Chapter Six: Truth Unravels

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Mephisto walked into his office the next morning to find Carcer sitting in one of the chairs. "Did you want to see me?" Mephisto asked him as Carcer stood up.

"Did you take little Annie down to memory lane?" Carcer said looking at Mephisto, with a dull expression. Mephisto paused then answered with a rude look. "Why take away Annie's memories?"

"You have become attached to a human haven't you Samuel?" Carcer chuckled as Mephisto looked away quickly. "Answer it." Carcer said holding up an old photo. Mephisto looked at him and then answered, "If you are so concerned of it why are you trying to fix it?"

"Simple you're a half breed He should have never given you this mission." Carcer scoffed, "Next time it will be more than just your wing." He said walking out. Mephisto gripped his shoulder, "Half breed huh?" he said looking out the window. "I had been meaning to ask, why He gave me this specific mission after losing my first bet." He said sitting down at his desk.

The day went by as afternoon came once again, as Annahime walked into cram school where Rin, Suguro, Konekomaru, and Shima were talking and messing around in the cram classroom. "Hey Annahime!" Rin said walking up to her. "Hey Rin. Wait Suguro your training to be an exorcist?" Annahime asked walking over with a Rin. "Yeah and I guess you are too now." Suguro said. "Yep, I guess you could say that." Annahime replied as she noticed Rin had a tail. "Rin is that a tail?" She said pointing. "Yeah it is. I'm uh, half demon." Rin replied as his tail wiggled. "Oh you are okay." She said sitting down.

"Wait you aren't freaked out by this?" Suguro asked her looking shocked.

"I don't know how to put it, but even though Rin is half he has more light in him than anything else." She said getting out her journal.

"Whoa how can you tell just by that?" Shima asked her sitting on the table besides her. "I don't know. I guess it's just my gift." She started and opened her journal and flipped through to find a new page. "What's that journal for?" Konekomaru asked her as Shiemi Moriyama walked in.

"Hi guys." Shiemi said walking over to them. "Hey Shiemi have you met Annahime yet?" Rin asked her. "No I haven't, my name's Shiemi. It's nice to meet you." Shiemi said smiling. "It's nice to meet you too." Annahime said as Yukio walked into the classroom. "Alright class let's get started." He said taking out supplies.

They all walked into the streets, "This is all of your assignments." Yukio said handing out papers to all of the exwires. "You will be put in groups of two and one group of three. Then go to your designated areas to find the shines and exterminate any demonic presence there. Once you are done you will go to the end point on the map where I will be. Good luck everyone." He walked away as they all opened up their papers and getting into their groups.

"Shima I'm with you and Izumo!" Konekomaru said running over to them. "Alright!" Shima said smiling wide. "I'm with you Suguro." Shiemi said walking over to Suguro. "Awesome wait then that means" Suguro looked at Annahime and Rin, "Annahime is stuck with Rin." He said with a sigh. "Hey what's wrong with Annahime being with me!?" Rin asked, "Nothing, just don't embarrass yourself around a girl." He replied heading off with Shiemi.

Shima, Konekomaru, and Izumo went off in the opposite direction of Shiemi and Suguro, as Rin and Annahime looked at where they were supposed to go. "So, we go to this old shrine? That seems easy enough." Annahime said walking up street stairs. "Okay so left or right at this place?" Rin asked Annahime who had the map.

"It says...neither." She replied as they walked up to two huge columned dark cream colored passes, with a symbol in the center of the wall. "What's this symbol?" Rin ask as Annahime walked up and put her hand on it. "I don't kn-...!" She paused in mid-sentence as her hand lit up the symbol into white wings and a cross in the center of it. The wall glowed with writings in latten and German as Annahime took her hand quickly off the wall. "Wha..." She mumbled as another rush of a memory came back to her. She held her head in pain as a door formed and opened. "Hey Anna you okay?" Rin asked putting his hand on her shoulder which made her snap back into focus. "Y-yeah I'm fine...I just remembered something." Annahime said looking up at the opened door. "Something isn't right about my memory when I came into Carcer's care...why do I have this bad feeling?" She thought to herself as Rin walked through the door. "Hey it's a field." Rin said as Annahime walked through. "A field? Where would the shrine be?" Annahime asked as they started walking through the field. "I don't know, but it looks like there's something up ahead." Rin replied, pointing at a black dark shape in the form of a building far off from them.

They walked up to what looked like an abandoned small town with a barbed wire fence all the way around it. "Hey I think this is the entrance." Rin said as Annahime looked up at the entrance gate. "Willkommen in der letzten Hoffnung. Why would an entrance to a town say that?" Annahime said. "What does that mean?" Rin asked as Annahime opened the creaky gate. "Well translated it would be: Welcome to the Last Hope." She replied as Rin carried his sword still in its sheath in his hand. Annahime stepped into the town along with Rin walking down the broken concrete road. They looked up to the end of the one way road to find a hospital. The hospital was broken and burnt with debris on the ground and a rotten smell coming from it. Annahime stepped back from it as one of the things she had remembered came to her mind. "Rin... we have to go now..." Annahime said in a frightful voice. Rin looked at her, "What's wrong? You sound scared of this place." He said as Annahime heard a familiar voice and turned around. "Aw, Widdle Annie remembers everything now doesn't she?" Carcer said holding up a little doll. "...Carcer why would you..." Annahime started as he ripped the doll in two. "Widdle Annie Wany that's what we called you here before that half-breed, James, and Father Fujimoto came and made us shut down this wonderful place." Carcer said looking straight at Annahime "You were the only one who just did not break. What drove you not to break for those four years?" He asked walking to her as she stepped back. "Was it because you finally had a "father"? Or was it you wanted a family?" He said smirking. "Hey leave her alone!" Rin said stepping in. "Shut up you half-breed don't flare up here with your short fuse." Carcer sneered, as Rin put Annahime behind his back. "Rin please don't..." Annahime said as Rin looked at her behind his back. "It's okay you'll be fine now." He said with a smile then turned his head back around to face Carcer. "Why do you want her? And how do you know my old man?" Rin asked looking at him with angry face. "You wouldn't understand half-breed. Not to worry you two will be where you belong soon enough." Carcer said holding up his hand as the bandages fell off of it. A hole appeared and the coal tars that surrounded his hand and flew out at Rin and Annahime. Rin's blue flames flared up "What the heck!?" Rin said as Annahime stepped beside him.

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ! 2nd Corinthians 10:5!" Annahime said, as she put her hands up crossing them.

Then a white light burst from her destroying all the coal tars. Carcer jumped and landed on top of a building, "Dang can still use that gift that God gave you..." he said fading into the building.

"Where did he go?" Rin said as Carcer punched him into the wall crashing, and grabbing Annahime and pinning her to the hospital entrance door.

"Tell me why do you fight?" He said as Annahime recited scripture propelling Carcer away.

"RIN!" She said in a scarce voice running to him.

Carcer made another burst of coal tarts come out of his hand as Annahime held Rin in her arms as he was unconscious. She turned around and was knocked in the head by one of them causing a cut to form on her face now dripping blood. She kept on reciting verse after verse but the coal tars kept swarming around her more and more cutting her skin until she was about to pass out. "Give up and I won't kill you." Carcer said aiming his hand for another blast at Annahime as Mephisto grabbed his wrist firmly. "You will NOT hurt my students any further!" Mephisto said kicking him away. "Well, haha... Annie knows everything that happened now...I wonder what choice she will make." Carcer said disappearing into the night. Mephisto turned around to Annahime who was still holding Rin in her arms. "...Samuel..." She said feeling dizzy and holding her head, as Mephisto kneeled down. "Don't worry help is coming for Rin and you, Annahime." He said patting his head as the medical team arrived. "Thanks..." Annahime barely said as she fell unconscious.

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