah I'm okay I just wanna hug" "Well good because I want to give you a hug and I have a surprise for you that I know you are going to be super happy about" I hug Roux and pick her up and carry her around the corner to where Ashley is and when Roux sees Ashley her face lit up "AUNTIE ASHLEY" "Hey sweet girl your momma told me that you missed me so I figured that I should come visit" "yay mumma you're the best" "I just do what I can to make you happy and I figured you needed something to cheer you up since you got hurt" "yeah I'm happy now. Has Auntie Ashley met Dustin yet?" "Not yet but she's about to because here comes dada and Dustin" "Wait a second Bex what's his name?" "His full name is Dustin Kenneth Lopez" "Bex I know this might make you emotional but Dusty would be so proud of you not to mention he would have loved to meet Dustin" " Yeah I know I just felt like I needed to name him Dustin since He saved me from getting fired so many times and he always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself I still remember his last words to me he said "Rebecca you will be the top star in the whole damn industry and no matter what do not for a single second let anyone ever tell you differently because they are wrong and Rebecca I will always have your back because I see how much you love this business if you ever need anything you have Dustin's number and Cody's number so don't be afraid to call them or text them" "Wow that's amazing I know you miss Dusty I miss him too" "Do you know why his middle name is Kenneth?" " Your dad" "Yeah I really wish he was here to meet his grandson" "I know you do Bex" we both hear Dustin start to cry so we go over to the couch where Colby is sitting with Dustin and we sit next to Colby and Roux "Do you want me to take Dustin for a little while?" "Yeah I think he wants his momma" Colby passes Dustin to me and he almost instantly snuggles into me and falls asleep" "Aww he's so sweet" "Right?" "He's giving me baby fever" all of us hear Hunter say from the kitchen "Ashley can you please wait until Becky comes back because you are one of the only people who's keeping the ratings for Raw up and if you leave the ratings are going to tank and that is the last thing we need right now" "I wasn't saying that I'm going to get pregnant anytime soon Hunter" "okay good since Becky, Sasha, and Bayley are all out we need the fourth member of the four horse women on tv as much as possible" "Hunter trust me I know besides Shayna has a massive receipt coming for her throat since she decided to threaten my best friends family hell a couple days ago I literally watched Brock tell her that she's going to burn in hell and that if it wasn't for the fact that it's illegal he would slaughter her ass because even he loves Roux and Dustin yet he hasn't even met them and hell he even told me to tell you and Colby that if you need anything to call him because he's got your back no matter what" "wow that's amazing" "Yeah and to think I was afraid of him a few months ago but now I realize he's a giant teddy bear when it comes to the kids of wrestlers and that if y'all want to y'all can go visit his ranch and Roux can ride one of his horses if Rebecca is okay with it" "wow I'm gonna text Brock later today and let him know that Roux would love to ride a horse but that's going to have to wait because of her broken foot" "sounds good to me I actually texted my dad and he said that Shayna's absolutely terrified of wolves and coincidentally I know a guy who owns a wolf sanctuary and he told me that people actually go into the enclosures with the wolves and that we could trick Shayna into getting in one saying that the wolves are hungry but they aren't just to scare Shayna shitless so Shayna will apologize to y'all especially Roux because before you had Dustin you went into the locker room remember when I told you to bring Roux to the bathroom?" "Yeah why??" "Shayna looked at Roux like she wanted to kill her she made a face and Roux almost started crying but all the girls instantly made a barrier standing in her way from hurting Roux and the kicker is that you were holding her burping her because she was only a few weeks old!" "Okay I'm gonna kill that bitch nobody does that to my babies and gets away with it for long" I walk over to Hunter and Stephanie "Hunter Stephanie as soon as I'm medically cleared I want a match against Shayna with the stipulation that if Shayna looses she gets fired and with the stipulation that it's a no holds barred match that girl threatened my babies and I'm not going to let her get away with it hell with all do respect Stephanie if you did what Shayna did I would rip your head off your shoulders but I'm gonna do way worse to Shayna" "you've got yourself a deal and I'm assuming that there's going to be at least a little interference from other women?" "Yeah especially us moms we stick together through thick and thin we protect each other's kids especially babies"

Okay okay I'm sorry I haven't updated this story for a while but I've been extremely busy as a college student but I made a promise to update this story by Wrestlemania and it's technically Wrestlemania day even though it's 12:20 am I'm going to be busy today because my favorite person in my life my singing teacher Kitty and her boyfriend Drew are coming to watch Wrestlemania with me so until the next time I hope you enjoy this chapter

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