Chapter 17

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"My legs are so sore," George complained, "are we there yet?"

Dream giggled, "no, we've only been travelling for three days. We should be there by the end of the week though." 

George gave him a funny look, "how do you even know what day it is?"

"I uh, I don't..."

"You just said that so I'd stop complaining, didn't you?" George rolled his eyes, and Dream smirked, "I don't know, did I?"

George went silent. As much as he tired to ignore it, he couldn't help but wonder if Dream had forgotten about his confession several months prior. Dream glanced at his friend, noticing the confused yet saddened look on his face.

He put his arm in front of George, slowing him down to separate themselves from the rest of the group. "Um, what are you doing?" George asked.

"I wanna talk to you," Dream replied, "but I can't do that if people are listening."

"I'm pretty sure no one's listening," the brunette gestured to their friends, who were all having their own conversations. Dream rolled his eyes, "whatever."

"Okay well... What'd you wanna talk to me about?" George looked at Dream, who was already staring at him.

He watched as Dream's eyes flickered down and then back up again. "Did you just check me out?"

Dream's eyes widened, "what? No-"

"You totally did!" George couldn't help but laugh, and Dream pretended to pout, and then whined, "no I didn't!"

"Yeah, okay," George giggled softly, "I'd believe you if I hadn't watched you do it."

Dream crossed his arms, "fine, be that way."

"Be what way?"

"You're being mean."

"No I'm not, I'm just stating facts," George smiled proudly.

"What're you two talking about?" Sapnap fell back to join the bickering boys, Karl by his side.

"Dream just-" He was cut off by Dream covering his mouth with his hand, muffling the rest of his words. Sapnap raised an eyebrow, "what'd you do?"

"Nothing, I did absolutely noth-" George pushed Dream's hand away, "he just checked me out."

"I'd say I was surprised, but honestly I'm not." Sapnap chuckled.

"I thought it'd be the other way around to be honest," Karl put in, "I mean, with your crush on Dream and all."

"Karl!" George glared at his friend, and Karl had a confused look on his face, "you told him, didn't you?"

"You still have a crush on me after like... almost a year of not seeing me? Georgie if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're in love with me," Dream teased him. 

"No I'm not!" George's heart was racing. There was no way he was in love with Dream. And even if he had been, those feelings obviously would have faded a long time ago, considering he hadn't seen him almost a year.

"Answered that a little quick there, didn't ya?" Sapnap smirked, and then frowned, "hey are you okay? You don't look too good."

George ignored him, and they walked in silence for a little bit, until Dream commented on something and started another conversation.

He didn't join in though. He just kept sneaking glances at Dream. His voice was happy, but his face... well it said otherwise.

His face, George thought, his heart fluttering.

Light freckles dotted Dream's face, his green eyes glinting in the sunlight. His skin was smooth except where the scar was, and his eyebrows furrowed.

"You're staring," Karl murmured into his ear and he looked away quickly.

Dream took George's arm, pulling him back away from Karl and Sapnap. The brunette let out a small startled gasp, and Dream chuckled.

He let go of his arm, leaning towards the boy, "for the record, yeah, I did check you out."

George's eyes widened, his face now a light pink, "I was just um joking, you know. You don't have to say that if you didn't, and I didn't mean to make you uncomf-"

"George?" Dream stared at George, and he stared back, mixed expressions of emotion on his face.


"Shut up."

"Okay," George stared at the ground and Dream lifted his chin up, "you're cute."

George clenched his jaw, grumbling, "not this again."

"Not what again?" Dream asked, "wait, are you talking about when you confessed?"

George rolled his eyes, "yeah, kind of."

Dream didn't know what to say to that, so he just went silent.

"That's what I thought," George walked a little faster, catching up with Karl and Sapnap. Dream opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it, sadly looking away.

"Guys we should set up camp, it's almost night time," Technoblade called back to the group and several people let out a small sigh of relief, finding a spot under trees to set up camp.

Dream gazed around. Everyone seemed to be huddled up with their close friends(excluding Technoblade and Philza who were keeping watch), and Dream was confused on where he was going to sleep.

His eyes settled on George, who was lying by a tree. The boy was using his arm as a pillow, and looked mildly uncomfortable. He went over and sat down, leaning against the tree.

George opened his eyes, staring at Dream. The blonde pat his lap, and George reluctantly moved over towards him, laying his head on his lap. 

"May I?" Dream murmured softly, tugging lightly on his hair. George tensed, but then nodded slowly. 

And that was how they fell asleep. Dream leaning against the tree, playing with George's hair, while George laid on his lap.

WC: 947

Much happier with this chapter y'all<3 

Also I have no clue if I said this before, but I will go through the story after it's done to edit all the typos out :)

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