Tragedy strikes

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Becky's pov
I'm finally home from the hospital after my appendix burst and I'm still trying to process the fact that my dad is in hospice care and he's not going to make it I've been in bed all day and Colby has been with me all day I finally decide that I need to eat something so I ask Colby. "Coco I'm hungry." "What do you want to eat lovebug?" "Chocolate chip pancakes with whipped cream and powdered sugar and a coffee." "Okay sweetie I'll go make your pancakes with whipped cream and powdered sugar and I'll make your coffee." "Thanks coco" "Of course lovebug" *colby stands up and walks over Roux's bassinet and picks her up while she's still asleep and carries her downstairs to make my breakfast.* after about 20 minutes Colby comes back upstairs to our bedroom and he has my coffee and Roux in his arms so he hands Roux to me because she's getting fussy my momma bear instincts kick in and I immediately know that she's hungry so as soon I hold her so I quickly adjust my top and bra and she latches instantly. As soon as Roux latches my mom calls me so I answer
A-Annette R-Rebecca C-Colby
R-Hey mom what's up
A-Are you sitting down and is Colby next to you
R- yeah and yeah
A- put me on speaker phone please
R-Okay mom you're starting to make me nervous *Rebecca puts her phone on speaker* okay mom you're on speakerphone
A-Colby I'm gonna need you to hug Rebecca while I tell her this news
C-Okay Annette I'm hugging her right now
R- mom what happened
A-I really wish I didn't have to tell you this way but your dad passed away today
R- mom please tell me you're pranking me please
A-sweetheart I would never pull a prank about your dad passing away
R*burst into tears and burries her head in Colby's chest
C-I'm glad that I was right by Rebecca when you told her because she just buried her head in my chest. I'm so sorry Annette I know that Rebecca and I would've loved to come visit before he passed but we decided not to because Roux is so young and we don't want her to get sick.
A- it's okay dear I know that you and Rebecca are doing what's best for my beautiful granddaughter
C-thanks for understanding
A-I would do the same thing but there is one piece of good news that I can share with you
C-what's that
A-Rebecca your father decided that he wanted to be cremated and he said before he died that he wants me to send you a necklace with some of his ashes so I'm going to send it to you and his last words were "tell Rebecca and Colby that I'll love them forever and that I'll be watching over my granddaughter forever"
R-thanks ma I love you give Richie a hug for me
A- I will baby girl I'm so sorry that I had to tell you like this
R-it's okay ma at least he's not in pain anymore
A-yeah that's what's helping me cope with his death well darling I still have to call some more family and tell them I'll text you tomorrow
R-Okay ma thanks for telling us
A-of course I love you and give me granddaughter a kiss for me
R-I will I love you too ma bye
After Rebecca gets off the phone with her mom she bear hugs Colby and cries herself to sleep while still nursing Roux so Colby takes her off of Rebecca's boob and fixes her clothes and then gets out of the bed and lays Roux in her bassinet and gets back in the bed with Rebecca and just holds Rebecca on his chest to comfort her and it worked
A few hours later
Rebecca's pov
I wake up and I'm bear hugging Colby and he's looking at me "Hey lovebug" "Hey Coco please tell me that I was just having a nightmare and that my dad is still alive" "honey he's really gone I know it's hard but I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what happens" "We have to go to the funeral I have to say goodbye to him in person please Colby"*I look up at Colby and he looks down at me and I can tell he agrees with me but he's nervous about it*"please Colby I have to my mom needs me" then Colby says "I agree with you but I don't think it's safe for us to bring Roux with us because her immune system is so fragile and I know that you don't want her to get sick and I don't want her to get sick." "I have an idea of how we can go see my mom and go to the funeral without Roux getting sick" "what's your idea?" "We can have Ashley keep Roux while we go to Ireland so Roux will be safe" "that's a great idea" "Thanks babe you might wanna call Ashley right now because I'm going to go book our flight from here to Ireland" "Okay Coco I'm gonna call her right now" "Okay honey I love you" "I love you too coco"
A-Ashley R-Rebecca
A "Hey Becca what's up?"
R "A lot my dad died earlier today"
A "Oh my god I'm so sorry Becca is there anything I can do for you?"
R "actually there is can you come over and watch Roux for a few days while Colby and I go to Ireland for his funeral please"
A "Of course I'll be there in ten minutes I love you"
R "I love you too I really appreciate this"
A "it's not a problem I'd do anything for you guys"
R "I need to get packing I'll see you when you get here"
A "Okay I'll be there in a couple minutes I'm pulling into the neighborhood right now"
R "Okay I'll tell Randy that you're coming over"
A "who's Randy?"
R "he's our security guard because we have a baby now and while I was pregnant some crazy people were saying that they were going to kidnap our baby"
A "Oh my god I'm sorry you had to deal with that"
R "Yeah it sucked but Randy is the best anyway I have to go pack"
A "Okay bye"
R "bye"
On the phone with Randy
B "Hey Randy it's Rebecca"
R "Hey Rebecca what's up?"
B "just letting you know that my best friend Ashley is coming over to babysit Roux for a few days because Colby and I are going to Ireland because my dad died earlier today and we decided that it'd be best if Roux stays here so she doesn't get sick"
R "Okay thanks for letting me know I'll let her in and I'm sorry to hear about your dad"
B "Thanks Randy"
R "Ashley is here I'll let her in while you pack"
A "hi I'm Ashley Rebecca's best friend"
R "I just got off the phone with Rebecca go ahead in she's upstairs in her room packing"
A "Thanks Mr.???
R "please call me Randy"
A "Thanks Randy"
R "no problem Ashley"
Ashley goes into the house
"Hey Rebecca Hey Colby it's me"
"Hey Ash I really can't thank you enough for watching Roux" "it's a pleasure Becca I'm so sorry about your dad" "Thanks Ash" Ashley and Rebecca hug and Ashley brings her luggage in and puts it in the guest room and then goes back to the living room and sees Colby holding Roux
"Hey Colby" "Hey Ashley you have no idea how much we appreciate you watching Roux" "Of course Colby I'd do anything for you guys" Ashley sitts on the couch next to Colby and Roux "so how is my adorable goddaughter doing today?" Roux opens her eyes and looks at Ashley and Ashley's heart melts "she's doing pretty good she's just a little fussy but I already fed her changed her diaper and burped her so I think she's either tired or needing to fart again" "how do you get a baby to fart??" "It's kinda hard to explain but I can show you if you want" "Yeah can you show me" Rebecca stands up Colby hands Roux to Rebecca and carries Roux to her nursery and lays her down on the changing table "so Ashley this is how you make a baby fart" Rebecca lifts up Roux's legs and makes sure that her knees are bent and then gently pushes her knees into her chest and Roux lets one rip and it smells horrendous "Becca why does it smell so bad?" "I'm actually not really sure why if I'm being honest" "Rebecca it's time to go" Colby calls from downstairs "well baby girl daddy I have to go but we love you with our whole hearts be good for Auntie Ashley" Rebecca gives Roux a kiss and hands her to Ashley "Ashley while we're gone I put some of my breast milk in bags and put them in the freezer so when she gets hungry just take one out and warm it up a little and to make sure that it's not too hot spray some on the back of your wrist" "Okay Becca I think I can handle the rest from here so you can get going now I promise I'll protect her and I won't let anything happen to her now go to the airport and go say your final goodbye to your dad" "Okay just call me if anything happens" Rebecca goes downstairs and to the front door and Ashley follows her with Roux in her arms and Rebecca comes over and gives Roux a kiss on her forehead and tells her that she loves her.* "Oh by the way Ashley whenever you feed her you have to sing to her because every time I feed her I sing to her" "Okay Becca I'll sing to her when I feed her now you really have to get going" "I know but it's just hard because I've been with Roux since the day she was born and I haven't left her for a single second so this is the first time I'm leaving the house without her and it just feels weird and wrong" "I know Becca but as soon as you get to Ireland text me and we'll FaceTime so you can see Roux" "you know there's a 12 hour time difference right?" "Yeah but I don't care I would do anything for you and my beautiful goddaughter" "Rebecca it's time to go Roux will be fine" "Okay I'm coming" Rebecca tells Roux that she loves her and then she leaves and goes to the airport*
Ashley's pov
As soon as Rebecca left Roux started to cry which broke my heart but I know it's just because she misses her momma so I just hold Roux against my chest and lay down on the couch and turn on wrestling because Rebecca told me that Roux loves to watch wrestling so I turn on the WWE network and find Becca's top five wrestling matches and Roux instantly Is staring at the tv and during the third match I look down at Roux and she's fast asleep so I quietly get up from the couch and lay her down in the swing that is in the living room and then I grab my phone and call my fiancé Manny
M- Manny A-Ashley
M- Hey baby
A-Hey love do you wanna come over to Becca's house and babysit with me
M- yeah sure I'll be there as soon as I can I love you
A- I love you too honey you'll never believe how adorable Roux is she's giving me baby fever
M-Oh gosh she must be insanely cute huh?
A-you have no idea how cute she is how long until you're here?
M-10 minutes why??
A-I need to tell the security guard that you're coming over
M-they have security guards why???
A-some crazy fans said that they wanted to kidnap Roux
M-that's ridiculous
A-I know right
Back with Colby and Rebecca
Colby's pov
We leave the house and Rebecca burst into tears
"Becca are you okay?" "I miss my dad" "I know you do honey I'm so sorry" "I just wanna get to Ireland and hug my mom" "we'll get there as soon as we can" "I love you Colby" "I love you too honey I know you're hurting but I'm here for you no matter what"
They get to the airport and go through security and go to a store to get some snacks and gum for the airplane ride. Then they wait to board the plane and then they board the plane and take off after a 8 and a half hour flight they get to Ireland and they go through customs and border patrol and then they rent a car and drive to Rebecca's moms house and they go to the front door and knock on the door and Annette answers the door and Rebecca instantly hugs her mom and starts to sob "mommy why did he have to die he was my best friend" "I know my love at least he's not in pain anymore" "I'm so sorry Annette" "Thank you Colby thank you for bringing my baby girl back I missed her so much" "Mom when is the funeral?" "Tomorrow at 11:00 I'm not going to make you but if you want to you can do a speech at his funeral" "Yeah I'll do it" "Okay" "let's just go to bed it's late" "Okay Coco do you wanna see my childhood bedroom?" "Yeah sure lovebug" they walk upstairs and Rebecca leads Colby to her childhood bedroom "this is my childhood bedroom Colby" "it still has all of the wrestling posters up"
*Colby and Rebecca sit on Rebecca's bed and Rebecca sits on Colby's lap and hugs him* "I miss my dad Coco" "I know you do Becca I'm so sorry that he's gone but you'll always have me I'm never going to leave you" "I love you Coco" "I love you too Becca" "we should probably get to bed soon because we're going to be super jet lagged in the morning" "Yeah but first let's call Ashley and see how Roux is doing" "Okay"
A-Ashley R-Rebecca C-Colby
A-Hey Rebecca Hey Colby what's up?
R&C- we were just about to go to bed but we're wondering how Roux is doing?
A-she definitely misses you she was crying for 2 hours straight until I decided to put on the 24 documentary on Becca she just instantly stopped crying and started to stare at the tv
R-yeah she definitely misses her momma and daddy and we miss her too but we have a little night time ritual where while I nurse Roux Colby sings to her. What time is it there?
A-it's 7:45 at night here
R-okay so if you have a bottle ready you can go ahead and feed her and Colby can sing to her
A- okay I'll go grab a bottle and warm it up
Ashley goes and gets a bottle and warms it up then comes back
A-I'm back I got the bottle ready
R-Okay just put your phone on speaker and Colby will sing to Roux
A-Okay my phone is on speaker
R-Okay is Roux eating yet?
A-she just started eating
Rebecca hands the phone to Colby and Colby starts to sing. He decides to sing this is home by Bryan Lanning
All my life,
I wanted a family to call my own,
And here you come
Singing my favourite song,
Oh you take my hand,
And said let me take you to better days
All my life,
I wanted a love that felt so strong,
Like your mom and dad
But never a battle to be won,
Then you took my hand,
Oh and showered me with grace.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a ring and that soft sunset,
Big blue eyes welled up and said "this is home",
In the refrigerator light you'd never looked so good,
Holding you tight and kissin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be,
Yeah wherever you're with me
Little hands, that took far too long to hold,
I bring you close, never want to let you go,
The nurse wrapped you up, and said "he'll do amazing things".
Little girls, that we never wanna tame,
You look just like dad, but your mom's eyes' the same,
We'll be hold you up, and show you a bright new world.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be.
All it took was a laugh and that soft sunset,
Lil' blue eyes looked up and said "this is home",
Just running around you never looked so cute,
Hugging you tight, cuddlin' all I could, singing "I am home",
And that's where I wanna be,
Yeah wherever you're with me.
Na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na
This is Home hey,
Na na, na na na na, na na, na na na na
I am Home.
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be
Wherever you are,
That's where I wanna be
I'm Home
Once Colby finishes singing the song Ashley says that Roux is fast asleep.
R-Ashley it's late over here and dads funeral is tomorrow so we need to get to bed give Roux a kiss for us and tell her that we love her.
A-I will love ya
R&C-love you too
They hang up and go to bed and Rebecca cuddles up in Colby's arms and goes to sleep
The next morning
Rebecca's pov
I wake up and Colby isn't in the bed so I get up and go downstairs and find Colby sitting in the kitchen talking to my mom and brother I walk into the kitchen and my brother and mom hug me and then my mom gives me a plate with my breakfast on it and I eat it and Colby gives me a hug and holds my head against his chest and I just start crying and my mom and brother come over and join the hug. "It's almost time to go Becca you should start getting ready." "Okay mom" "Becca wait a minute" "what's up?" "Dad gave me this to give to you the day he passed" Richie hands Rebecca a bracelet that says "you'll be with me wherever I go". "Thanks Richie" "no problem sis I know it's hard but at least he's not in pain anymore" "Yeah I know I just wish that he would've been able to meet his granddaughter" "I know but he'll protect her from heaven" "Yeah that's true I'm gonna go get dressed" "Okay Becca" Rebecca's outfit consisted of a black dress, black thigh high boots, a silver necklace with a heart on it that says "daughter/mother", and the bracelet that Richie gave her. Then she goes back downstairs "I'm ready to go" "Okay let's go" Colby, Rebecca, Richie, and Annette got in the same car and drove to the church and they get out of the car and walk into the church and Colby and Rebecca go up to the casket and Rebecca burst into tears and Colby has to hold Rebecca up and Rebecca grabs her dads hand
"I love you dad please come back I need you" "I know Becca I know I gotcha you're okay" Colby brings her to the seat and let's her sit in his lap and then it's time for Rebecca to do her speech so Rebecca walks up to the podium and starts her speech
"This is the hardest thing I've ever had to do. My dad was my best friend. He was the person who let me be me. I feel like I might still be in shock about my dad being gone. I just wish that he would've been able to meet his granddaughter who is now just over a week old. I was in the hospital just two days ago because a couple of days after I had my daughter my appendix burst and I had to have emergency surgery to get my appendix removed. And then when my mom called me and told me that dad was in hospice I wanted to come see him but Colby and I decided not to because our daughter is so young and she can easily get sick and we wouldn't be able to forgive ourselves if she got sick. Then when my mom called me and told me that dad was gone I've never cried so much. So when my mom told me and Colby we decided that we had to come because I haven't seen him in 3 years so we decided to come visit but we decided not to bring our daughter because she's so young and we didn't want to risk her getting sick so my best friend Ashley is babysitting her while Colby and I are here. It's just hard to believe that my dad is gone. I just wish that our daughter would have been able to meet her grandpa. Anyway I think I'm just rambling now so I'm gonna call it a day" Rebecca finishes her speech and walks back to the seat next to Colby and then a few other people do speeches and then the people go up to the casket and say their final goodbyes so Rebecca and Colby go up to the casket and Rebecca grabs her dads hand and she rubs the back of his hand and tells him that she loves him and then she lets go of his hand and burried her head in Colby's chest and starts to cry so they walk back to the seats and waits until everyone else finishes saying their goodbyes and then they walk out to the parking lot and then Annette, Richie, Colby and Rebecca get in the car and drives home while the people who work at the place where people are cremated brought the casket with the body to the place where the body was going to be cremated and put the body in the "oven" and cremates her dad. After a few hours after they got home the place called Annette and told her that the remains were ready to be picked up so she goes and picks up the ashes. And goes back home and gives Rebecca the necklace with some of her dads ashes. A few days later Colby and Rebecca pack up their stuff and says goodbye to her mom and brother and drive to the airport and flies back home and gets back to Iowa around 11:30 at night and they walk into the house and found Roux asleep on Ashley's chest and she was asleep too so Rebecca gently picks Roux up and carries her upstairs to the master bedroom and lays Roux down in the bassinet and then she lays down in the bed and Colby gets in the bed next to Rebecca then they go to sleep until a few hours later Rebecca wakes up because Roux is crying so she gets up picks Roux up and she has a feeling that Roux is hungry so she adjusts her top and feeds Roux because Colby is asleep she decides that she's going to sing to Roux so she gets out of bed and carries her to the nursery and sings Taylor Swift's song called Mary's song to her
She said, I was seven and you were nine
I looked at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, the pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
Growing up and falling in love and our mamas smiled
And rolled their eyes and said oh my my my
Take me back to the house in the backyard tree
Said you'd beat me up, you were bigger than me
You never did, you never did
Take me back when our world was one block wide
I dared you to kiss me and ran when you tried
Just two kids, you and I
Oh my my my my
Well, I was sixteen when suddenly
I wasn't that little girl you used to see
But your eyes still shined like pretty lights
And our daddies used to joke about the two of us
They never believed we'd really fall in love
And our mamas smiled and rolled their eyes
And said oh my my my
Take me back to the creek beds we turned up
Two A.M. riding in your truck and all I need is you next to me
Take me back to the time we had our very first fight
The slamming of doors instead of kissing goodnight
You stayed outside till the morning light
Oh my my my my
A few years had gone and come around
We were sitting at our favorite spot in town
And you looked at me, got down on one knee
Take me back to the time when we walked down the aisle
Our whole town came and our mamas cried
You said I do and I did too
Take me home where we met so many years before
We'll rock our babies on that very front porch
After all this time, you and I
I'll be eighty-seven; you'll be eighty-nine
I'll still look at you like the stars that shine
In the sky, oh my my my
Then Rebecca sees that Roux is asleep so she gets up and carries her back to bed and lays her down and then she lays down and goes back to sleep

I know that this is a really long chapter but I've had a ridiculous case of writers block and I've been dealing with a lot of craziness with school. But I'm going to try to post more.

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