Chapter 20

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"Techno you said my dad was dead!" Dream was distraught, his eyes flickering back and forth between his father and Techno.

"I know," Techno sighed.

"You showed me his grave!" George put his hand on the blonde boy's shoulder comfortingly.

"I know."

"You lied to me," Dream's voice broke.

"I know," Techno gazed sadly at him.

"How could you lie to the boy? He deserves to know his father," Malcolm flicked George away, wrapping his arm around Dream.

"Oh no you don't," Dream glared at him, pushing him off, "you wanted to kill me!"

"No, no, I would never," Malcolm's voice was soothing, reaching for his son.

"N-no..." Dream sobbed, and Malcolm went to put his arms around the boy, tossing Techno a triumphant look.

"Get your arms off of him," George was holding a sword threateningly at Malcolm, "now."

Malcolm, usually unnerved by almost anything, obeyed, a hint of fear piercing though him.

I'm afraid of a teenage boy? Please, Malcolm, grow up, he thought, shaking himself a bit.

"And who are you to tell me what to do?" Malcolm retorted, "he's my son."

"He may be your son, but where were you all these years? Tormenting villages? Making people's loved ones go into the Nether? You're greedy, you only want to regain Dream's trust to use him," George raised his chin, "Technoblade was a better father figure than you ever were. He cares for Dream, and he probably loves him like a son."

Malcolm was taken aback, his brother, who barely showed any real emotion, was a better father figure?

He could see how he would be an awful father figure, but how would Technoblade be better than him?

"Honestly, it kind of sounded like you gave him that scar, with the words you said," Sapnap spoke up.

Dream froze, "did... did you?"

"Of course I did," Malcolm had no emotion in his voice, "you were being nosy."

"Nosy?" Dream repeated.

"I- Okay, brown haired boy get that sword out of my face, you're not threatening," Malcolm waved him off, but George just got a dark look on his face, which made the king shiver.

George didn't budge though, and he sighed, "whatever then. Listen, I was planning something, and you... you told me that it was an awful plan. That I was heartless."

"So you scarred me?" Dream's was growing angry, "and made Techno take the blame?"

"Yeah," Malcolm shrugged, but then his eyes were soft, and his voice was sweet, "but I'd change things if I could go back in time. In fact, we can change things now. Let me be your father Dream."

"No... I... You were gonna kill me... And I can't just forgive you for that," Dream's voice broke. Malcolm's gaze hardened, "very well."

He knocked George back, snatching the boy's sword, he grabbed both George and Techno in a deadly grip, "now, which one do you care for more?"

Sapnap fought his way to the front, yelling and protesting, and the king snapped his fingers, "get them out of here!"

Soon the only four left in the room was Dream, Malcolm, Techno, and George.

Techno looked strangely calm, but George had panic in his eyes.

"You wouldn't," Dream tried to stay calm, but panic was sparking through him. Malcolm raised an eyebrow, "you don't know me."

"Dream?" Techno's voice was soft, "I need you to focus, you need to pick George."

George seemed to be struggling to stay calm, and his breaths came short and fast, his eyes flickering around, stopping when they settled on Dream.

"Oh how heroic Techno," Malcolm pressed the sword against his throat.

"Let George go," Dream muttered, and Malcolm smirked, "what was that?"

" I said," Dream growled, drawing his sword, "let George go."

Malcolm pushed the boy to the ground, and Dream helped him up, his sword still raised.

"You're right," Dream let the panicking boy lean on his shoulder, "I don't know you. But I do know Techno."


Technoblade kicked Malcolm's foot out from under him, knocking him to the ground, and snatching the sword from his grasp, and pointing it at his chest.

"Techno, come on, you know I was just joking," the man stammered, fear in his eyes, whether it was genuine though was unknown.

"Dream it's up to you," Techno didn't take his eyes off the king.

"Up to me?" Dream repeated.

"Yes, he may be my brother, but he's your father," Techno replied.

"He is not my father," Dream spat, holding George closer to him.

"W-wait we would make things right, I mean what do you want, uh... money? Fancy clothes? My... my kingdom..." Malcolm cringed at the last one.

"All I ever wanted from you was love! I thought you were dead," Dream glared at him.

"Well I could... give that to you?" Malcolm was reluctant. Love was a strange thing, especially if you hadn't felt it in a while. Not that he wanted to give it to his... "son" anyways.

"Thanks, but no thanks. Plenty of others showed me it when you didn't," the blonde's hands were trembling now, the sword unsteady in his hand.

"Oh yeah? Who? How do you even know what it is?" The man pushed Techno's sword away lightly, sitting up.

Techno glared at him and Malcolm just chuckled, "please, we all know you wouldn't kill me without the boy's permission."

"Oh just... shut up!" Dream hissed, "I couldn't care less if you were dead or alive. You've never been there for me."

"And these two have?" Malcolm's gaze flicked doubtfully between Techno and George.

"They have been," Dream glanced to George, "and whether you're dead or alive they'll continue to love me. So it's up to Techno. He's your brother."

"Kid, you don't want to leave me with that choice," Techno warned, "'cause if it was up to me, he'd be dead."

"Then kill him," Dream said simply, tugging George's arm, "we're out of here."

WC: 1011

lol it's almost been a month since I last updated this
sorry to keep y'all waiting

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