The birth of baby Roux

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Becky's pov
It's December 4th 2020 at 1:30 am and I wake up and I feel like I have to pee so I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom but as soon as I step into the bathroom I feel a huge gush of fluid and I almost instantly knew what happened my water just broke I scream for Colby "COLBY!!!!!!!!!" He woke up so fast and ran to the bathroom and looked at me and I just say "My water broke baby girl Roux is coming" Colby's eyes nearly popped out of his head "WHAT!!!! We have to get to the hospital." "Can you help me get to the car I'm having painful contractions" *stops walking down the stairs and grabs the handrails and I bent over holding my baby bump "owwww baby girl give me a break please I need to get down the stairs" "Colby can you grab my hospital bag?" "Yeah" *Colby grabs the hospital bag and helps me down the stairs then we get in the car and we drive to the hospital* "babe can you grab my phone out of my purse and text Ashley?" "Yeah" *grabs Rebecca's phone out of her purse and texted Ashley* "Hey Ashley Rebecca's water broke the baby is coming and fast if you want to be here for the birth I suggest you get here quick" "Okay I'm on my way I'll be there in 10 minutes" 10 minutes later Ashley gets to the hospital and finds Rebecca's room and goes into the room* "I'm here Becca" "Okay do you wanna know what we decided to name her?" "Yeah what did you name her?" "Her name is Roux Ashley Lopez" "you're naming your daughter after me???" "Yeah because you have helped us so much and we know that you're going to be the best godmother to our daughter we could ever ask for." *Ashley starts to cry a little bit because she's honored to be Roux's godmother* *a nurse comes to check Rebecca "Rebecca you're fully dilated your daughter is coming soon I'm going to go get the doctor" *the nurse goes and gets the doctor and the doctor comes in the room "Rebecca are you ready to become a mom?" "Yeah" * Rebecca looks up at Colby* "I'm scared" *Colby looks down at Rebecca* "Rebecca you can do this you're the strongest person I know" *the doctor sits down* "Rebecca on your next contraction I need you to push" *Rebecca looks up at Colby with tears in her eyes* "Colby I'm scared" "Rebecca you can do this" *her next contraction hits* "Rebecca bring your head to your chest and push as hard as you can" *Rebecca pushes as hard as she can* *the doctor starts to count to 10* "1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8..9..10" *rebecca stops pushing and catches her breath and pushes again and the doctor counts again* "Becca you're so close I can see her head" "it hurts so bad" "I know babe" "Rebecca push as hard as you possibly can she'll be here soon" *Rebecca pushes as hard as she possibly could and the baby comes out and the doctor puts her on Rebecca's chest and Rebecca wraps her arms around Roux* "aww hi baby girl" *Rebecca looks up at Colby and Colby bends down and kisses Rebecca and puts his hand on Roux's back* "hi baby girl we're so happy that you're here" *Colby and Rebecca forgot that Ashley was in the room until Ashley speaks* "she's gorgeous Rebecca you did so good" "Thanks Ash this is your goddaughter" *the nurse takes Roux over to the area and weighs her and measures her* "she weighs 8 pounds 10 ounces and she's 29 inches long" *Rebecca looks at Colby* "no wonder it hurt so bad giving birth to her" *the nurse asks Colby* "do you want to hold your daughter?" *Colby shakes his head yeah and the nurse hands Roux to Colby* "Hi baby girl you're so cute" *Roux starts to cry so Colby starts to rock her and Roux stops crying and she opens her eyes and looks up at Colby and melts Colby's heart* "Colby can I hold her" "Yeah" *Colby hands Roux to Rebecca and Rebecca lays Roux on her chest and Roux almost instantly falls asleep* "Ashley do you want to hold her?" "Sure" *Rebecca gives Roux to Ashley* "Rebecca she's so cute" "Thanks Ash" *the nurse comes over to Colby and Rebecca* "so have you decided on a name for your daughter?" "Yeah her name is Roux Ashley Lopez" "that's a really cute name" "Thanks" *the nurse writes it on the birth certificate then leaves so Rebecca Colby Roux and Ash can bond* "Becca I'm gonna go so you and Colby can bond with Roux I'll text you later" "Okay thanks for coming bye" "no problem Bex bye"*walks out of the hospital room and leaves the hospital and goes home* "I love you Becca" "I love you too Coco" "can you take a picture of me holding Roux on my phone?" "Yeah of course Bex" *grabs her phone and takes a picture of her holding Roux* Becky takes her phone and texts the picture of her holding Roux to her parents and then posts it on Instagram with the caption "welcome to the world Roux you're the love of our lives I'm so incredibly lucky to be your mommy you are the best thing that has ever happened to me❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️" within 20 minutes all of her friends were commenting on her post
Charlotte-she's so beautiful I'm so excited to be her godmother
Pam-So cute my heart can't handle the cuteness
After reading the comments on the post she decides to relax for a little while and then the doctor comes in *knocks on the door and goes in* "So how are you feeling?" "I'm really sore and I'm exhausted" "it's normal to be sore but is the pain extreme?" "It's not that bad I mean I had my nose broken by getting punched in the face and I got a concussion because of the same punch to the face and that hurt more than how I'm feeling right now" "Okay if the pain gets really bad then tell the nurse and she'll give you some pain medication" "Okay thanks how long until we can go home?" "You can go home tomorrow." "Okay thanks" "no problem" after the doctor leaves Roux starts to cry "babe can you help me please?" "Sure what do you need?" "Can you help me sit up a little bit because I'm pretty sure that Roux is hungry and I'm going to try to breastfeed her" "sure baby" *Colby stands up and walks over to Rebecca and helps her sit up and helps Rebecca adjust the hospital gown that Rebecca was wearing so Roux could nurse* "she's eating" "Okay, I love you" "I love you too Colby you're the best husband ever" "and you're the best wife ever I mean you gave me the best present in the world and you made me a father just look at our baby girl she's so perfect" *Rebecca looks down at Roux and smiles and runs her thumb on Roux's cheek* "Colby Roux just opened her eyes" "I saw that she has your dads eyes" "Yeah she does and she has your nose" "Rebecca do you want me to go get you anything to eat?" "Actually yeah I'm hungry can you get me a double cheeseburger with fries?" "Sure do you want a soda?" "Yeah can you get me a root beer?" "Yeah I'll go get the food and I'll come back" *Colby gets up and walks over to Rebecca and Roux and kisses Rebecca on the lips are kisses Roux on the top of her head and then he leaves to go get the food* while Colby is gone Rebecca talks to Roux and this is what Rebecca told Roux "baby girl I'm your mommy and I love you so much. There are so many people that love you already you don't know how many people love you already. You're grandma and grandpa who are my parents live in Ireland with my brother they love you so much I really hope that you get to meet them. Your daddy's parents are in Iowa but they love you too. Before you were created your daddy and I wrestled so you have a huge family because of all of the wrestlers there's your godmother Ashley who you're named after, Pam, Mercedes, Joe, Nia, Lana, Finn, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella, Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso,Stephanie, Hunter, Vince, Trinity,
Dean, Randy, Asuka, Corey, Shayna, Lacey, Baron Corbin, Natalya, Rey Mysterio, Bianca Belair, Montez Ford, Angelo Dawkins, Zelina Vega, R-Truth, Kairi Sane,
Charly, Liv Morgan, Cedric Alexander, Akira Tozawa, Sonya Deville, Mandy Rose, Nikki Cross, Alexa Bliss, Tamina, Ruby Riott, Daniel Bryan, Bobby Lashley, Sheamus, Dominik Mysterio,  Big E, Xavier woods, Kofi Kingston, Braun Strowman, Kyle O'Reilly, Dakota Kai, Damien Priest, Beth Phoenix, Murphy, Paige, Renee, Rhea, and Taker. You don't know everybody but you'll learn who everyone is. And Taker is the most famous because he's been wrestling for a really long time and he just retired. Oh you're so cute. I'm going to do my best to be the best mommy that I can possibly be and give you anything you want but there will be times when I have to say no but it's for your best interest. I don't think your daddy realizes it but you already have him wrapped around your tiny finger but I'm sure he wouldn't have it any other way. Baby girl you're daddy just texted me and said that he's almost back are you done eating yet?" *Roux unlatches from Rebecca's boob and falls asleep so Rebecca covers her chest and holds Roux on her shoulder to burp Roux and after a few minutes Roux finally burps then Colby walks in with the food* "Thank you so much I was so hungry" "No problem I could tell you were getting hungry because as you were pushing you started screaming about pizza it was kind of funny" "Yeah that is funny" "I'm so happy that we get to go home tomorrow I miss our bed and the dogs and Darrel" "Yeah I miss our bed too"
The next day
Becky's pov
The doctor just came in and told us that we can go home so I grab the hospital bag and get out Roux's going home outfit and I couldn't resist putting this on her as her going home outfit

 Baby girl you're daddy just texted me and said that he's almost back are you done eating yet?" *Roux unlatches from Rebecca's boob and falls asleep so Rebecca covers her chest and holds Roux on her shoulder to burp Roux and after a few minutes Ro...

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She looks absolutely adorable in it and Colby loves it. "Hey Colby can you help me get up?" "Yeah just give me a second let me put Roux in her car seat" "Okay" *Colby puts Roux in the car seat then goes over to Rebecca* "what do you need me to do" "Can you help me stand up?" "Yeah here wrap your arms around my neck and I'll put my hands on your butt and push you up" "Okay" *Rebecca wraps her arms around Colby's neck and Colby puts his hands on her butt and pushes her up and she stands up* "Thanks babe" "no problem my love I think we have to wait for the nurse to come with a wheelchair and for her to take out your iv" "Yeah we do" *right after she says that there is a knock on the door and the nurse walks in with a wheelchair* "Are you ready to go home?" "Yeah we're so ready to go home" "then let's get you to the car so you can bring your daughter home" *the nurse pushes Rebecca out to the car and helps her get in the car while Colby puts Roux in the car and makes sure that the car seat is secure and then gets in the car and drives homes then helps Rebecca out of the car and gets Roux out of the car and carries her into the house in the car seat* "Welcome home baby girl Roux" Kevin came running over to us and he started to bark which caused Roux to start crying "seriously Kevin you just woke up your baby sister"

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