The Wedding

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Becky's pov
Today is the day I marry my best friend. I can't wait to become Mrs.Lopez. My bridesmaids are Ashley, Pam, Mercedes,Bianca, Sonya, and Mandy. Ashley is obviously my maid of honor. And Roux is our flower girl even though she is only a few weeks old Ashley is going to carry her down the isle so instead of Ashley carrying a bouquet of flowers she's going to be holding Roux. So I get my dress on

And then the girls got their dresses on

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And then the girls got their dresses on

These are what the bridesmaids dresses look like

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These are what the bridesmaids dresses look like. I got my hair done into a fishtail braid and my makeup was gold eyeshadow mascara some concealer highlight and gold lipstick.

Meanwhile with the guys
Colby's pov
I can't believe today is the day I'm getting married to my best friend. I love Rebecca so much. My groomsmen were Joe, Dean, Brandon, and Finn. Brandon is my best man and Kevin the yorkie is going to have the rings tied on his collar. I'm getting dressed in my tuxedo and I'm getting nervous because I just can't wait until I can call Rebecca my wife and for her to have my last name. Brandon tells me that he's happy for me I give him a hug and he jokes around and says "I'm the older brother why am I not getting married first?" We all laugh and finish getting ready and then we go to the venue where Rebecca and I are getting married and we hang out for a while until we see the limo pull up so I go to the back room because it's bad luck if I see her in her dress before she walks down the isle but after a few minutes there's a knock on the door and I go open the door and see Ashley holding Roux and Roux is crying so I take Roux close the door unbutton my shirt and lay Roux on my chest and wrap my arms around her and I start singing to her I sing the song Fly by Maddie and tae
Baby blue staring in the window pane
Just counting drops of rain
Wondering if she's got the guts to take it
Running down her dreams in a dirty dress,
Now her heart's a mess
Praying she'll find a way to make it
So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
Searching for a sign in the night even like a lonely string of lights
That'll burn just long enough for you to see it
The road's been long and lonely and you feel like giving up
There's more to this than just the breath you're breathing
So keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
On the way down
You won't forget the heavy steps it took to let it go
Close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly
Keep on climbing, though the ground might shake
Just keep on reaching though the limb might break
We've come this far, don't you be scared now
'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
After I finish singing to Roux she is fast asleep but it's time for me to go to the alter so I have to get Joe to come take Roux to Ashley because she is supposed to carry Roux down the isle so after Joe gave Roux to Ashley he came back into the room and said "I hope you have your vows written down." I instantly feel like you an absolute idiot because I haven't even thought about my vows and it's time for me and the guys to walk down to the alter so I'm going to have to really wing it.
Becky's pov
My bridesmaids and I finally arrive at the wedding venue and I see Colby turn around and go inside so he doesn't see my dress I obviously wear the bracelet that Richie gave me and the necklace with Dad's ashes so he won't be left out even though he's gone. Of course I wasn't thinking about the fact that my dress was not boob accessible so of course Roux starts to cry and because I'm wearing my dress right now I can't feed her and the wedding is going to start soon. I'm just glad that I have my vows written down so I see Colby and the guys with Kevin walk down to the alter and then it's time for my bridesmaids and I to walk down the isle so Sonya goes out first followed by Mandy then Pam then Mercedes and finally Ashley who is holding Roux I could see Colby smile when he saw Roux's onesie that says "flower baby 💐🌷🌹🌺🌻🌼🌸" Then it's time for me to walk down the isle and since my dad is gone and my mom and brother are in Ireland I guess Brandon decided to do double duty and he whispered something to Colby and Colby nodded and Brandon walked back up the isle and came up to me and asked if he could walk me down the isle and of course I said yes so he hooks our arms together and the music starts and the curtains open to reveal me and Brandon walking down the isle and the second Colby sees me he almost instantly starts to cry once Brandon and I get up to the alter Brandon lets go of my hand and I grab Colby's hands and the official starts the wedding
We are gathered here today to celebrate the marriage of Rebecca and Colby in that second Roux does the best timed scream I've ever heard in my entire life and just about everybody just starts laughing except Roux but the official just continues thanks for that baby anyway as I was saying marriage is a huge commitment and I can tell that Rebecca and Colby are more than ready for that Rebecca would you like to read your vows? I nod my head and Ashley hands me the paper I wrote my vows on and I start reading them My love Colby who would've thought that a girl from Ireland would meet the love of her life backstage at a wrestling show. And then be so oblivious to it. I mean if it wasn't for Ashley we would probably just be friends right now but thanks to her for getting us together. The kiss we shared at the Royal rumble was absolutely incredible when we kissed it felt like fireworks were going off we have had the best relationship ever. Some of my favorite moments happened on and off tv like when we destroyed Lacey and Baron and when we beat Maria and Mike, then when you proposed, when Roux was born. You are the best dad to our baby girl she loves you so much. I can't imagine my life without you. I promise to love you no matter what crazy things life throws at us. I promise to have your back forever. I promise to treat you like a king. I promise to be your penguin until forever and ever. Fala amo forever. Colby Thank you for loving me. I love you coco. After I finish reading my vows it's time for Colby to say his. Joe pulls a piece of paper out of his jacket and hands it to Colby then he starts reading it to me Rebecca my love I love you so much. I would be lost without you. You have made me the happiest man on the planet. You have given me the best gift anyone could ever ask for which is to be a dad to to the most adorable baby girl I have ever seen. Thank you for wanting to spend your life with me, for loving me even when I'm being stupid. Thank you for being by my side when the odds are stacked against me. Thank you for being the one and only person Brock is scared to piss off I don't know how you did it but whatever you did worked. Today is the best day of my life. I can't believe that we met seven years ago, wow time flies. Who knew the stars that had to align for a guy from Davenport, Iowa and a girl from Dublin Ireland to be destined to fall in love with each other. You are the most beautiful woman on earth inside and out. My favorite thing about you is your unending kindness for everyone. You inspire me every single day. I can't wait to spend forever and beyond with you. I love you more than I love my coffee and you know I love my coffee heck I can't function without it. But if you ever asked me to stop drinking coffee I would in a heartbeat. Thankfully I know that you love coffee almost as much as I do so I know you wouldn't ask me to stop drinking my coffee. Finally I promise to love you cherish you treat you like a queen and be on your side no matter what. Lastly I'll quote our favorite movie I love you "to infinity and beyond" fala amo Becca. After the vows were finished Joe picked Kevin up and untied the rings from his collar. He handed a ring to me and a ring to Colby and then the official said Colby place the ring on Rebecca's finger and repeat after me with this ring I thee wed Colby slides the ring on my finger and says with this ring I thee wed. Now Rebecca place the ring that you are holding on Colby's finger and repeat after me with this ring I thee wed. I slide the ring on and say with this ring I thee wed. Then the official says "by the power vested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife you may now kiss the bride Colby kisses me with so much passion it felt like a Disney movie after we kissed I think some people forgot that Roux was there because they started screaming cheering which scared the heck out of Roux and she started to scream cry which broke my heart and I took her from Ashley and we all walked back up the isle and Colby and I went into the room I was getting ready in and I handed Roux to Colby and he sat down on the couch with her and Ashley helped me take the dress off and she handed me a t shirt that says Mrs. Lopez which made me smile. After I change my clothes I come out and Colby looks up at me and sees my shirt and he smiles from ear to ear and says "I love you so much Mrs.Lopez" I tell him I love him too. Because the wedding was at 4:30 in the afternoon Colby and I planned to have the wedding reception the next day so Colby and I could go home and relax with Roux so we get into the limo with Roux in her car seat and the driver drives us home and we get out of the car and we walk up to the front door and then Colby takes Roux out of the car seat and hands her to me and then he opens the door and puts the car seat in the house and then he picks me up while I'm holding Roux and carries me over the threshold and carries me upstairs to our bedroom and then he takes Roux from me and carries her to her nursery and lays her down and then comes back to our room "so Becca what do you wanna do now? I'm exhausted so let's just rest for a little while. Yeah I'm pretty tired too do you want me to bring Roux in here? Yeah" Colby goes to Roux's nursery picks her up and carries her into our bedroom and lays her down in the bassinet then he lays down in the bed next to me and I cuddle into him and he wraps his arms around me and gives me a kiss and we fall asleep until Roux wakes up crying so I get up and carry her to the nursery and I feed her and talk to her not that she understands what I'm saying I just talk to her anyway "Okay baby girl I need to talk to you about some stuff so tomorrow is mommy and daddy's wedding reception which starts at 5:30 in the afternoon but before that in the morning is your first doctor appointment just to make sure that you're completely healthy and to make sure you are growing the right way. Tomorrow you aren't going to like the doctor because tomorrow you have to get some shots and mommy is probably going to cry because I love you so much and I hate seeing you in pain but the shots are going to protect you from getting sick so can you please be the brave girl I know you are. I promise after you get your shots I'll feed you so you'll be happy again." After I had that moment with Roux I heard Colby scream and I heard a window break. Colby comes running into the nursery with the look of shear panic all over his face and he says "get to the safe room now" "Colby what's happening?" " There are like 20 guys breaking in and they have guns" "Colby come with me" I said it in my you better fucking do what I say tone of voice and he does what I say and follows me into the safe room and I close the door and lock the 14 locks on the door so there's no way in hell anyone is getting us. I take my phone out of my pocket and call 911 and I tell the lady that there are like 20 guys with guns in our house and then as soon as I say that I hear gunshots and they sound way too close for comfort so I grab Roux and carry her over to the far corner of the room and sit on the floor with her and thankfully the door is sound proof so noise can come in the door but it can't come out the door so Colby and I can hear everything out in the house but the people who are in the house can't hear anything from inside the safe room which is a huge relief because Roux is screaming hysterically and it's breaking my heart after a few minutes of being absolutely terrified Colby looks at me and says "you might want to cover Roux's ears I just remembered that there's a hole near the locks on the door that block bullets from coming in but so I can shoot my gun out and I have my gun in here so I'm going to put an end to this" Colby grabs his gun puts the barrel of the gun on the hole loads his gun and starts shooting and I thankfully remember that I have a pair of noise canceling headphones for Roux in here so I quickly grab them and put them on her and then I tuck her head into my neck and rub her back and she starts to try to grab my shirt so I know she's hungry so instead of having my shirt under my boobs I lift up my shirt and let Roux latch and then I pull my shirt over Roux so hopefully if someone tries to get into the safe room they won't see Roux. "Colby we have a problem" "what's wrong?" "Roux needs a diaper change desperately and we don't have any diapers in here" "shit I knew I forgot something do we have any wipes in here?" "Yeah why?" I can't believe I'm going to say this but I'm gonna take my shirt off so you can use it as a diaper for the time being" "Are you sure??" "Yeah I'm sure" "Okay just wondering are there any snacks in here? Yeah there are in fact the snacks that are in here are your favorites. You have peanut butter and jelly uncrustable in here??!! Yeah there's a mini fridge over here with some almond milk and coconut milk. Really you are the best husband ever!!!!!! You're the best Wife and mother ever. I love you Becca. I love you too Colby. Are the cops here yet? I'm not sure but I'm not going to go look." "Okay" Rebecca I think I hear the cops. Okay let's wait until we hear them say that it's the cops just to be safe" "I just heard the cops say we can come out so let's go babe" "OK let's go I'll grab Roux you unlock the door" "Rebecca I'm going to go out first to make sure that it's actually the cops and not the burglars saying that they are cops you Becca" " I love you too please be careful honey" " I will love bug don't worry I'll be OK I promise I'm 99% sure that it is actually the cops and not the burglars because they wouldn't have badges against the hole on the door." "Okay I'll hold Roux getting out of the safe room" "Okay" Colby unlocks the door and opens it and goes out to see the cops arresting the last burglar. " Rebecca it is the cops you can come out don't worry but be careful because you have Roux." "Okay I'm coming" The cops start to point their guns at Rebecca and Roux until Colby says that Rebeca is his wife and that she is holding their daughter. Then the cops put their guns away and apologize for pointing the gun at Rebecca and the baby and tell them that they have arrested all of the burglars and that they will not be getting out for a very long time. Colby finishes talking to the cops he walks upstairs and I follow him he walks into Roux's nursery and I try to go into the nursery but Colby stopped me. "You definitely do not want to see what the burglars did to the nursery but now I know exactly who broke in." "Who broke in?" "Shayna, Ronda, Jessamyn Duke, Lacey Evans, and baron Corbin." "Seriously?!" "Yeah and those assholes are dead meat the next time I so much as see them" "what did they do?" "You seriously do not want to know all I'm gonna say is that they deserve to be thrown into Alcatraz and have the keys thrown away." "It's that bad?" "Yeah in fact I'm gonna go the paint store and get paint to cover what those assholes did to our leprechaun princess's room but until I finish repainting the nursery you can not go in there" "what about the diapers, wipes, onesies, and swaddles? I'll get some out of the nursery." "Colby what about the boppy pillow and rocking chair?" "I'll get the boppy and you can sit in my recliner while you feed her" "Okay I love you" "I love you too honey" as soon as the cops saw Roux they stopped yelling and put their guns away but because the cops screamed and scared Roux she was crying hysterically so Rebecca tried to calm Roux down but nothing was working and to Rebecca's surprise a cop actually went over to her and tried to help Rebecca calm Roux down but nothing was working so the cop asked Rebecca if she could hold her and Rebecca said yeah and she handed Roux to the female cop and then the cop started to play white noise from her phone and Roux stopped crying and then she handed Roux back to Rebecca and I went downstairs to check on the dogs and Darrel as soon as Pearl saw me and Roux she came running towards us and I sat down on the couch with Roux on my chest and Pearl curled up by my right side and Kevin by Colby on my left side you Darrel sitting on the top of the couch directly behind my head as if they were a little while I quickly decide to sing the song by Bryan Lanning called This is home All my life,
I wanted a family to call my own,
And here you come
Singing my favourite song,
Oh you take my hand,
And said let me take you to better days
All my life,
I wanted a love that felt so strong,
Like your mom and dad
But never a battle to be won,
Then you took my hand,
Oh and showered me with grace.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a ring and that soft sunset,
Big blue eyes welled up and said "this is home",
In the refrigerator light you'd never looked so good,
Holding you tight and kissin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be,
Yeah wherever you're with me
Little hands, that took far too long to hold,
I bring you close, never want to let you go,
The nurse wrapped you up, and said "he'll do amazing things".
Little girls, that we never wanna tame,
You look just like dad, but your mom's eyes' the same,
We'll be hold you up, and show you a bright new world.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a laugh and that soft sunset,
Lil' blue eyes looked up and said "this is home",
Just running around you never looked so cute,
Hugging you tight, cuddlin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be,
Yeah wherever you're with me.
Na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na
This is Home hey,
Na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na
I am Home.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be
I'm Home
After I finished singing to Roux I looked down at her and she was fast asleep with the cutest smile I slowly got up from my bed and laid her in her bassinet and then I got back in bed and fell asleep with my head on Colby's chest and his arm wrapped around me.

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