Chapter 1

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"Yes!" George yelled happily, running over to Dream, "look at what I got!"

George held out his diamonds proudly and Dream raised an eyebrow, "very... impressive..."

George's pride filled face fell, "oh come on, these are the first diamonds I've found in a while." Dream giggled, "I'm just messing with you Georgie."

George turned away, not because he was mad at him(well... he kind of was), but because he was blushing.

"Ugh, guys can we go back now? I haven't found anything other than redstone and lapis. It's so annoying," Sapnap climbed out of a small entrance to a cave.

"Yeah, well I found diamonds so," George smiled proudly, and Sapnap huffed, "not fair."

"Alright, come on you two," Dream chuckled, picking up his backpack and beginning to walk away.

George and Sapnap followed the blonde.

The sun was about to set when George suggested they climbed the trees to be safer in the nighttime.

"We can use the vines to get up," Dream pulled on a vine, and then began to climb. Sapnap followed him up, and then after him so did George.

"Ugh, so are we just gonna be stuck up here until day time?" Sapnap asked, narrowing his eyes towards George.

"Nope! We're gonna tree hop!" George announced excitedly. Sapnap looked at him like he was insane, while Dream just replied, "I don't know if that's a good idea..."

George crossed his arms as Dream continued, "but it sounds like fun."

Sapnap gawked at the pair, "are you insane?"

"Yes." Dream and George answered together.

"Whatever," Sapnap rolled his eyes, as George looked around, and then pointed to a tree, "let's go that way."

George climbed to the edge of the tree, and then bent his knees a little, launching himself into the next tree.

Sapnap followed, hesitating a little before jumping. As Dream prepared to jump, he adjusted his mask so it sat a little tighter on his face. He couldn't risk it falling off.

He leapt to the next tree, and the trio repeated their actions all night, taking short breaks in between some of the jumps.

When it was finally dawn, they climbed down cautiously.

"We're almost home," George pointed to a village in the distance.

"We're gonna be in so much trouble, aren't we?" Dream murmured, and Sapnap groaned, "don't remind me."

"It was nice while it lasted," George shrugged, seeming to not care, but he was sad as well.

"Maybe we can do it again another-" Dream stopped mid-sentence, staring behind George, "creeper!"

Sapnap knocked George out of the way, while Dream pulled out a stone sword, waving it tauntingly at the foul creature.

He leapt forward hitting it, leaving a large cut on the right side of it. The creature did not slow down though, it seemed to make it angrier, and got closer to Dream.

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