Chapter 21

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"Dream! George!" Sapnap called to his friends who were walking out of the castle, "you're alive! Wait... Does that mean...?"

"Techno's still alive as well," Dream reassured him.

"Hey, is that Techno there?" Karl pointed to the balcony where the rest could only assume the king made his announcements from. There was a large clearing below it, perfect for gathering a ton of people.

"Residents of Alynthi," Techno called out to the villagers whom were passing by. They stopped and paused, staring at the strange man.

"Your king is dead."

Dream let out a sigh of relief as George side hugged him. He would never have to face his father ever again, and his loved ones would be safe from him.

Gasps were heard from the crowd below as Techno turned away from the balcony, and went back into the castle.

A few minutes later, he met up with the rest of the group.

"Dream," Techno's voice was serious, "just so you know, you're technically king now."

"What?" Dream scoffed, "you think I want anything to do with Alynthi after... Just everything?"

"It's not Alynthi's fault Dream," George murmured in his ear, "it's your... uh, father's."

"Regardless, I don't care, I don't want anything to do with this place. I just want to go home with my friends and family," the blonde glanced at the group.

"Well, I think I'm staying," Skeppy announced, "this is my home."

"Wherever you are, I am," Bad smiled at his friend, and Skeppy returned it.

"I'd also like to stay here," Niki said softly, and Fundy stepped beside her, "me too."

"I'm going with you guys, Alynthi may have been where I was born, but I've never fit in here," Qauckity said to Dream and George.

"I'm going home," Philza tipped his hat to Techno, "it's been great getting to know you all, but..." Philza trailed off.

Techno put his hand on Philza's shoulder comfortingly.

"We'd better get a move on you guys," Quackity pointed towards the setting sun.

"We'll come to visit!" Dream called at his friends who stayed. They waved at him.

"Let's go home."


"Hey Karl, do you-" George looked up from his book at his friend, and Karl interrupted him, "yes, George, I have plans tonight."

George put his bookmark in his book, and put it into his backpack, while Karl just stared at him, "George it's been a month since we got back from Alynthi, and you've been avoiding Dream since... Did he do something wrong?"


"Then why are you avoiding him?"

"Ever since I saw him for that first time in months..." George trailed off, and then sighed, "those stupid feelings came back."

"Oh," Karl leaned back in his chair, "well, maybe you should just confess? Or something. I don't know George, but he's worried he did something wrong."

"But he didn't," George murmured, mostly to himself.

"Just..." Karl got up from his chair, walking past George, "talk to him."

George reluctantly picked up his backpack and walked out of the library, the sun's warmth immediately hitting his face. A small smile appeared on his face as he began to walk towards Techno's castle.

As he reached it, he spotted Wilbur, and waved to him.

"Hey, is uh, Dream here?"

"Yeah, I think he's in his room," Wilbur told him, "he's seemed pretty upset for the past few weeks."

"Oh... Well I'm going to see him," George replied, and Wilbur nodded, "good luck."

He made his way inside, and to Dream's room. The blonde's door was open slightly, and he hesitated, and then peeked in.

Dream was holding a pair of scissors, staring at himself in the mirror with a complex look. It appeared as if he was trying to figure out how to cut his hair.

George knocked softly, and Dream shoved the scissors in his dresser drawer, and spun around, opening his bedroom door.

"Uh hi?" George rubbed the back of his neck.

"George?" Dream stared at the brunette, "what... What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, obviously," George retorted, "lemme in."

Dream stepped away from the door, going to go sit at his desk chair.

George put his backpack on the floor by Dream's bed, and went over to his dresser, opening the drawer he saw Dream put the scissors in. He grabbed them, and turned to Dream, "need a haircut?"

"Actually... Yeah... How did you..?" Dream paused, "were you watching me?"

"No. Okay maybe, yeah," George admitted, "do you want a haircut or not?"

Dream pulled his desk chair out more and George grabbed a brush, "how short?"

"Just above or by my ears."

George put the brush down, and began cutting his hair.

About fifty minutes later, he was done. Dream got up, brushing some hair off his shoulder, and stared at himself in mirror.

"I'm sorry, it's probably terrible, I just thought-" Dream cut George off by hugging him, "it's great. I love it."

"You... You do?" George felt relieved.

"Yes, of course. One question though," Dream let go of George, "where'd you learn to cut hair?"

"After my mother died... I just had to teach myself a lot of things she used to do for me," George murmured.

"Oh... I... That sucks?"


There was a few minutes of silence before Dream spoke up again.

"Wait sorry, I have another question, um, what're you doing here? Like, seriously, George. I haven't seen you in a month."

The brunette stared at him, remembering Karl's words. Well, maybe you should just confess.

"Actually, I have something I need to tell you."

WC: 995


my motivation for this chapter really popped in at the worst times i stg.
sorry if the king dying was a little fast paced, kinda got fed up w Malcolm 😩
also, i dunno how to write death scenes.
perhaps i'll add one in the future an
make this book more detailed when i edit it🥲


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