Chapter 12

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"Is that... a village?" George asked, squinting.

"It is!" Ranboo exclaimed, and put his map away, "finally!"

"It's very... hidden.."Quackity smiled a little, "I hope they don't have a portal."

The five continued on until they finally reached the village, a boy greeting them, "hello, my name is Tubbo, and yours?"

"I'm George, that's Ranboo, Wilbur, Karl, and Quackity," George gestured to each of his friends as he said their names.

"Wow... so many people, we don't get a lot of visitors around here since we're so hidden," Tubbo said in awe. He tilted his head at Ranboo, seeming to admire the half endermans appearance.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, do you have a portal here?" Quackity asked, searching Tubbo's eyes desperately.

"A portal...? What?" Tubbo stepped back from the group, "are you guys okay? How long have you been travelling?"

"Um... about a month... now...." Wilbur said awkwardly.

"The portal he's talking about goes to a place called the Nether, it's like literal hell," George explained.

"Never heard of it." Tubbo responded simply.

"Oh thank God," Quackity sighed in relief.

"Do you guys want to um... sleep..?" Tubbo pointed to a house over his shoulder, "that's the guest house."

"But you guys don't get much guests you said?" Ranboo wondered out loud.

"It's still good to have a place where guests can stay if needed," Tubbo turned around, gesturing for the group to follow him.

Inside the house, there was two bunkbeds and a couple of chests. There was also a lot of cobwebs spread around the place, it had definitely not been used in a while.

"Only four beds... hm..." Wilbur looked around the place.

"Oh! Someone can have my bed. My parents are out of town right now, so I'll just sleep in their bed," Tubbo put in.

"Uh... I volunteer I guess?" Ranboo waved his hand slightly and skeptically stepped forward.

"Okay! Follow me then," Tubbo walked out of the house, Ranboo following him.

"Finally... A real bed," George flopped down on the bottom of one of the bunk beds.


Dream took in the sights of the Overworld. It had been several months since he had seen actual grass, and trees, and rivers.

But more importantly, sunlight. Day time was just not a thing in the Nether.

They had been travelling for a week and a half now, unsure of where to go, however they were still travelling pretty slowly because of Techno's ankle, which could've healed properly with some rest, but due to travelling constantly for the past while, well, it had clearly had given him a permanent limp at this point, and also because of Niki's leg, which was infected really badly.

"Creeper, watch out," Dream muttered weakly, and Techno took out a bow and arrow, which he had picked up from a village they had stopped at.

He focused on the creature and then let go of the arrow, hitting it directly in the chest and killing it instantly.

"Is that... A castle?" Niki limped forward a little, squinting. Techno's eyes lit up as they rested on the building, "that's my castle! Dream, we're home!"

"You just casually own a castle? Are you royalty or something?" Niki joked, and Techno shrugged, "no, but you only live once, might as well live it in style."

"Can't disagree with that," Niki glanced at Dream, who walked a little faster, his eyes lit up and his chin was up confidently.

When they finally reached the village, Techno convinced Dream to get changed before going to see George.

The boy threw his stuff down in his bedroom, and took a quick glance in the mirror. His hair was practically to his shoulders.

He kind of liked it, and decided to throw it up in a fancy bun like Techno usually did.

Dream also decided to take a quick shower, and then getting into clean clothes, he rushed out of his room down the hallway.

"Ugh, so many split ends," Techno was holding the bottom of his hair, which was almost at his waist. He looked up to see Dream passing him, "hey kid, wait."

"What?" Dream turned around.


Dream's gaze hardened, "no."

"Very well, continue on your way," Techno looked back down at his hair.

Dream spun around are rushed out of the castle down the village paths to George's house.

When he got there though, he instantly noticed the house was dark, even though the sun had finally risen.

He peeked inside a window, as a villager passed by, "hey um... if you're looking for that brown haired kid, he moved out a while ago."

"What?" Dream turned and stared at the villager, who hummed in response.

"Yeah, uh, he moved in with a healer, but I haven't seen him for a while to be honest," the villager shrugged, continuing on his way.

Healer... Karl!

Dream speed walked to Karl's house, practically breaking into a run halfway there.

But the house was also dark.

"What in the..." Dream trailed off. Where was his friends?

He looked around and saw a little kid playing around with some flowers, and he walked up to her.

"Hey, you haven't seen people from
that house around, have you?" Dream asked hopefully.

"Nope! They left weeks ago." The little girl smiled and then turned back to her flowers.

Dream stared at Karl's house for a little and then took off running towards the castle.

Techno was talking to a guard, a complex look on his face.

When he saw Dream, he walked over to him, "apparently no one's seen Wilbur in over a month, you didn't happen to-"

"Karl and George are gone too," Dream replied.

"That's... strange."

"No, actually, it's not," a guard put in, "there was a letter from the king a month or so ago, and anyone who came through the portal without any "new thing" would be imprisoned, as well as people helping them not get caught."

"But... None of them came through the portal? I'm so confused," Dream tilted his head.

"Yeah, uh... A boy named Quackity came through the portal," the guard responded.

"I feel like I've heard that name before..." Techno muttered, "whatever, do you know where they went?"

The guard shook his head, "sorry. Also they do village checks every Thursday... which is tomorrow... so..."

"We have to leave," Dream groaned. Techno sighed, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Go pack Dream, we leave in an hour."

WC: 1131

Y'all I just learned that aPpaREnTlY, "brunette" is for females, and "brunet" is for males.

I feel so dumb, but I'm too lazy to change it so whOopsIes iG??
um anyways, i'm just gonna continue using brunette cause like, if i did switch to brunet i'd probably accidentally put brunette instead :,)

sorry not sorry?? 🥲

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