Chapter 2

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"Dream!" George called to his friend. The boy waved back, looking at the man behind him, who nodded, he ran over to George.

"Where's Sapnap?" George asked, "was he grounded again?" Dream chuckled, shaking his head, "he wanted to hang out with Karl at the library. Something about time travel?"

"Huh, that's really weird, but whatever. I see you got a new mask," George glanced at the non-cracked mask concealing his face.

"Yeah! Techno said to be more careful, and..." Dream grimaced, "I'm not allowed to leave the village."

"Ugh, really? That's not fair," George crossed his arms. Dream shrugged, "it's whatever, we're both used to being confined to the village anyways."

"Wait... Um... Who's Techno..?" George questioned.

"Oh yeah, sorry, he's mine and Sapnap's legal guardian. Not like a father though... He's just... Techno," Dream explained. George shuddered, "I can't imagine what I'd do if I lost my mom."

Dream scratched his neck, "I mean... Sapnap was just a baby when he lost his parents, he doesn't remember them."

"Yeah... Didn't his dad die in the Nether, and then... His mother..." George struggled to remember what the raven haired boy had told him.

"His mother died giving birth to him," Dream finished. George nodded.

"How'd you lose your parents? You haven't really told me the story," George shuffled his feet, "i-if you're comfortable with sharing."

"It's fine. My mother died when I was 12, and my father when I was a baby. So I don't remember him that well," Dream said, "my mother died in a fire."

"It's weird how all three of our fathers died when we were babies," George pointed out and Dream raised an eyebrow, "George, I don't think that's a coincidence."

"What do you mean?"

"Well the Nether was discovered 18 years ago, and then the royals decided that people should go and explore it, so people signed up to go." Dream clarified, "our fathers probably signed up to go."

"My mother never told me how he died so... I guess that could've been it," George sighed.

"Dream." Techno came up from behind the boy, "it's time for training."

"Oh, alright. Bye George!" Dream gave him a quick side hug before following Techno back to the castle.

George stared after his friend.

I wonder why he wears that mask. It can't just be an accessory, right?

The brunette shook his head, turning and heading towards the exit of the village.


"What do you want Wilbur?" George asked, inwardly groaning.

"Where are you going?"

"To the swamp," George replied, and the man nodded, "I see. Don't get killed."

"Thanks," George rolled his eyes and continued on his way. Once he was out of the village he giggled happily, picking up his pace.

The swamp wasn't very far away, but when he finally got there, he was in need of a quick break.

He sat down by a tree, making sure the ground wasn't wet, and then opened his backpack, pulling out an apple.

"H-hello?" A voice called out weakly, "is someone there?"

George jumped up, looking around. "Who's there...?"

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