Chapter 10

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edit: i got rid of the drawing i did because it was so horrendous it kept me up at night💀

"We've been travelling forever, we're never gonna find a portal," Sapnap whined.

"We have a man with a sprained ankle, which isn't getting any better by the way, so it makes sense if we've been travelling forever," Philza pointed out.

Sapnap grumbled some incoherent things to himself, crossing his arms.


"What was that?" Dream asked, looking around at his companions.

"It sounded like..." Bad trailed off as the voice sounded again, but much clearer this time.

"Hey! Some help over here!"

Dream's eyes widened, and everyone started to look around, until Skeppy pointed at something in the distance, "guys, look!"

"Is that... A fox?" Techno questioned at the waving figure in the distance.

They started to go in that direction, as fast as they could. When they finally got there, they found a fox-human, and a girl sitting on the ground, holding her leg.

"Can you help her? Please?" The fox-person said, worry in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Dream bent down, lightly moving the girl's hand off of her leg. Under her hand, there was a large cut down her leg, though it wasn't bleeding, it looked infected.

"I thought that'd be fine to continue on, but..." the girl said, her voice strained with pain.

Dream took off his backpack, searching through it, he found an extra shirt he had packed, taking the tape from earlier, he created a bandage type of thing around her leg.

"It won't heal it, but it will stop dirt and stuff from getting inside your cut," Dream explained. The girl nodded, smiling gratefully at him.

"So... Not to be rude or anything, but what are you?" Sapnap looked the fox-person skeptically up and down.

"The name's Fundy," he narrowed his eyes, "and I'm half fox, half human."

He angled his ears towards the girl on the ground, "that's Niki."

"I just don't understand how someone can have ears and a tail," Sapnap shrugged.

Fundy ignored him, "we got separated from our group."

"Some of our people died," Techno told him.

"Skeppy, Bad, and Philza are in different groups from us," Dream gestured to them as he said their name.

"Oh, we're from the Kingdom of Alynthi, I wouldn't suppose...?" Niki trailed off looking hopefully at them.

"I'm from there," Skeppy crossed him arms, "but I don't remember seeing you two there."

"Yeah... We were in the back when we entered, I think I remember you, actually," Fundy looked him up and down, "if I'm correct, you're one of the ones who argued with Eret."

"Maybe, maybe not," Skeppy shrugged, "why does it matter?"

"It doesn't."


"I hope we aren't gonna have a problem here boys, I'd really like to get home," Philza looked back and forth between the two.

The two ignored him, turning away from each other.

"Wait, you haven't happened to have seen Quackity, would you?" Skeppy turned back to Fundy, who was helping Niki up.

"No? I have no idea who Quackity is," Fundy put Niki's arm around his shoulder, "that's such a strange name."

"And 'Fundy' isn't?" Skeppy retorted.

"Alright, that's enough," Techno glared at the two, "we need to find a portal, so come on."

They continued on, walking even slower now because of Niki.

"Why do you have masking tape on the side of your face?" Fundy couldn't help but ask, gazing at Dream.

"Oh, I had a mask, but it kind of... broke... so," Dream gestured to his face. The masking tape was slightly peeling at the edges, aging over the month since Techno had put it on.

"Why would you wear a mask anyways? It seems pointless," Niki questioned.

"Um, no reason." Dream walked a little faster to get to the front of the group. He didn't want to answer anymore questions.

"This area looks kind of familiar..." Philza mumbled, taking in the sights, "wait."

"What is it?" Techno asked, not looking back at his companion.

"Can we turn left up here?" Philza requested.

"Why?" Techno stopped, turning around.

"There's a portal somewhere near here," Philza answered, "at least, I think there is."

Techno stared at him for a few minutes before nodded slowly, "okay."

So they turned left.

And there it was, a fully intact glowing portal.

Except there was a large gaping ravine kind of thing before it. They would have to jump to get to it.

"This is my portal, I remember because of this area, but also the ravine," Philza peered down into it, the luminous hot lava reflecting against his skin.

"We have to jump that?" Sapnap looked at it skeptically, "is that even possible?"

"I mean, I did it, so... yeah." Philza turned to the group.

"I think everyone will make it, but Techno..." Dream turned to the man, "your ankle."

"It's fine," Techno insisted.

"Yeah, no it's not. It's been a month and my wrist is fine, but your still not putting your full weight on your ankle," Dream pointed out.

"I said it's fine," Techno glared at him.

"Who's going first?" Fundy asked, peering over the edge.

"I am," Techno hobbled backwards, trying to take a running start, but ended up just limping while sprinting, and then leapt across, barely just making it.

Dream let out a breath, sighing in relief.

Philza went next, Fundy went after him, and then Niki, followed by Bad and Skeppy. Dream and Sapnap were the only ones left.

The others seemed to be arguing on the other side of the ravine.

Dream sighed, and turning to Sapnap, he smiled, "wanna jump together?"

Sapnap returned the smile, "of course."




The two leapt across the ravine, Dream barely just made it, brushing off his clothes, he turned around.

However Sapnap was clinging to the edge of the ravine, and Dream rushed over to his friend, "hold on Sapnap!"

Fundy saw what was happening and rushed over to help Dream, but he was too late.

Sapnap's eyes were filled with fear before he slipped from Dream's fingers falling to the bottom of the lava filled ravine, a scream piercing the air.

"What was that?" Techno turned around to see Dream staring into the ravine.

The blonde slowly turned around, "he... he's gone."

WC: 1083

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