Chapter 15

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George quietly ate an apple while the others were arguing. They had sat down for a quick break, however Wilbur, Karl, and Quackity were debating on where they should go next.

"We should head North!" Quackity crossed his arms, glaring at Wilbur and Karl.

"The Kingdom of Alynthi is that way, do you want to be imprisoned?" Karl protested.

"That's exactly why we should head South, straight to the Other Lands," Wilbur put in, but Karl shook his head, "are you insane? There's murderers and thieves out there."

George sighed, finishing off his apple, he through the core into the bush nearby.

Suddenly, two voices were heard, they were very quiet, but George knew they sounded familiar.

"Guys..." George hesitantly said, but his friends didn't listen.

The voices were coming closer, until...

"Ranboo and Tubbo?" George exclaimed as the two boys came into view. Wilbur and Quackity turned around. Karl walked forward, "what are you guys doing here?"

"Oh, where's the others?" Tubbo asked, looking around. George was confused, "others?"

"You know... uh... Dream... Tech... no? And there was a girl with them as well," Tubbo blinked.

"You saw Dream?" George's face lit up.

Could Dream be alive, and out of the Nether?

"Oh no... If you guys haven't seen them yet, you don't know..." Ranboo muttered, just loud enough for George to hear.

"Don't know what?" George questioned.

"Um... Karl..." Ranboo scratched the back of his neck, "I really did not want to be the one to tell you this... but-"

"Tubbo didn't mention Sapnap," Karl said before he finished his sentence.

"He's... Dead. I'm so sorry Karl." Ranboo sympathized.

Karl nodded, his eyes glossy. Quackity brought his friend into a hug.

"He's dead?" George said in disbelief. He may have been closer to Dream, but Sapnap was still one of his best friends.

Ranboo nodded. Tubbo gave him a sad smile.

Wilbur hesitantly went over to George, and patted him awkwardly on the shoulder.

"It's that stupid kings fault," George muttered. He was angry. Hatred was painted clearly across his face.

"We're going North, to kill the king."


"We're never gonna find George," Dream whined as the rest of his group sat down, or leaned against a tree to rest.

"Dude, we've been travelling for two days straight, give us a break," Sapnap rubbed his eyes exhaustedly.

"It's not like we can sleep during night, with all the monsters," Fundy added.

"Whatever. I'm going to search for berries."

Dream knew he wasn't being fair, he was just as exhausted as the rest of them. But finding his best friend was the only thing that mattered to him now.

Or would it be awkward?

He hadn't seen him in several months after all. Would George even recognize him without his mask?

He shook his head. He could hear a river up ahead and decided to go sit beside it.

The rushing water sounds were so peaceful, making him close his eyes, a small smile upon his face.

He opened his eyes after a couple of minutes, staring at his reflection in the water.

His hair was still in a bun, and it was kind of giving him a headache, so he pulled the elastic out, putting it around his wrist.

His hair fell just below his shoulders.

He ran his fingers through it, pushing it back.

"Um... Hello?" A voice said, sounding awkward.

He jumped up, staring at a boy across the river.

He was shorter than Dream, and he wore a beanie on his head. Scars covered his arms and face.

"Are those... Burn scars?" Dream stared at the one on his arm.

"Uh... Yeah... Burned myself well I was um... Trying to light a fire...?" The boy covered his arm, and Dream snorted, "was that a question or an answer?"

"An answer?"

"Uh huh, sure... What's your name?" Dream asked.

"Dream, who the hell are you talking to?" Skeppy walked up behind him.

Dream noticed the the boy's eyes light up, "Skeppy?"

Skeppy looked at the boy and a small smile grew on his face, "Quackity, you're alive?"

"Yeah! I found a portal and some people took me in, but after we got that letter... We had to leave," Quackity shrugged, "now one of my friends wants to uh... kill the king, so we're on our way to Alynthi."

"Wait, seriously? How many of you are there?" Skeppy was intrigued.

"Wait... Quackity?" Dream remembered a guard telling him that George, Karl, and Wilbur had left with him to try and save the boy from imprisonment.

"Uh... Do I know you?" Quackity tilted his head slightly, his face skeptical.

"George never mentioned me?" Dream stared at him, and Quackity's eyes widened, "oh my God, you're-"

"Dream? Yeah," Dream finished his sentence.

"Hey, why don't you go fetch your friends then, bring them back to our camp?" Skeppy suggested.

"I'll go with you," Dream looked down at the river. It seemed shallow enough to walk through.

The blonde waddled through the cold water, making it easily to the other side.

"Tell the others I'll be back in a bit Skeppy," he called to his friend who nodded, and then walked away.

Dream and Quackity made their way through the woods, mostly silently until Quackity's curiosity got the best of him, "the one thing I don't get is that George said you wore a mask... So like... Where is that?"

"Oh, I decided to stop wearing it. I only wore it because of this stupid scar anyway," Dream gestured to his face.

"Oh... Okay then," Quackity replied. They walked in silence for the next few minutes until they got to camp.

Karl was sitting by a small fire, Ranboo and Tubbo on either side of the boy, obviously trying to comfort him.

But George was no where to be found.

"Hey guys, where's-" Quackity was cut off by George, who came out from behind a tree, "sorry, I'm here. Um... Who's this?"

Dream's face lit up, a huge smile on his face, "George!"

George's jaw slacked, "Dream?"

WC: 1010


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