Chapter Eight: Fight or Flight

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Rin and Annahime were running on the rooftops as they saw more than a dozen exorcists running to the scene where Carcer had destroyed a wall. "What are we going to do Annahime?" Rin asked her as she put many tiny pendants onto wall after wall. "You can control your flames right?" Annahime said jumping down into an ally that was beside the fighting. "Yes I can control them." Rin answered as Annahime explained the plan.

"Sir Pheles we need your assistance please!!!" One of the exorcists said franticly dodging a giant demon slashing its hand to the ground. "How on earth did all of these get passed my barriers?" Mephisto said walking up to the scene as Carcer appeared in front of him, "These are now of my control. Now then, where is she?" Carcer said. Mephisto pointed his umbrella at his face, "Well now you are a pest, and you will not find her here." He replied. Carcer grinned slyly as he vanished and came up behind Mephisto stabbing him in the neck with a needle, and then started laughing. "Knowing Widdle Annie she'll come soon." He said twirling the needle. Mephisto gripped his hand on his neck where he had been stabbed, "I think that is enough talk coming from you." he replied. He counted up to three in German snapping his fingers after it. Mephisto's eyes widened as he looked at Carcer, "What did...." He started then was pinned down to the ground. "How does it feel Mephisto?" Carcer said as the demon was grinding into Mephisto's back. "Hmm let me say it is wonderful!" Mephisto replied sarcastically. "You still are making sarcastic remarks as usual. Let's see how long that will last." He said snapping his fingers and the beast put his other hand on top of Mephisto.

Carcer walked away from the area, as a demon was slashed in two. He turned around to see Annahime with her sword unsheathed. Annahime kneeled down to where Mephisto was. "You okay Sir Pheles?" She asked as she helped him up. "Yes, I am fine now, thank you..." Mephisto replied then looked at her again. He sighed then said, "What do you think you're doing here?" Annahime put her hood a bit more over her face to only where her mouth could be seen, "Improvising of course!" she said jumping off and slashing other demons with one swing. Mephisto smiled slightly, "What am I to do with this child?" he said with a bit of laughter.

The exorcists where Yukio was as they were exorcizing demons of as well, "There's no end to them!" one exorcist said. "Keep Firing! We have to keep trying!?" Yukio said shooting them down. Rin jumped down from the roof beside Yukio slashing the other demon. "Hey you need a hand with these things?" Rin asked him as they both were fighting them off. "I thought I told you to not come! Do you ever listen to me?" Yukio replied while reloading one of his guns. "Nope not really," Rin slashed a demon's head clean off, "but there all going to be gone in a flash soon because of Anna's plan." He said putting s pendent on the wall and turning it sideways. "She has a plan to take out all of these? It better be good we are running out of time." Yukio said.

Annahime jumped up onto another roof and put the last pendant on the chimney. "That's the last of them." She said as Carcer stood behind her. "Well what are you doing up here?" he asked her as she turned around facing him. Annahime jumped down from the roof and started running. Carcer sighed, "She always runs away from everything." He said disappearing. Annahime noticed Rin and Yukio and waved her hand.

"RIN!!! YUKIO!!!" She yelled at them as the two brothers looked at her. "Hey!" Rin said as she was stopped by Carcer appearing in front of her. "Now now, let's not run away from this again." He said as Annahime backed away. "Who said anything about running?" She replied turning the pendant on her cloak and all the other pendants across the area lit up with a white pearl light.

"What is this?" Carcer said as they lights shot at all the demons eradicating them all. "Improvising, what else would I do?" she said as he fell to his knees.

"You take away ones abilities from the host. So you can have them under your control, for you to move them like a puppet." Annahime said as Rin and Yukio walked up. "Haha... you figured it out so easily...but I'm not through yet..." Carcer replied as he jumped up onto a roof and vanished. "Where did that man go!?" Rin said running up to her.

"We have a bigger problem now." Yukio said as the Paladin walked up to her.

"What is your name girl?" He asked.

"My name is Annahime Kimi Lyn." Annahime replied. "So, you're the one that the Vatican wants to see in court." He replied, "I am the Paladin; Author August Angel, you will have to come with me."

The Paladin had on a white exorcist uniform with wings on the back of it, and his long blonde hair was partly pulled back. He got out a key and walked to a door.

"Hold on a moment I need to cheek on s-"

"All of the people here are getting treated as we speak. Anna shall we go?" Mephisto said interrupting her. Annahime looked up at him, "Mephisto what did Carcer do?" Annahime asked. "It seems as though he disabled my ability to use my gift, but with your little "improvisation" everything is back to normal." Mephisto said as they all walked through the door.

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