Chapter 9

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"Why can't we just find a portal and go home?" Sapnap whined. Dream rolled his eyes, "because we're supposed to find something good to bring back!"

Sapnap groaned.

"Can you shut up?" Skeppy(another person they had found) said, "I'll literally give you one of my apples if you do."

"He's right, we should find a portal, anyone know where we are?" Bad looked around at the others. Everyone either replied no or shook their head.

"Oh come on. I wanna go home!" Sapnap kicked some loose netherack.

"Maybe we should see if we can find more people," Techno suggested, "I'd like to see if we can get more people out of this hell ridden place."

"Language," Bad put in, "but I agree."

"But what about the king?" Dream asked skeptically.

"Oh who gives a damn about the king? He's a selfish jerk anyways," Sapnap retorted.

"Ahem. I'm right here." Skeppy was from the Kingdom of Alynthi.

"So?" Sapnap snorted, "you think I care?"

"Anyone who says something bad about the king in front of someone from his Kingdom can be punishable by death if he tells on you," Bad stated matter-a-factly.

"Wait for real?" Philza shook his head, "that's way too far."

"Ugh, government." Techno rolled his eyes.

"Hey... Do you guys feel that?" Dream stopped walking, staring at the ground.

"What is that?" Sapnap questioned.

"I don't kn-" Bad didn't get to finished his sentence as the ground collapsed beneath them.

Everyone screamed at they fell onto a soul sand barren place.

"Ow," Skeppy sat up first, flexing his leg.

"Is anyone seriously hurt?" Techno got up slowly, but then fell down.

"Are you okay?" Sapnap crawled over to him.

"I think sprained my ankle," Techno huffed.

"I think I sprained my wrist," Dream flexed his wrist, wincing.

"Um... Dream..." Bad gestured to his face. Dream blinked, "what?"

Techno tensed, and crawled over to Dream, hiding him.

"Um, Techno, what are you...?" Dream trailed off. His mask. That's what it was.

He felt his face. It was completely cracked, showcasing the scar on his face.

Sapnap was staring at him, his face in a twisted confused, worried state.

Techno glared at him, and he turned away.

Techno slid the remaining of the mask off of Dream's face, the long scar running running from just above his eyebrow, halfway down his cheek.

"There's gotta be something we can cover this with..." Techno took the backpack off of Dream, and searched through it frantically.

"Perfect," he pulled out masking tape, and Dream was appalled, "you are not putting masking tape on my face!"

Techno glared at him, "we'll see about that, won't we?"

Ten minutes later and the blonde had masking tape over the right side of his face.

"You look so stupid," Sapnap couldn't help but laugh at the sight of his friend.

"Thanks," Dream grumbled.


"Okay, so, injuries include one sprained ankle, a sprained wrist.... a bruised leg, and a few scrapes and cuts, but other than that, everyone's okay?" Bad looked around at everyone, and a few people nodded back.

"Great!" Bad smiled.

"So how are we supposed to find people now?" Skeppy grumbled, crossed his arms.

"We continue on?" Techno stared at him like he was stupid, "why wouldn't we?"

Everyone just stared at Techno.

"You have a sprained ankle..." Sapnap said slowly, "are you aware of that?"

"Yeah, I am. So?" Techno glared at him.

"You could damage your ankle even more if you walk on it excessively," Philza answered.

Techno went silent for a moment, and then spoke again, "I don't care."

"It's your decision, but we're not going around trying to find people now," Dream said, "we're going to find a portal, if we find people on the way, good for us, but if we don't, oh well."

"He's right, we need to get out of here as soon as possible," Sapnap agreed.

"Whatever," Techno muttered.

So, after several attempts of trying getting Techno to stand(each one resulting in him falling down), they finally got him up, and as steady as he could be on his feet.

"Alrighty then, on ward we go!" Sapnap smiled leading the group.

The group quickly found out that soul sand made them move slower, so now not only did they have someone with a sprained ankle, who already was travelling slowly, they now also had to move slower than they already were.

"This sucks," Skeppy huffed.


"Here you go sir," a mailman handed George a letter, before he went inside. It had a beautiful red wax stamp on it, and George knew exactly where this letter came from. He went inside, and found Karl dressing Quackity's burns again.

"Karl, we got a letter from Alynthi," he waved the letter, showing it to the boy.

Quackity sat up, intrigued, "read it out loud."

The brunette ripped open the letter's envelope, pulling out a sheet of folding paper, he read, "Dear Villagers, it has come to our attention that people may come through your portals, if they do, report them to the Kingdom of Alynthi immediately, as anyone who comes back through without anything new, will be imprisoned. Guards will come check villages on Thursdays every week, and anyone found hiding people, will also be imprisoned."

"That's... Wow." Karl breathed.

"So... What do we do now? Not only did Quackity come through our portal, he's literally from the Kingdom of Alynthi," George gazed at the boy, who looked scared.

"There's not very many places to hide here, so..." Karl mumbled.

"We'll have to leave."

WC: 987

Y'all I'm so sorry, the past few days have been so busy ;')

anyways, I'm gonna try to get two chapters out today for y'all :D

edit: got rid of  a drawing because it was so gross it kept me up at night.

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