Chapter 18

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George woke up, sunlight shining in his eyes, a rough fabric against his fingertips. He sat up, stretching and yawning.

Dream sat up after him, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry I hope I didn't wake you," George apologized. Dream shook his head, "no, you didn't, but it's cold out, so come here."

Dream grabbed him into a hug, putting his head on the boy's shoulder.

"Hey, lovebirds, we're leaving in two minutes," Techno called to them, "don't get too comfortable."

"We're not..." George trailed off as the pink haired man stared at him, an eyebrow raised, "what?"

"Never mind," George muttered, and Techno walked away.

"So you admit you're in love with me?" Dream murmured in his ear, and George pushed him off, "I'm not admitting anything. Not that there's anything to admit."

"And anyways, you didn't deny it either, so are you in love with me?" George teased.

"Maybe not in love, but I do love you George," Dream replied. George was flustered, "wh-what?"

"You're my best friend George, obviously I love you," Dream smiled.

"So you love Sapnap too then?" George asked and Dream shook his head, "well I mean, no yeah, I do! But not the same way I love you. Or no- Um... Not as much?"

"Guys, come on already!" Techno glared at the two friends, and they gave him a sheepish look, following the man.

They walked in silence for a little bit, sneaking glances at one another. Every once in a while they'd catch each other staring, and look away quickly, their face flushed.

"Hey, walk with George for a second?" Sapnap murmured to Karl. The boy nodded, catching up with his friend.

Sapnap took ahold of Dream's arm, yanking him backwards to walk with him.

"Wha-" Dream was cut off.

"Well do you like him or not?" Sapnap asked, staring at Dream intently.

"Who?" Dream asked, confused.

"Oh don't play dumb," Sapnap narrowed his eyes.

"Wait George?" Dream lowered his voice, "no I..." He trailed off, staring with his mouth open at Sapnap.

"From what Technoblade told me, you cried because you wanted George that badly," Sapnap said. Dream shook his head, "well he's my best friend. And I love him. Also you had just, y'know... died."

Sapnap gave him a knowing look.

"You're not gonna drop this are you?"



"Do you love him?" Karl asked George.

The brunette was silent for a moment, "Dream? I... Old feelings may have um, come back up. Perhaps not love exactly, but-"

"Do you think he loves you?" Karl tilted his head slightly, and a small smile appeared on George's face, "not like romantically, but he told me loved me."

"Interesting," Karl murmured.

"You two are absolutely hopeless," Sapnap pouted, catching up with Karl and George, "whatever, I don't need you two to admit something that's already so plainly obvious."

"Sapnap!" Dream's voice was reprimanding and the raven haired boy grinned.

"Guys! Look, it's the castle!" Quackity pointed to a faraway figure that resembled a tower of a castle. A red flag was at the top of it.

"Alynthi Kingdom," Dream breathed, "we made it."

WC: 545

hAhA sorRy fOr tHe shORt chAPter :,)

anyone wanna add me on discord by the way? I'm lonely and need friends so-



mkay byEeEeE

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