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Becky's pov
Yesterday was by far the hardest day I've been through since my dad died because I had to see the love of my life say goodbye to his best friend Kevin. I wake up around 7:30 because I hear Roux crying but she's not the only person who's crying Colby is crying too so first I go get Roux "good morning my little Roux bear are you okay?" She looks at me and shakes her head no "what's wrong baby girl?" "My teef and tummy hurt" "oh baby it's okay I promise I'll get you some medies to help with the pain but before I do that let's go wake daddy up he needs you to cheer him up he's still super sad" "because Kevin isn't here anymore?" "Yeah because Kevin isn't here anymore so do you think you'll be able to cheer him up?" "Yeah I cheer daddy up" I pick Roux up and carry her to our bedroom and I put her on the bed and she goes over to Colby and starts rubbing Colby's cheek "daddy wake up" Colby wakes up and wraps his arms around Roux and pulls her into a hug "good morning little love how are you feeling today?" "My teef and tummy hurt but mumma said that she was going to get me some meddys but she wanted me to wake you up first so I can cheer you up because mumma said that when she woke up she heard you crying" "Yeah I was crying because I had a dream about Kevin" "do you wanna talk about it?" "I do but I don't think you would understand it because you are still a baby" "daddy it's okay I might not understand it but that doesn't mean you can't talk to me about it because I just wanna help cheer you up" "you really are the sweetest little girl I've ever met I love you so much bear" "I love you too daddy so do you wanna talk to me about the dream because I had a dream about Kevin too" "you had a dream about Kevin too?" "Yeah I was in a big green yard and I was walking around looking for you and mumma and then a boy walked up to me and told me to follow him so I did and he brought me to where Kevin and grandpa are and he told me that he was Kevin as a person and that he would meet us in a few months" "wow that's crazy I guess it's possible to have the same dream as other people because I had the same dream but in my dream grandpa was there to and he told me that Kevin is happy and not sick anymore" "I know daddy Kevin can't be sick because he's up in heaven wif grandpa and dusty" Colby looks at me and I look at him completely stunned because the only dusty we knew was the late great American Dream dusty Rhodes" "Roux bear?" "Yeah mumma?" " who's dusty?" "He told me that you and daddy were his friends at work and that he misses you and daddy and Nattie and Saraya and bof Bella's and uncle Roman" "Oh wow" "Roux bear is it okay if I bring you back to your room for a little bit while I talk to your daddy for a little bit?" "Yeah mumma it's okay" I pick Roux up and carry her to her room and lay her in the crib and give her a kiss "I'll be back soon Roux bear" I walk back to our bedroom "Colby did you tell Roux about dusty?" "No I haven't even said his name since a month before we started dating" "that's weird how does she know about dusty" "I don't know how" "I'm going to go get Roux" "Okay" I go into Roux's room and I pick her up and carry her back to our bedroom and lay her down on my bed "Roux do you remember what dusty looks like from your dream?" "Yeah" "Okay so if I show you a picture you can tell if it's dusty or not?" "I fink so" "Okay I'm gonna show you a picture of dusty and you tell me if he's the person you saw in your dream okay?" "Okay mumma" "does that look like dusty?"

 I wake up around 7:30 because I hear Roux crying but she's not the only person who's crying Colby is crying too so first I go get Roux "good morning my little Roux bear are you okay?" She looks at me and shakes her head no "what's wrong baby girl...

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