Chapter Seven: The Next Day

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It was morning the next day as Rin was woken up by the sound of a door opening. "Yukio..." Rin mumbled rubbing his eyes, and then noticed he was in a hospital bed at True Cross Academy Hospital. "Wait how did I get here?" Rin asked himself as he looked around the room. He saw Annahime in the other hospital bed to the left of him, and that was on the other side of the room. He then realized, Mephisto was sitting in a chair by her bedside reading something.

"What is your deal with Anna?" Rin asked Mephisto, as he closed the book he was reading.

"If you did not know already I was her guardian for 11 years. I took care of her since she was a child." Mephisto replied while putting the book on the table beside Annahime's bed. Rin blinked "You raised Annahime? But she is nothing like you!" he said looking at Mephisto. "Yes I raised her, and raising a child does not mean they will be just like their guardian." Mephisto replied scolding him. "Why did you give her away then?" Rin asked him. Mephisto looked away and said in a low, saddened tone of voice. "They said she needed to be taken from my care because of one detail..."

Rin looked at Mephisto in shock, because he was always in a goofy, tricking, attitude. Then every time whenever Mephisto was talking about Annahime it was as if he cared for her, like a father would to his child.

"You care for Anna, don't you Mephisto?" Rin asked. "That's enough questions for one day." Mephisto said as Annahime opened her eyes. "Mph..." She said mumbling sitting up in the bed. "What happened?" She asked looking around the hospital room. "We got beat up I guess." Rin said to her. "Wait by..." She stopped in mid-sentence and looked down with a saddened face. Annahime looked up at Mephisto, "Mepphy...I remember everything..." she said sadly. "What happened after they took you away?" Mephisto asked her as her eyes where filling up with tears. " was never happy... never at all there..." She started then broke down crying. "All of those people...they...he..."

"Annahime." Mephisto said as she covered her face with her hands. He stood up and hugged her tightly. "...they all were killed...why..." She said crying, "...why..."

"There are some things even I do not know the answers to." Mephisto said in a clam voice.

It was afternoon, and Annahime had calmed down from her memories being returned to her. She was eating lunch still bed bound and so was Rin. She got done eating and looked out the window seeing birds fly by. Rin got up from the bed and waked over to Annahime, "So, what happened with you and Mephisto?" he asked her. "What happened? They just took me away and I have no clue why." She replied looking at him. "It was peaceful when he took me in, and I was actually happy." She started, "Then that horrid night happened and...."

"And what?" Rin asked as she gripped her side. Annahime looked up at Rin and replied in a sad tone. "The day when the Vatican found out that was half angel and half demon was living among them." Rin's eyes widened, "Half angel and demon? Who was it???" he asked her as she looked at the end of her bed where Mephisto was asleep in his dog form. "Wait Mephisto is..."

"Yes he is...its true he can be smart mouthed, weird, obsessive with anime, popping up at random times, goofy, and many other things, but I think that he is more good than people give him credit for." Annahime said to Rin looking at Mephisto. "He is stupid at times though, but it's just him." She said in a little happier tone of voice. "Why is that guy after you?" Rin asked her, "... I don't even know..." Annahime replied.

Annahime and Rin chatted for a while, as the day turned from afternoon to night they were still chatting as Yukio walked in. "Hey Yukio what's up?" Rin asked grinning at him. "We may have a problem." Yukio said as there was a crashing sound outside. "What was that?" Rin said standing up quickly. "Rin you stay here with Annahime. I will tell you two what happened later." Yukio said running out the room. "Wait what is it?" Annahime said getting out of bed and looking out the window. "Why is it dark at that one part of the street?" Rin said pointing to where it was. Annahime looked over, "He wouldn't do that!" Annahime said running out the room. "Hey!" Rin said following her, "What is that?" He asked as she ran down the steps to a door and got out the key from her pocket. "I have a feeling I needed to have this back for a while." She said putting the key in the keyhole and unlocking the door. "Wait, where are we going?" Rin asked her as she walked through the door. "You could say an old room." Annahime said walking into a room. "Whoa, what is this stuff?" Rin asked in amazement at the old clothes and artillery. She put on a grey cape and put the hood on over her head. Then she grabbed two Japanese swords and tossed a pendant to Rin. "That will come in handy. Hold on to it please." She said as she put an emblem pendant that snapped onto her cape.

"Let's go we don't have much time." Annahime said opening the window. "Don't have much time for what?" Rin asked as they climbed out onto the window onto the roof. "If we don't hurry then Carcer will want to destroy this whole place!" She replied jumping off the roof to another one.

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