Chapter 14

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"It's gonna be dark soon," Dream glanced at the setting sun.

"Maybe we should camp somewhere..?" Niki suggested, but Techno shook his head, "we'll be fine, we survived how many months in the Nether?"

"True, but..." Niki sighed, trailing off. Monsters came out at night. Even if they weren't as bad as the ones in the Nether, anyone outside during night had to be careful.

"I'm not worried about zombies or spiders or skeletons.... It's the creepers that scare me," Dream shuddered.

"Silent, but deadly," Techno agreed.

"Maybe we should find a safe spot for the night," Dream looked around.

It would be next to impossible. They were travelling through a field of flowers.

A particularly blue flower caught Dream's eye. It was a cornflower, and it was gorgeous.

He bent down and carefully picked it.

"Dream, what on Earth are you doing?" Techno turned around to the blonde.

"Nothing..." Dream muttered, admiring the beauty of the flower. He tucked it away in his back pack, and then continued on, Techno sighing.

"Hey, watch out, zombie," Niki pointed to the side of Dream. The blonde took out his sword, waiting for the zombie to come closer.

They were particularly slow creatures, yet they almost never missed when they attacked.

Dream quickly stabbed his sword into the torso of the zombie, killing it before it could hit him.

Techno nodded approvingly, "good job kid."

"Tha- Creeper!" Dream's eyes widened pointed behind Techno, the pink haired man spun around to the creeper just right behind him, about to blow up.

Techno didn't have time to reach for his sword before an arrow pierced the chest of the green monstrosity, killing it.

"What... who-" Dream looked around, and five figures jumped down from a tree.

"Long time no see Dream," a raven haired boy smirked, and Dream's jaw slacked, "Sapnap?"

"Well who else would it be?" Sapnap rolled his eyes. Techno's eyes were wide, "I... You're dead?"

"Um, no, I'm not." Sapnap huffed, "I grabbed another ledge farther down, but I was stuck down there for a bit."

"Yeah, we had to rescue him," Fundy examined the bow in his hand, clearly uninterested.

"Why didn't you call up at us for help?" Dream asked, and Sapnap pointed to his head, where a bandage was, "I hit my head and had a concussion, and was passed out for a while."

"I'm so confused right now," Techno just kept looking back and forth between Sapnap and the group behind him.

"Oh yeah, and by the way, sorry for leaving you like that Niki," Fundy apologized sheepishly, "I had to rescue these guys."

Niki smiled, "it's fine, we probably need the back up anyways."

"How'd you rescue them anyways?" Dream asked, and Skeppy stepped forward, "he broke in and distracted the guards, while Bad unlocked the hand cuffs."

"And then we all escaped together, and found you three a few days later," Philza added.

"Well, I'm glad you did, but where did finding Sapnap come into that?" Dream raised an eyebrow, staring at his best friend.

"Oh I ended up digging my way out," Sapnap held up his bloody and bruised hands, "it took me a while, but I finally ended up getting up near the portal."

"Guys we should get moving," Fundy pointed to a small group of zombies a little ways in the distance, and a couple of creepers were there too.

"Where are we going?" Bad asked.

"To find George and the rest of our friends," Dream replied, beginning to walk in the direction he guessed his friends had travelled.

"Alright! Let's go!" Sapnap giddily walked beside his best friend.

The rest of the group followed. For the rest of the night they only had to kill a couple of monsters. It was peaceful, and for once, things seemed alright.

They were in the Overworld, they were going to find George, and the rest of their friends, of course, and Sapnap wasn't dead.

Things were finally looking up.

WC: 686

i wrote the first half at like, 2am, and almost cried cause sapnap was dead, so now he's not. :,)

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