Chapter 6

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Edit: Fixed a sentence that mentioned showing Dream's face :')

Edit 2: Sorry y'all, I just realized there's another thing mentioning Dream's face, so I fixed it :)

Nope. This was definitely much worse news than what Dream had.

"You're what?" Dream was in shock. Sapnap sighed softly, "oh Dream, he's just... He's amazing."

Dream just stood there, not knowing what to say, his silence making Sapnap worry.

"You... You don't think he even likes me back, do you?" Sapnap peered around the bookshelf, where Karl and George where. They were laughing at something in a book they were reading together.

"No, no, no! It's not that, I just..." Dream didn't know how to tell him about the Nether. Sapnap stared at him questioningly.

"Sapnap... we're going to the Nether in a week, the king got impatient... so that's my news um..." Dream looked down at the floor, shifting his feet.

"So... you're implying..." Sapnap trailed off and Dream looked up, giving his friend a sympathetic look, but then Sapnap continued, a growing smile on his face, "that I ask him out as soon as possible?"

Dream almost burst out laughing at his friends enthusiasm. He collected himself and then spoke, "I mean, yeah, sure, if you want?"

Sapnap did a fist pump and then went back over to the table. Dream decided to go over with him.

You have to tell George.

Dream froze, did he really have to? George was reading a book, and he seemed really happy. He couldn't ruin that.

"Hey Dream! Wanna read with me? Karl recommended this book," George passed the book to Dream.

"I'd read with you guys, but Sapnap wants a book recommendation," Karl smiled at the raven haired boy.

"That's fine!" George replied as the two walked away.

"The Crowned Knight?" Dream inquired, giving the book back, and George shrugged, "it's about a knight and a prince who fall in love."

"Sounds interesting," Dream took a seat next to George, "what were you laughing at earlier?"

George's face turned a light pink, and he laughed nervously, "n-nothing."

"Really?" Dream murmured into George's ear, "I know you're lying."

George was almost red at this point, so he took a big, dusty book out of his backpack, and avoiding eye contact with Dream, gave it to him.

"What's this?" Dream flipped the book open to be greeted by old photos of George.

"Oh..." Dream was particularly staring at a photo of George when he was 15. He hadn't changed, well, not by a lot at least.

"There's some uh, really embarrassing ones in there," George muttered, keeping his eyes on his book intently.

Dream flipped through the pages and couldn't help but smile.

"Awww, look at this one!" Dream felt overwhelming joy at a baby photo of George, "you're so cute."

"No, I-" George stopped, and got a funny look on his face. Dream raised an eyebrow, "are you okay?"

George put his bookmark in his book, and intertwined his hands. He seemed to be thinking.

"Did I say something wrong?" Dream worried, and George shook his head, "you um, you said 'you're so cute' not... 'you were so cute'."

"Wouldn't that be rude to say though?" Dream wondered and George shrugged, "yeah, but you're implying that..." He didn't finished his sentence and just stared blankly ahead.

"You guys! He said yes!" Sapnap ran over to their table, grinning. Karl followed behind him, a pure look of joy on his face.

"That's great Sapnap!" Dream gave him a small smile and then closed the photo album, giving it back to George.

"Wait, what? You did it?" George looked up at Sapnap while pushing his books into his backpack.

"Yessir!" Sapnap replied happily.

"Congratulations?" George raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, how'd you know?" Dream murmured into his ear as Karl and Sapnap talked happily.

"Sapnap told me earlier when he dropped by my house to see if I wanted to go to the library," George responded, "the funny thing is, Karl told me, when Sapnap had gone to get a book, that he had feelings for Sapnap too."

"Oh, that's good," Dream said, twiddling his thumbs, "so um..."

"So um?" George repeated back to him.

"Hey, since you two are still talking, that means George is okay with-" Sapnap began before being glared at by Dream.

"Being okay with what?" George asked, looking at Dream.

"We're um... going to the Nether a little earlier than expected..." Dream gulped, afraid of George's response.

"Okay..." George said slowly, "how early?"

"Well, we're leaving in a week," Dream said quietly, hoping George didn't hear him.

"A week?" George exclaimed, "seriously?"

"Uh, yeah."

George was quiet as he got up, grabbing his backpack, and then just leaving.

"George!" Dream scrambled out of his seat, running out of the doors, desperate to catch up with the brunette.

When he caught up with him, he grabbed his arm, "please George, please don't walk away."

"No! You don't get to tell me what to do," George smacked Dream's hand off of him, "not after you... you were all, "oh you're so cute, but also now I'm leaving in a week and I might die so I might not ever see you again!" No! You don't get to do that to me!"

Dream was genuinely confused, what did the "cute" thing have to do with this?

"You're tilting your head like you're a lost puppy." George crossed his arms.


"It's what you do when you're confused."

"What does the um... 'cute' thing have to do with this?" Dream questioned.

George ran his hand through his hair, and just stared at Dream, "you really don't know?"


"Well then, I'm glad that I hid it so well," George muttered. Dream was really confused now, "huh?"

"I have a crush on you, okay? It's small, but I know it's there," George cried, "and I really, really did not want it to be there, so I hid it, and tried my best to act normal around you!"

"Huh?" Dream just stared at George, not really able to form words at this point.

George went to turn around, and then stopped, "you compliment me all the time, you literally played with my hair, and then you called me cute. How could I not..." George choked, his voice softening to a sad tone, "how could I not get a crush on you?"

"Um... I compliment Sapnap all the time? He didn't fall for me," Dream finally spoke.

"Oh I'm sorry, since when did you call Sapnap cute?" George retorted, "and since when did you play with Sapnap's hair?"

"I-" Dream started, but George shook his head, "save it Dream. I don't... care." He spun around and speed walked away.

What... just happened-

WC: 1142

wkwbkssn pLs i'm trying not to make this move fast, but likeeee 😀
there's little hints in a few chapters that George likes Dream, so I hope that it doesn't "sEEm oUt oF nO whErE."

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