Chapter 4

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"So you're telling me," Dream was in the shower, and George was sitting outside the door, "that you don't want me to go to the Nether?"

"Well... I'd prefer if you didn't," George replied, "it's dangerous."

The water stopped, "so you think I can't handle myself in there?"

"No! I mean yes? Ugh, the point is-" George fell back a little as Dream opened the bathroom door.

George looked up at his friend, who had a towel wrapped around his waist, and his muddy clothes in his hands.

It seemed as if a few hours passed by before anyone spoke. "Uh... George..? You're staring." Dream murmured.

George shook his head and stood up, "n-no I wasn't, I um... I spaced out!"

"Sure, sure," Dream threw his clothes on the floor of his room, and then walked into his closet, closing the door behind him.

George waited patiently for Dream to come out, and when he did, he tried not to stare this time.

Dream sat down on his bed, and then decided to lie down. George hesitated, and then joined him.

They were facing each other, and George quietly said, "people die in the Nether, Dream. I can't lose you."

Dream smiled softly, and then reached out to play with George's hair, "I know."

"Then you won't go?" George asked hopefully, and Dream shook his head, putting his hand down beside him.

"I'm still going. I want to make my father proud, George. Him and Techno." Dream sat up.

George did as well, "but... I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. I-I..."

George started crying and Dream just stared at his friend. His best friend was crying because he didn't want him to do something heroic.

And something that could potentially kill you.

Dream pushed the thought away, and then brought George in for a hug. The brunette sobbed into his shoulder.

"Maybe we should go find Sapnap and Karl?" Dream suggested and George nodded.

As they got up and walked out of Dream's room, George's sobs had reduced to soft tears rolling down his cheeks.

George suddenly realized something, "did you shower with your mask on?"

Dream chuckled, "no, I took it off, and then after put it back on silly."

"Do you take it off to sleep?" George was curious now, his tears had stopped.

"Sometimes," Dream replied, "when I do I have to lock my door."

"But why?" George asked, "from what I've seen you're very pretty." Dream raised an eyebrow, "thank you?"


"Sapnap, please just listen to me," Karl begged, but the boy just glared back at him, "no, I did listen. You don't want me to do something that I've been wanting to do forever. I never thought I'd get this chance, and now you're telling me you don't want me to go?"

George glanced at Dream, who walked over to Sapnap, muttering something in his ear. Karl had tears in his eyes, and was holding his arms.

Sapnap raised his voice again, "my father died in the Nether. Does no one here want me to honour his memory? Are you all that blind?"

"No, but you need to calm down," Dream said, gesturing to Karl. Sapnap just glared at him, which made the tears spill out of his eyes.

"Don't tell me what to do, you'll regret it," Sapnap threatened softly.

"Look how upset you're making everyone," Dream scoffed, "I think I can tell you to calm down."

"You're probably enjoying this," Sapnap snarled.

"Why do you say that?" Dream's voice threateningly calm, and George shuddered.

Note to self, don't make Dream angry.

"No one can tell what your stupid emotions are when you wear that mask all the time!" Sapnap crossed his arms.

"I wear it for a reason," Dream's voice was cold, and George winced.

Sapnap's arms fell by he side and his expression softened to a sad look, "Dream I don't even remember what you look like anymore."

Sapnap continued, "we've been best friends since Techno took us in, and then when we were 14 you got that stupid mask for whatever reason."

"It hasn't been that long?" Dream murmured.

Sapnap trembled, "I didn't even remember your eye colour, I had to literally check when you broke your last mask."

Dream didn't respond, he just stood there.

Sapnap turned to Karl and opened his arms. The brown haired boy rushed into them, hugging Sapnap.

"I'm sorry," Sapnap whispered into Karl's ear, "I know how dangerous it is."

"But I can't hold you back from honouring your father," Karl searched Sapnap's eyes, "I know how important that is to you."

George smiled as he watched the pair make up, but when he went to turn to say something to Dream, he realized the blonde was gone.

"I better be getting home, I left in such a hurry I probably scared Ranboo," Karl giggled, Sapnap linked his arm with Karl's, "then I'll walk you home."

As the duo left the castle, George decided to go looking for Dream. He went to his room so find the door slightly open.

He knocked, and heard a bit of rustling and it had sounded as if a few things had dropped on the floor.

Dream came to the door, peeking out.

"You... ran off... and I wanted to see if you're okay," George muttered and Dream opened the door more, "I'm fine."

George gazed at Dream's mask. The smiley face on it seemed... daunting? Maybe that was too strong of a word.

"Anyways I'm gonna go home-" George said after a few moments of awkward silence. Dream nodded, "um, stay safe?"

"Thank you, I will," George then walked away as fast as he could. Questions filled his mind, questions that would probably never be answered.

But the most terrifying one... Was if he actually knew his best friend.

WC: 980

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