Chapter 11

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"This is a very stupid idea that could get us all killed," Ranboo whispered. The boy had decided he wanted to go with Karl, George, and Quackity.

"You don't have to come, you know," Karl huffed, glaring at him. For the past few days, Karl couldn't help but feel something was wrong, and his stomach was in knots.

"Hey, be nice," George scolded, "now come on."

They already had sneaked out of the village without getting caught, and now they were heading towards the swamps.

"So-" Quackity began, but then was shushed by George. He pointed towards a skeleton, who was looking around.

"Why did we have to leave during the night, there's so many monsters out," Ranboo shuddered.

"Well I'm assuming it's so you wouldn't get caught," a voice sounded behind them, "but clearly you failed at that."

They all spun around and saw a familiar shape come out of the shadows.

"Wilbur! You scared us," George said breathlessly.

"Where do you think you're going?" Wilbur tilted his head, "I mean, I know you're running away because of that letter."

"Quackity is our friend, we're not letting him get imprisoned," George crossed his arms, staring at Wilbur.

"Okay. Can I come with?"

"What about-" Wilbur cut the brunette off, "listen, it's boring without Technoblade here, he always used to give me tasks and stuff do to so I was never bored, now that he's not here..."

"You're bored?" Ranboo finished and Wilbur nodded, meekly adding on, "and lonely."

"I guess you can come," George said, eyeing Wilbur, "as long as everyone else is okay with it?"

"Sure, why not?" Quackity shrugged, and Ranboo murmured his agreement.


Wilbur looked hopefully at him. He was looking off into the distance, clearly not paying attention.

"I'm taking that as a yes, because we need to get moving," Quackity pointed in the distance, where the sun was slowly rising into the sky, "it's officially Thursday."


"Come on Dream, the others have already gone through the portal," Techno tugged at the boys green hoodie.

"What about Sapnap?" Dream muttered, staring at the ravine.

Techno sighed, and pulled the boy into a hug, "he's gone Dream."

Dream pulled away, turning towards the portal.

I'm sorry you didn't make it this far. You'll never see home again. You'll never feel the wind in your face, or the grass on your feet.

You'll never even see Karl ever again.

"Let's go," Techno nodded towards the portal, but just as they were going to go through, Niki fell through it.

"Niki?" Techno bent down, trying to help the girl up, "we were just about to go through."

"Don't." Niki breathed, "guards took Philza, Skeppy, and Bad. Me and Fundy escaped."

"Then... Where is Fundy?"

Niki turned around, her eyes pleading for her friend to come through the portal.

But he never did.

"So we need to find a new portal?" Techno clearly was not happy with this news at all.

"Sapnap died... for nothing..." Dream muttered to himself.

"Actually, we can just camp by the portal for a little until the guards are gone," Niki informed him.

"Fine," Techno sat down, letting out a big breath after finally getting off his ankle.

"I'm glad we found this portal, even if our friends were taken," Niki searched through her bag, "we're officially out of food."

"I want George," Dream looked at Techno.

"I'm sorry kiddo, but you're gonna have to wait a little longer," Techno grimaced. It could be days if not weeks before the blonde would see his friend again.

"But he doesn't know about Sapnap." Soft tears fell slowly down the one side of his face, as the other still had the masking tape on it, and he crumbled to the ground, "I need him!"

Niki walked over to the boy, sitting down beside him, she pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back, "shhh it's okay."

She lifted his head, and slowly peeled the tape off his face, making sure not to hurt him.

"Oh my..." Niki examined the scar, "how... how did this happen?"

Techno was the one to answer, "it's from... me."

"What?" Niki looked at Techno, who was hanging his head, rubbing his face.

"I... got mad. It was an accident. Listen, the kid's fine-" Techno went on, but Niki just gave him a look of disbelief, which kind of creeped him out.

"You got mad?" Niki looked back at the scar. Dream smiled weakly and then glanced back toward the portal.

"He knows it was an accident," Techno shrugged.

"Wow. You're... Yeah, okay, whatever, I'm gonna check if it's clear to go out now," Niki got up and hesitantly put her hand in the portal, and then went all the way through.

About five minutes later she came back through, "come on."

WC: 826

ughhh i know it's short but i literally was stuck on this chapter for so longggggg
anyways, i'll try to update more noww :)

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