Chapter Three: A Memory Inside of a Dream

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"A new job, that's in the middle of this one in progress? Isn't this one for exwires?" Mephisto asked James who was drinking tea. "Yes it is, but we need your hand in this one." James added standing up, while handing Mephisto a file. "Why would you need me for getting a little child?" Mephisto said while taking the file. "That's because, you might be interested in her gift." James said walking out and waving one hand up. "C'mon let's go."

"Very well then." Mephisto said walking out with James.

They arrived at the house where over fifty exorcist were already there doing their job, as James asked for the status on the situation. The house was a three large story building with faded white and grey peeling paint on the walls. The windows were shattered, frail, had holes, and broken parts in them. Mephisto walked around to the back of the old, barren, white, and faded house when he noticed something under the steps.

"Hmm?" he mumbled kneeling down to where the opening was. He saw a little girl under the back porch steps, with Bright blue hair. Her hair had white highlights, and deep blue eyes that were staring back at him.

"Well you look scared little one. Do you have a name?" he asked as he held out his hand to her. The little girl took Mephisto's hand and ran out from under the back porch stairs. She gripped his hand tightly as she spoke a little.

"'re half..." Mephisto's eyes widened as she said that. "...You are... more good..." she said smiling up at him, as he started walking with her. The two walked around to the front when James noticed the girl.

"Mephisto is she the only one that's left?" James said walking up. "I found this one outside, so do we enter the house now." Mephisto asked as the girl squeezed his hand. "Is something wrong?" Mephisto said to her looking down. "Anna...hime..." she said looking up at him. "Annahime? Is that your name?" He asked her, and she nodded.

"Well then this little one's name is Annahime?" James said kneeling down to her. Annahime quickly hid behind Mephisto still gripping his hand. "Looks like she's taking a liking to you Sir Pheles." He said chuckling standing up.

"I assume you two are Sir James, and Sir Pheles?" a girl said walking to them. She was a slender tall woman with long slick blonde hair pulled back into a French braid. She had deep purple eyes and makeup on her face that made her look younger than she was. "That girl is needed to be taken by us Sir Pheles, if you don't mind." She said grabbing Annahime's wrist. Annahime started to tear up and struggle making the woman lose her grip. She then ran back clinging to Mephisto's leg pants.

"Might I ask who you are Miss?" Mephisto said patting Annahime's head softly. "My name is Miss Diana and that child comes with us." Diana said sharply.

"Well then, it looks like we have to come too as well." Mephisto said picking Annahime up. "Annahime it's alright. Do you have a name others call you?" He asked as she shook her head. "I think Annie sounds nice for you" He said with a slight smile.

"Annie?" Annahime said looking at Mephisto as James smiled at both of them. "Okay!" Annahime said hugging Mephisto around his neck.

"Don't get attached to a child." Diana said walking to the car as she opened the door. "Both of you get in." The car was an old volts wagon with a dark cream color for its paint.

"Well you don't have to be rude." Mephisto said getting into the car with Annahime. "So, where are we going?" James asked sitting back in the car. "We all are going to court to find out why they want this kid." Diana said pointing to Annahime sitting in between James and Mephisto.

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